Location: Kraski, Maciejowice, Garwolin, mazowieckie, Polen
Surname/tag: Sadurski, Sadurska, Czerwiński, Czerwińska, Siek
It seems that some of our ancestors (Sadurski, Sadurska, Czerwiński, Czerwińska, Siek) lived in Kraski, a village that church records annotate as Kraski, yet, on the geographical maps, both old and new, Kraski has many names such as Kraski, Kraski Nowe, Kraski Górne, Kraski Dolne, Kępa. It seems that over time Kraski became one of several neighbouring villages with names starting with "Kraski".
Until 1961, Kraski was an island village (villages) located on the bend of the changing Vistula river bed. After the flood embankments were built, Kaski permanently found itself in the Maciejowice region. There is still a strong connection with the Ryczywół parish.
This page aims to map name changes against the background of historical events and research the part of the family's history that is connected to the place. It means that the research may also extend to the region of Maciejowice.
KRASKI Kraski Górne, Pasternik, Kraski Dolne and Nowe Kraski have a very interesting history.
On February 12, 1409, King Władysław Jagiełło granted the town of Ryczywół the Magdeburg Law, giving it the villages of Wola Chodkowska, Wilczkowice and Kraski.
Kraski belonged to the Ryczywolski starosty - its first starosta (community elder) was Andrzej Ciołek from Ostrołęka nad Pilicą - the progenitor of the Maciejowski family from Maciejowice.
According to the "Lustration of the Ryczywolski Starosty (region) of 1625", Kraski was located on an island flowed by two branches of the Vistula. There was a customs house in Ryczywół, dishonest merchants avoided paying water duty by flowing along the branch between Kraski and Podłęże: "...but they took the Vistula half a mile before Ryczywół when the branch is not as large as the Vistula itself goes under the ground of His Lord's estate Leśniowolski... - so not a few ships escape through this way, passing the Ryczywolski customs..."
In the Lustration (population registration) of 1765, the townspeople of Ryczywół complain about wrongs: "... From our real lands as Zator Kępa, we named them as well as those belonging to us, and we did not free them from them. The peasants from Kraski feel sorry for the poor town that they are taking it from us and we are asking for it to be restored...
The survey from 1789 mentions "The village of Kraski, i.e. Kempa - this village originally settled in the mining area, 16 peasants were settling there, as the survey shows. The last survey found 9 of them. Now there are no. 24 of them..."
Father Franciszek Siarczyński in "Opis Powiatu Radomskiego" published in 1847
presents: "KĘPA or KRASKI to the Ryczywolski Starosty, 21 houses on sandy land with a small forest."
According to the description of the Ryczywół parish, in 1789 there were 104 Catholics living in Kraski, in 1857 375 Catholics and 6 Jews (karczma). Until the great flood in 1813, "Stary Ryczywół" was located right on the Vistula River, so Kraski and the church in Ryczywół were separated by a distance of 1 km.
We have more detailed information from 1882:
KRASKI GÓRNE – 21 wooden houses, 176 inhabitants, 492 acres of land;
PASTERNIK – 8 39 372;
KRASKI DOLNE – 21,153,249;
KRASKI – NOWA OSADA 15 133 212.
They belonged to the Świerże Górne commune, Kozienice poviat, Ryczywół parish.
The epoch-making date is December 31, 1961, when these towns were excluded from the Ryczywół cluster and included in the Podłęż cluster in the Garwolin district. After the flood embankment was built, they ceased to be island villages and permanently found themselves in the Maciejowice region. There is still a strong connection with the Ryczywola parish.
village head
CIEŚLAK Kazimierz /born 1775/ and his wife Magdalena née Bernaciak /born 1785/
they had children:
Konstancja /1788-1818/ – in 1816 she married Antoni Kondej from Dąbrowa,
Maryanna /born 1804/ in 1820 married Kacper Sadurski, sister of Kazimierz from Kraski,
Michał /born 1810/, Agata /born 1814/, Krzysztof /1817-1818/, Woyciech /born 1819/.
BERNACIAK Kazimierz /1772-1812/, wife Maryanna née Piechota /1780-/ son Jakub died 1816..
