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History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family in England and America

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History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family in England and America


"In 1928, Clarence Pearsall published an immense history of the Pearsall family, tracing its ancestry back to the Viking era. The three volumes contain a wealth of information and have become the standard reference tool for genealogists researching the family.
However, serious questions have plagued the work since soon after its publication. A scathing article titled "The Fabulous Pearsalls" appeared in the October 1941 edition of The American Genealogist. Two New York genealogists commended the immense amount of effort the went into the work but then said: "It is on this account that it is all the more to be deeply regretted that we must charge ‘The History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family’ with containing in our opinion, some of the most erroneous and incompetent statements, some of the grossest misconstructions of family connections which have ever appeared in print." In closely examining a key ancestor, the alleged immigrant, Thomas Pearsall, the genealogists demonstrated many serious errors in interpretation and use of sources in both Virginia and New York."

Browers, Brian. (2006). "History of the Pearsall Family corrections and questions." The Old Homestead. link

Citation Example

<span id='Pearsall'></span> Pearsall, Clarence Eugene. ''[[Space:History_and_Genealogy_of_the_Pearsall_Family_in_England_and_America|History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family in England and America.]]'' (San Francisco: H. S. Crocker, 1928), 3 volumes

Footnote Example

<ref>[[#Pearsall|Pearsall]], Volume 1, Page 123</ref>

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