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History of Delaware County, N. Y.

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Location: Delaware County, New Yorkmap
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History of Delaware County, N. Y.

with illustrations, biographical sketches and portraits of some pioneers and prominent residents.

  • published by W.W. Munsell & Co., New York, 1880

Available online at these locations

Table of Contents

State History
Chapter I.
The American Aborigines—Characteristics and Customs of the Five Nations of New York
Chapter II.
Exploration and Settlement on the Atlantic Coast and the Hudson River
Chapter III.
The Dutch Regime in New York—Rival Claims of the English —The Latter Prevail
Chapter IV.
French and Indian Wars—Dissensions in the Colonial Government—Arrest and Execution of Leisler
Chapter V.
Count Frontenac's Campaigns-Piracy -Misgovernment of New York— French Frontier Posts
Chapter VI.
The Alleged Plot to Burn New York—French and Indian Hostilities—The Contest for the Ohio Valley
Chapter VII.
The Results of Four English Expeditions against the French— Montcalm’s Successful Campaigns
Chapter VIII.
Extinction of French Power in America—The New York Judiciary—The New Hampshire Grants
Chapter IX.
Approach of the Revolution—New York‘s Patriotic Attitude—The First Battle Fought in 1770
Chapter X.
Landing Tea Prevented—Congressional Action—The Battle of Lexington— Canada Invaded
Chapter XI.
Hostilities Transferred to New York—The Battle of Long Island—Burgoyne's Campaign
Chapter XII.
The Battle of Bennington—Failure of St. Leger's Movement—Burgoyne's Defeats and Surrender
Chapter XIII.
Clinton's Hudson River Campaign—France Recognizes the United States— Wars with the Indians
Chapter XIV.
Arnold's Treason—Close of the Revolution—Adoption of the Constitution-— Internal Improvements
Chapter XV.
Causes of the Last War with Great Britain—Expeditions against Canada— Border Hostilities
Chapter XVI.
The Erie Canal and Railway—The State Administration—New York in the Civil War
General County History
Chapter I.
The Lenapes and Tuscaroras-The First Inhabitants of Delaware County
Chapter II.
The Title to the Soil of Delaware County-Sketch of Patents and Patentees
Chapter III.
Delaware County in the Revolution - The Exploits and Sufferings of its People
Chapter IV.
Pioneer Experiences-Emigrating, Building and Clearing- Sociabilities - Wild Animals
Chapter V.
Pioneer Industries—First Schools and Teachers, Meetings and Preachers— The Public Health
Chapter II.
Civil History of Delaware County—Boundaries, Organization, Buildings and Officers
Chapter VII.
The Delaware County Militia—Their Participation in the War of 1812
Chapter VIII.
The Anti-Rent War—Its Causes, Incidents, Conclusion and Results
Chapter IX.
The Railroads entering Delaware County
Chapter X.
Religious. Medical, Agricultural and Temperance Organizations of Delaware County
Chapter XI.
Origin and Early Incidents of the Civil War—Patriotic Spirit in Delaware County
Chapter XII.
Company I, 72nd Infantry the first to leave Delaware County—History of the 71st
Chapter XIII.
Histories of Company E, 3d Cavalry, and the “Ellsworth" Regiment of Infantry
Chapter XIV.
Delaware County's Representation in the 8th New York Independent Battery
Chapter XV.
Histories of the 51st and 89th Regiments of New York Volunteer Infantry
Chapter XVI.
Delaware's Representation in the 101st —Severe Service of the Regiment in Virginia
Chapter XVII.
Record of the Delaware County Men composing the 144th Infantry
Chapter XVIII.
Gleanings from Town Records of the Volunteers in the War for the Union
Chapter XIX.
A Sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of Delaware County
Town And Village Histories
The Town Of Andes.
Description—Town Records—Early Settlers and their Experiences-Settlements since 1800—Mills and Tanneries—Inns, Distilleries, etc.—Prominent Localities—The Village of Andes—Corporations and Societies—The Bull —The Press—Schools—Professional Men—Early Postal Arrangements— Some Business Enterprises—The Churches of Andes—Biographical
The Town Of Bovina.
Organization—Town Records—Years and Years Ago—Characteristics of the Town— Post Stations and Postmasters- The Succession of Physicians - Trade Centers — Schools—Cemeteries—Church Histories — Biographical Sketches
The Town Of Colchester.
Incidents of the Revolution—Real Estate Divisions—Development after the Revolution—Religious History—Organisation and Civil History—Cemeteries-Local Antiquities-Downsvilie—Biographical
The Town of Davenport. Indian Traditions—Settlers and Pioneer Enterprise—Town Officers and Early Ordinances—The First Tavern and its Patrons—Water Power and Manufactories—The Church and the World—Local Congregational History—Societies—Educational—The Charlotte Valley News—Victims of the Civil War—A Storm-Stricken Locality—Fergusonville Academy— Population—Villages—Biographical Notices
The Town Of Delhi.