BERNACIAK Stanisław /1782-/ and Konstancja had a daughter, Ewa /1801-/ who married Dominik Sawicki in 1818.
BERNAT Antoni /1801-/, Brygida Kosobudzka, daughter Maryanna /1825-1827/
BERNAT Stanisław /1770-/ wife Konstancja /1760-1826/ née Ićkowska /1st husband Sadurski/
1 son and 3 daughters, son-in-law Dominik Sawicki /1788-/
Stanisław married Marianna in 1827 /born 1787-/ with d Sawicka, widow of Feliks Kosobudzki, died 1826
BIELANOWICZ Walęty /1798-/, Monika Franciszka Siek/1800-/ in house no. 5
daughter Małgorzata /1826-
CHOLEWA Sebastian /born 1755/ and Maryanna née Piechota /1757-1827/
Franciszka /born 1793/ in 1813 she married Wincenty Kalbarczyk from Oblin
Wojciech /1794- /, Kazimierz /1800-1824/, Jakub /1802-1819/,
CHOLEWA Wojciech /born 1791/ and Franciszka née Drewnik from Oblin /1792-/: Kraski no. 7
Agnieszka /1815-/, Józef /1821-1821/, Maryanna /1826-/
CHOLEWA Jan and Maryanna née Drewnik, their daughter:
Józefa /born 1808/ married Walenty Wiśniowski from Oblin in 1823.
CHOLEWA Antoni and Maryanna had a daughter:
Agnieszka /born 1793/ married Paweł Filipiak in 1817.
CZERWIŃSKI Paweł /1807-/, wife Józefa Siek /1808-/
daughter Urszula /born 1826-/
DYMIŃSKI Kacper /born 1782/ and wife Franciszka née Piechoty /born 1786/:
– Maryanna Katarzyna /1812-/ in 1826 she married Błażej Cytryniak /1807-/ from Podwierzbie, son of Józef Cytryniak and Rozalia Cholewa
– Maryanna /1814/,
– Małgorzata /1817/,
– Walenty /1817/,
– Stanisław /1825/
-Józef /1827-/
DECZKOWSKI Kacper – shoemaker, lived in Jan Cholewa's house
wife Elżbieta née Kondej /born 1797/, gave birth to Klara in 1821, Stanisław /born 1827-/
ESZKOWICZ Zachariasz /1784/ - Jewish innkeeper, wife Sara /1786/ née Kielmanowicz, in 1810 they had a daughter, Ester.
FILIPIAK Paweł /born 1796, son of Andrzej and Franciszka/ in 1817 he married Agnieszka Cholewa /born 1793/ they had children: Wawrzyniec /1817-1820/, Helena /1818/, Felicjanna /1819-1824/, Tekla /1824-1827 /, Jakub /1827-/
FLAK Jan /1782/ and Scholastica née Słomska /1790/:
Franciszka Antonina /1812-1814/, Monika /1814-1816/.
GLICA Szymon /1790/ and Zuzanna née Flak:
Katarzyna /1808-1811/, Agnieszka /1812/, Andrzej /1817/, Franciszka /1821/.
IĆKA Jędrzej /1755/ and Maryanna née Urbanowicz /1780/ had a son, Mikołaj, in 1811.
IĆKA Dominik /1787-/ and Ewa née Biernat /1798-/ had a son, Wincenty, in 1817.
IĆKA Sebastian /1777-/ in 1812 married Maryanna née Piechotaa (widow of Kazimierz Bernaciak/), they had children: Maryanna in 1813 and Jadwiga in 1818.
KALBARCZYK Wincenty /1793-/ and Franciszka née Poles /1797-/ had children:
Kacper /1819-1821/, Wincenty /1825-/
KALBARCZYK Wincenty /1782-/ and Helena née Cieślak /1904-/
son Józef /1826
KALBARCZYK Bartłomiej and Regina - their son Bartłomiej /1803-/ married in 1814 Monika Bienias, c. Krzysztof and Maryanna
KOMOSIŃSKI Mikołaj /1798-/, Marianna née Krasulska /1801-/ daughter Katarzyna /1827-/
KONDEJA Antoni /1792-/ and Rozalia née Cholewa /1805-/,
son Paweł born 1824.
