Location: Wilkinson County, Georgia
Location: Wilkinson County, Georgia

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History of Wilkinson County, Georgia
- by Victor Davidson, 1889
- Published by the John Ball Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution
- Printed by The J.W. Burke Company, Macon, Georgia
- Source Example:
- ''[[Space:History of Wilkinson County, Georgia|History of Wilkinson County, Georgia]]'' (Davidson, Georgia, 1889)
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- <ref>[[#History of Wilkinson County, Georgia|History of Wilkinson County, Georgia]]: Page ??</ref>
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Table of Contents
Chapter Page I The Indian Era of Wilkinson County 13 II DeSoto's Visit to Wilkinson County 16 Wilkinson County's First War Expedition, 18 III Indian Tribes 20 Oconee, 20; The Muskogean Invasion, 22; The Uchees, 23 IV Old Trails 26 River Crossings and Ferries, 28; The Old Federal Trail, 28 V Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary Period 29 John Galphin's Famous Ride, 33 VI McGillivray's Victory at Rock Landing 35 VII Spanish and British Intrigues - The Fall of McGillivray 45 VIII Indian War Clouds Gathering 52 A Flood As an Ally, 55; Chickasaw War, 55; King Payne Makes Peace, 56 IX Expeditions Against the Indians 58 Benjamin Harrison, 59; The Chehaw Indians Defeat Major Brenton's Expedition, 60 X The Adams Insurrection 62 XI Clarke's Expedition Against Florida 72 XII Elijah Clarke's Republic 82 XIII Trans-Oconee Lands Laid Off in Districts 92 XIV The Harrison Massacre of the Uchees 97 XV Epau Haujo Finds the Remedy for Horse Stealing 103 XVI Trespassing on the Indiana Lands 107 The Lamar Insurrectin, 111 XVII The Treaty of Fort Wilkinson 112 Ceremonies of the Indians and Talks Delivered by Efau Haujo, The Mad Dog of the Tuckabaches Chief Speaker of the Creeks at the Treaty of Fort Wilkinson, 120 XVIII Dissatisfaction in Georgia 129 Unrest Among the Creeks, 129; The Ooseoocee Convention, 130 XIX The Development of the New Lands 133 The Rush of Settlers, 134; Attempts to Purchase More Lands, 136; Hawkins Treaty in 1804, 138; Treaty of Washington, 39; Wilkinson County Should Have Contained the Capital, 140; Fraudulent Speculators, 141; The First Wilkinson County Scandal, 142; Defense Against the Indians, 142 XX The Creation of a County Government 144 The First Court, 145; The Carving of Wilkinson into More Counties, 147; Wilkinson Changed to the Ocmulgee Circuit, 149 XXI Selecting the County Site 150 XXII The Militia Organized 157 Militia Districts, 159; The Militia Captains, 160; The Virginia and Carolina Settlers, 162 XXIII Early Churches 163 The Early Baptist Churches, 163; Early Methodism in Wilkinson, 165 XXIV The Schools of Wilkinson County 168 Early Development, 168; Mt. Etna, 168; The County Academy, 169; The First Brick School House, 171; The Poor Schools, 173; The "Deestrick" School, 175; Academies, 176; Black Creek--Liberty Hill--Mount Pleasant--Union Hill--Griffin District--High Hill--Turkey Creek--Lafayettte--Washington--Harrison--Cool Spring--Talmage Normal Institute, 177; The Origin of the Compulsory Education Law, 178; Early Teachers, 179 XXV War Preparations in Wilkiinson 181 The Building of the Hartford Road, 181; Wilkinson County's Part in the War of 1812, 182; Wilkinson County Threatened by the Indians, 184 XX XXVI The Post War Boom 194 XXVII The Building of Irwinton 197 XXVIII Politics, 1812 to 1860 200 The King-Troupe Senatorial Race of 1844, 201; Cumming-Carswell Senatorial Race, 202; The Wilkinson Resolution, 204; Slavery and Plantations in Wilkinson, 205; The Public Roads, 210 XXIX Important Events 213 Decrease in Population, 213; Early Post Offices, 213; The Great Fire of 1831--Early members of the Bar--LaFayette's Visit, 214; The Death of Lafayette, 215; Jesse Vaughn's Buried Jug of