Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: thurber source
History of the John Thurber Family
- by Thurber, Charles Henry (1887–1974)
- Citation Example:
- <span id='CHThurber'></span>Thurber, Charles Henry. ''[[Space:History of the John Thurber Family|History of the John Thurber Family]]''
- Footnote Example:
- <ref>[[#CHThurber|Thurber]]: Volume M, Page 146</ref>
This immense work comprises fifteen volumes and an index. It is an unpublished, unverified work. One researcher includes the disclaimer: "This is the work of an amateur genealogist and contains much inaccurate and conflicting information and should not be accepted as fact without independent verification."
Microfilm 1307673 held at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. The film contains sixteen items -- the index and each of the fifteen volumes of the work.
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