KOSOBUCKI Feliks /1770-1826/, wife Maryanna née Sawicki /brother Dominik Sawicki /1788-/
they had a daughter, Brygida /born 1806/ in 1821 she married Antoni Biernat /1801-/
son August /1808-/ married in 1826 Marianna Dymińska /1808-/ from Kłoda, daughter of Jan /brother Kacper/ and Agnieszka Surmacka
KOWALCZYK Marek /1786-/ Krystyna Stefańska /1798-/ Kraski No. 1
son Ludwik /1826-/
KRASULSKI Kazimierz /born 1767/, wife of Scholastic, née Słomska /1785-/, they had children: Walenty /1810-/.Jakub /1814-1816/, Jan /1820-/
ŁUKASIK Bartłomiej /1780-/ and Katarzyna née Dwornik /1791-/:
Jędrzej /1810-/, Klara /1816-1816/, Małgorzata /1818-/, Rozalia /1822-/.
MIKUŁA Andrzej /1775-/ and Maryanna née Siek /1778-/ in 1813 they had a son, Wojciech
MOCH Jan /1777-/ and Konstancja née Cholewa,
their daughter, born in 1800, Magdalena, married Franciszek Piechota, sister of Adam and Barbara, in 1816
INFANTRY Florian and Urszula had Klara in 1801 - in 1816 she married Marcin Włodarczyk, sisters of Stefan and Elżbieta
INFANTRY Józef /1796- /brother of Franciszek, village head in 1826, wife Monika Wacławska /1805-/
-Mateusz /born 1826-/
INFANTRY Franciszek /1790- brother of Józef / and Magdanela née Moch
son Stanisław /1825-1826/
INFANTRY Marianna née Moch /1753-1827, son of Walenta /1787-/ and Franciszek /1886-/ /to Kacper Dymiński/
INFANTRY Adam and Barbara née Siek had: Ignacy /1800-1823/, Walenty /1786-/,
Franciszek /1793-/ married in 1816 Magdalena Moch, daughter of Jan Moch and Konstancja née Cholewa, Tomasz /1820-/ and Stanisław /1825-/ were born in his in-laws' house
POLE Jan and Maryanna had a son
Wincentrgo /1804-/, in 1824 he married Urszula Sadurska, c.Stanisława and Salomea, daughter Anna /1827-
RUTA Florian /1785-/ and Dorota née Samolaki /1780-/ had a son, Karol Ludwik /1811-/
RUTA Piotr /1765-/ and Maryanna Wójcik /1773-/ had Stanisław /1813/ Florian was a farmhand at Jan Cholewa's
SADURSKI Antoni /1795-/, Katarzyna née Biernat /1799-/
son Jan /1826-/
SADURSKI Walenty /1800-/, wife of Franciszek née Cieślak /1803-/, daughter Marianna /1827-1827/
SADURSKI Walenty /1758-1826/ and Rozalia née Kondej /1783-/ lived in house no. 18 and had children: Jędrzej /1810-1810/, Antoni Paweł /1812-1820/, Józef /1817-1820/, Błażej, Jadwiga, Maryanna /1821-/, Józefa /1825-/.
SADURSKI Stanisław /1781-/ and Salomea née Nawrocka /1790-/ Kraski no. 9, had children:
Urszula /1810- /in 1824 she married Wincenty Polak /1804-/
Marcin /1818-1821/, Józef /1821-1823/, Kazimierz /1824-/, Maryanna /1826/
SADURSKI Klemens /1776-/ and Barbara née Icka /1788-/:
Jakub /1813-/, Antoni /1816-/.
SADURSKI Klemens /1782-/ Dorota née Krulikowska / 1790-/ son Wojciech /1827-/
SADURSKI Mikołaj and Konstancja: daughter Ewa /1785-/ married Jakub Surmacki from Podwierzbie in 1813.