Organization and Name—Glimpses of Early Times-Settlement o! the Town —Interesting Reminiscences—Civil List—Schools and Districts—Cemeteries—Industrial and Commercial History—Agricultural and Mechanics' Society—Churches o! the Town—Corporate History of Delhi Village— Mails and Stage Lines—Hotels —Cemeteries-Stores, Manufactories and Banks—Physicians—Delhi Journalism-Churches of the Village—Delaware Academy—Fire Department—Water Company—Lodges—Biographies
The Town Of Franklin.
Description —The Wattles Family —The Edgertons—Daniel Root and his Journal-The Buell, Bowen and Ogden Families—The Case Settlement— Other Pioneers—The First Town Meetings--Supervisors and Town Clerks —Early Taverns—Development of Business and Professions—Turnpike Companies—First Institutions and Events—Noteworthy Incidents—The Militia—The Franklin Creamery—Franklin in the War of the Rebellion —Churches of the Town—Incorporation and Early History of Franklin Villages—Delaware Literary Institute—Postmasters— Present Business Interests—The Press—
Ouleout Valley Cemetery Association—Franklin Telegraph Line-Disastrous Fires—The Fire Department—Lodges and Churches of the Village—Croton—Biographical Notices
The Town Of Hamden.
Civil History-Settlers and Settlement—Incidents Grave and Gay—Burying Grounds—Roads and Bridges—School Districts—Business and Professional History—Hamden Village—De Lancy—North Hamden—Church Histories—Biographical
The Town Of Hancock.
The Delaware Branches and their Junction —Settlement by the Whites— The Fate of Canope—Adventures of the Russ and Johnston Families—The Preston Family—Lordville—Long Eddy and the Geer House—Partridge Island and its Pioneers—East Branch—Harvard—The French Settlement --Eminence—Cadocia Valley—Craryville—Political History and Statistics—Hancock Village—Biographical Notices.
The Town Of Harpersfield.
The Harper Family— The Harpersfield Land—Harpersfield before the Revolution—Events of the Revolution—Scenes of Notable Events—After the Revolution—Political History-History o! the Churches—Burial Grounds —Free Masons—Business Institutions—Resources and Present Business Interests-Statistics-Biographical
The Town Of Kortright.
Adventures with the Indians—Reminiscences of the Pioneers—Local Officers and Ordinances—The First—Cemeteries—Early Schools—Business Beginnings—Physicians—Noted Preachers of Past Times-Post-offices and Stage Lines - Bloomville — Prominent Citizens—Churches-Societies— Military Heroes—Biographical Notices
The Town Of Masonville.
Formation—Original Titles—Settlement—Noted Characters-Civil History and Statistics—The Village of Masonville—Biographical
The Town Of Meredith.
Early Settlements, Events and Institutions—Pioneer Adventures—Post- offices—Public Men-Militia-Meredith Fire Insurance Company--The Annexation—Meredith Square—Meredith Hollow—Facts from the Census-Brief Biographies
The Town Of Middletown.
Description—Pakatakan—In the Beginning—Original Proprietors of the Soil—Alter the Revolution—Formation and Records of the Town—Roads and Post-offices —Early Religious societies—Cemeteries — The Public Schools—Physicians—Mitldletown in the War of 1812—Anti-Rent Reminiscences—Clovesville— Griffin's Corners—Lumberville—Clark's Factory— New Kingston—Halcottsville--Kelley's Corners—Early History of Margaretville—Its Incorporation—Societies and Churches—Biographical
The Town Of Roxbury.
Pioneers—Early Officers and Official Acts—The Town Civil List-Original School Districts—Second Baptist Church-Roxbury Village— Moresville— Batavia Kill-Biographical Notices
The Town Of Sidney.
The Johnston Family—Other Pioneers-Civil History— Centennial Celebration—Church History—Biographical
The Town Of Stamford.
Matter from the Records—Indian Trails—Militia—U.P. Church—Fire Insurance Company—Township—Stamford Village—Its Early Inhabitants and Pioneer Institutions- Municipal History and Present Condition -Fire Department—Stamford Seminary— The Judson Circulating Library —The Press—Churches and Secret Societies—Hobart-Business History— Church and Lodge Histories—Biographical Sketches
The Town Of Tompkins.
Organization—First Inhabitants—The Whitaker Family—Other Pioneers— Triumphs of Tompkins Wolf Hunters—Statistics—Minor Villages—The “Cook-House"—The Men who built up Deposit—The Deposit Bank, Newspapers and Academy- Churches in Deposit—Biographical Notices
The Town Of Walton.
Civil Action—Settlement—Notable Residents—School Districts—Cemeteries—Churches—Business History of Walton Village—Newspapers and Schools—Water Works and Fire Department—Churches and Lodges- Biographical
The Town Of Halcott—Midland Sale and Reorganization—New York, Ontario and Western—Soldiers of 1812—Colchester Supervisors and Downsville M. E. Church—Delhi Masonic Societies— Biographical Sketches


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  • ''[[Space:History of Delaware County, N. Y.| History of Delaware County, N. Y.]]'' (Munsell, New York, 1880), [ Page ].
  • <ref>[[#History of Delaware County, N. Y.|History of Delaware County, N. Y.]]</ref>

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