Gold, 216; James M. Smith, 216; Early Fruit Orchards, 216; The First Physician, 217. XXX The Central of Georgia Railroad 218 The Building of the Central of Georgia Railroad, 219; The Growth of Towns Along the Right-of-Way, 221; Wriley, Gordon XXXI War Clouds of 1860 223 XXXII The Wilkinson Militia at the Outbreak of the War 227 Co. F, 3rd Georgia--Organization of Company I, 231; Ramah Guards, 232; Company A, of the 49th Georgia, 234 XXXIII Companies D, I and K of the 57th Georgia Regiment 235 Vicksburg, 236 XXXIV Conditions in Wilkinson During the War 240 Scarcity of Salt, 241; The Smallpox Epidemic, 241; Value of Slaves, 245 XXXV With the Wilkinson County Companies in Virginia 249 Cedar Run--Second Manassas, 250; Chancellorsville, 252; Gettysburg, 253; In Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, Wilderness, 255; Spotsylvania XXXVI The War Reaches Wilkinson 258 Stoneman's Raiders, 258; Co. D 8th Ga. and Co. H, 2nd Ga., 258; Sherman's Burning of Irwinton, 262; Pillagig the Homes of Wilkinson, 265; When Big Sandy Swamp Was No Man's Land, 266; Battle at River Bridge, 267; Ball's Ferry Skirmish, 267; War Heroines of Wilkinson, 268 XXXVII The Escape of Bob Toombs 271 XXXVIII Reconstruction Days in Wilkinson 273 Arrest of Citizens, 275; The Klan's Last Meeting, 277; Prohibition in Wilkinson, 278; Newspapers, 279
Appendix Page . Appendix 281 . Treaty at Fort Wilkinson in 1802 283 . Wilkinson County - List of Officers 286 . Justices of the Inferior Court, 286; Tax Receivers, 287; Tax Collectors, 287; Surveyors, 287; Clerks of the Superior Court, 288; Coroners, 288; Sheriffs, 288; Clerks of the Inferior Court, 288; Treasurers, 289; Representatives, 289; Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, 289; County School Commissioners, 290; Ordinary--Senators, 290 . Records of Wills and Estates 291 . Wills--Records of Returns, 1820-1828, 1848-1853, 291; 1828-1838, 292; 1838-1848, 293; 1853-1858, 294; Estates, 1853-'58, 295; 1849-1853, 296; 1838-1848, 297; 1820-1828, 298 . Extracts from Marriage Records, 1819-1865 301 . Marriage Records Reversed, 355 . Celebration of Fourth of July at Irwinton, 1831 370 . Clippings from Ga. Journal, July 14, 1831, 370 . A Short History of the Ebenezer Association Taken from Regular File of Minutes by Wiley Shepherd 373 . Church Histories 380 . Mt. Nebo, 380; Ramah, 380; Liberty, 383; Mt. Olive, 383; Oakdale, 383; Toomsboro Baptist, 384; Walnut Creek, 384; Bethel, 384; Mt. Carmel, 384; Asbury, 384; New Providence, 385; Poplar Springs, 385; Old Chapel, 385; Old Hopewell, 385; The Irwinton Churches, 385; Red Level, 386; Union Methodist, 387; Toomsboro Christian, 387; Myrtle Springs, 387; Pleasant Plains, 388; Friendship, 389; The Toomsboro M.E., 389 . History of Towns in Wilkinson County: . Danville, 390; Allentown, 391; Gordon, 392 . Roster of the Wilkinson County Companies in the War Between the States 395 . Muster Roll of Co. I, 3rd Reg. Ga. Vol. Inf., 395; Co. F, 3rd Reg. Ga. Vol. Inf., 399; Ramah Guards, 403; Co. A, 49t Reg. Ga. Vol. Inf. Army of Northern Va., Wilkinson County, Wilkinson Invincibles, 406; Co. I, 57th Reg. Ga. Vol. Inf. Army of Tennessee, Laurens and Wilkinson County, Buckaloo Rifles, 411; Co. D, 57th Reg. Ga. Vol. Inf. 414; Co. K, 57th Reg. Ga. Vol. Inf. Army of Tennessee, 417; Co. H, 2nd Reg. 1st Brigade Ga. State Troops, Commanded by Co. R. L. Storey, 421; Co. D, 8th Reg. Ga. Militia, 422 . The Death of a Wilkinson County Soldier in Virginia 424 . Kirkpatrick's Trial 426
Genealogical Appendix Page . Genealogical Appendix 431 . The John Ball Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 433; John Ball, 434; Gordon Woman's Club, 435; Robert Toombs Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, 436; Wilkinson County Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, 437.
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