SAWICKI Piotr and Maryanna had a son
Dominik /1789-/ in 1810 he married Ewa Bernaciak /1801-/ c. Stanisław and Konstancja, in 1819 their daughter Konstancja was born, son Stanisław /1827-/
SIEK Jakub /1797-/, Marianna née Zaprzałek /1800-/ daughter Marianna /1827-/
SIEK Tomasz and Helena née Piechota, daughter of Józef /born 1807-/ in 1826 she married Paweł Czerwiński from Wola Chodkowska
SIEK Tomasz /1772-/ and Helena née Czyżków /1779-/
daughter Katarzyna /1810-/
SŁOMSKI Franciszek /1791-/, Katarzyna née Wydra /1796-/ Kraski no. 4
son Bartłomiej /1826-/
WŁODARCZYK Stefan and Elżbieta had a son, Marcin /1790-/ in 1816 he married Klara Piechota /1800-/ in 1824 Kazimierz was born.
WŁODARCZYK Marcin /1790-/, wife Klara née Piechota /1803-/ son Ludwik /827-1827/
WRZOSIŃSKI Walenty /1772-/ and Scholastica Śledziówna /1787-/ had children:
Maryanna /1812-1812/, Wojciech /1817-/, Salomea/ 1806-/ – in 1821 she married Jan Zaprzałek.
WRZOSIŃSKI Walenty /1772-/ and Scholastica Śledziówna /1787-/ had children:
Maryanna /1812-1812/, Wojciech /1817-/, Salomea/ 1806-/ – in 1821 she married Jan Zaprzałek.
WRZOSIŃSKI Wojciech /1774-/ and Tekla née Stasiak /1779-/ had Franciszka /1810-1810/ and Franciszka again /1811-/, Wojciech served as a farmhand for his cousin Walenty Wrzosiński in house no.
Zaprzałek Jan /1796-/, Salomea W /1805-/
daughter Anastazja /1826-1826/, Franciszek /1827-/
Pasternik and Nowe Kraski are not yet visible on the maps from 1830. 200 years ago, they were one village called KRASKI, also called Kraski Budy or Kraski Kępa.
Currently, the Krasek area is protected by a modernized flood embankment, but previously it was often destroyed by floods. 100 years ago, the Vistula, directing its current under the right bank, took part of the land on which Kraski Górne was located. The village moved north of Pasternik - where there are currently 21 houses /no. 1-20/
while 4 houses moved towards Podstolice /no. 21-24/.
Source: POWISLE MACIEJOWICKIE (nd.) website available at: https://powislemaciejowickie.wordpress.com/kraski/ Accessed: 17 Mar 2024
Memories: 3
Soon, in August 1813, the flood of the millennium occurred, finally ruining the town of Ryczywół - it was forced to move to a safe place - 2 kilometres west. There was a major change in the Vistula riverbed - the river created a new main riverbed following the former Łacha river between Świerże and Antoniówka, and right next to Ryczywół. The island "Kępa Ordynacka" is marked on the plan - today's Kępa Podwierzbiańska - then inhabited by the Hollanders also known as “Olenders” brought by Stanisław Ordynat Zamoyski. The author of the map - Józef Sadkowski, describes the methods of strengthening the river banks - some of which are still used today. Link to the map: [1]
The disputed areas (Wistki and Chrusty) were covered with riparian forests on the fertile Vistula alluvial soil. According to this document, 100 people from villages belonging to Zamoyski entered the land of the village of Kraski, cutting down 350 carts of wicker, building a ditch, a dike and lines - roads. In turn, people from Kraski and other villages near Ryczywół destroyed the ditch and the causeway. The forests around Kraski were under the Kozienice Forest District. Transcript of the document: Kraski, a document from 1819, a dispute over the boundaries between the government village of Kraski and the village of Budy Podłęskie.[1]
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The Treasury of His Lordship of Zamoyski, wanting to help many poor people of the agricultural profession, namely young boys whose parents or relatives are unable to provide a way of life on their own, established it at a considerable cost in the Maciejowickie Estate on the Podzamcze Farm, which is admitted to male youth from 12 to 20 years of age and predisposed to be good and decent rural farmers.
With the consent of the Kórniki Library, we are providing scans of the "Records of the Farm School in Podzamcze in Maciejowice in the JW Estate. "Count Ordynat Zamoyski, transcribed by Stefan Zaręba, who practised at the same School, on June 15, 1829."
Transkript in English and the digital copy of an original document are available at: [1]