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History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts

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Location: Hingham, Massachusetts, United Statesmap
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History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts

  • published by the Town of Hingham, in three volumes; 1893; 1982
  • reprinted, with Volumes II and III as one Volume, June, 1982 by the New England History Press; Somersworth, New Hampshire, 03878. ISBN 0-89725-029-X; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82-80017
  • Authors
Vol. I, pt. 1. Bouve, t. t. The geology of Hingham; Mineralogy; Notes on animal life; The botany of Hingham. Bouve E.T. Trees and shrubs of Hingham; Ancient landmarks. Long, J.D. Early settlers. Bouve, W.L. Military history --
Vol I, pt. 2. Lincoln, F.H. Ecclesiastical history; Education. Lincoln G. Manufactures and commerce. Hersey, E. Agriculture. Burr, F. Publications. Lincoln, F.H. Public conveyances; Fire department. Seymour C.W.S. Water works. Lincoln, F.H. Miscellaneous matters. Index --
Vol. II & III. Lincoln, G., comp. Hingham genealogies.
  • Hingham location:
  • up to 1776: Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay
  • 1776-1803: Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
  • 1803-present: Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
  • Source Example:
''[[Space:History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts|Hingham (Mass.) Thomas T Bouvé; Edward Tracy Bouvé; John Davis Long; Walter Lincoln Bouvé; Francis Henry Lincoln; George Lincoln; Edmund Hersey; Fearing Burr; Charles Winfield Scott Seymour; Hingham (Mass.). (1893). History of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts. Hingham: Pub. by the town.]]''
  • Inline Citation Example:
Note: Volume is expressed as I, II, or III (not 1, 2, or 3). Followed by a coma, space p.#(page no space page number).
<ref name=hingham>[[Space:History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts|Thomas T Bouvé; Edward Tracy Bouvé; John Davis Long; Walter Lincoln Bouvé; Francis Henry Lincoln; George Lincoln; Edmund Hersey; Fearing Burr; Charles Winfield Scott Seymour; Hingham (Mass.). (1893). History of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts. Hingham: Pub. by the town.]] Vol #, p.#</ref>
<ref name=hingham />

Available online at these locations:

  • All
  • Vol. 1, Part 1: Historical
  • Vol. 1, Part 2: Historical
  • Vol. 2: Genealogical, A - L
  • Vol. 3: Genealogical, L - Z

Table of Contents

  • V. 1, pt. 1. Historical.
  • V. 1, pt. 2 includes index to history, v. 1, pt. 1 and 2.
  • The geology of Hingham
  • Mineralogy
  • Notes on animal life
  • The botany of Hingham / Thomas T. Bouve
  • Trees and shrubs of Hingham
  • Ancient landmarks / Edward T. Bouve
  • Early settlers / John D. Long
  • Military history / Walter L. Bouve
  • v. 1, pt. 2. Historical.
  • Ecclesiastical history
  • Education / Francis H. Lincoln
  • Manufactures and commerce / George Lincoln
  • Agriculture / Edmund Hersey
  • Publications / Fearing Burr
  • Public conveyances
  • Fire department / Francis H. Lincoln
  • Water works / Charles W.S. Seymour
  • Public institutions
  • Lodges and societies / Francis H. Lincoln
  • Native and resident physicians / George Lincoln
  • Native and resident lawyers
  • Native ministers / Francis H. Lincoln
  • Burial grounds / George Lincoln
  • Miscellaneous matters / Francis H. Lincoln
  • V. 2. Hingham genealogies, A-L / (George Lincoln)
  • V. 3. Hingham genealogies, L-Z / George Lincoln.
  • V. 3 includes index to genealogies, v. 2 and 3.

Volume 2 Surnames (with starting page)

Name Page
Abbott 7
Adams 7
Adderton 8
Allen 8*
Anderson 9
Andrew 10
Andrews 10
Baker 13
Bacon 16
Bailey 16
Baldwin 19
Ballard 19
Bampton 20
Bangs 20
Bantlett 20
Barber 20
Barker 20
Barnard 23
Barnes 23
Barrell 33
Barry 33
Barstow 34
Bartlett 34
Barton 35
Bassett 35
Batcheldek 37
Bates 38
Bearse 44
Battles 51
Bayley 52
Baylies 53
Beal 53
Belcher 77
Bennet 77
Berry 78
Betscome 78
Bibby 79
Bicknell 79
Binney 80
Bisbee 82
Black 82
Blair 83
Blake 83
Briggs 83
Blany 85
Blossom 85
Bogle 86
Bond 86
Bosworth 86
Botting 87
Bourne 88
Bouve 88
Bowser 89
Bradford 90
Bramhall 90
Brassel 91
Breams 91
Breen 91
Brett 92
Brewer 93
Bronsdon 93
Brooks 94
Brown 94
Bryant 95
Buck 96
Buckland 96
Buckley 96
Buerly 96
Buker 97
Bull 97
Bullen 97
Burbank 97
Burdett 99
Burditt 99
Burns 100
Burr 100
Burrell 109
Burtenshaw 112
Burton 112
Butler 112
Buttimer 112
Cain 113
Caldwell 116
Campbell 117
Canterbury 117
Carnes 117
Carr 118
Carter 118
Carver 118
Caryl 119
Casey 119
Cazneau 120
Chaffee 121
Chamberlain 121*
Chessman 122
Chittenden 122
Chubbuck 122
Church 125
Churchill 126
Clapp 128
Clark 129
Cleverly 130
Cobb 131
Cockeril 134
Cockram 134
Coffey 134
Colby 135
Cole 135
Collamore 135
Collier 135
Collyer 136
Colson 136
Cook 136
Coomes 138
Cooper 138*
Corbett 138
Corcoran 139
Corthell 140
Coughlan 144
Cowell 144
Cowing 145
Cox 145
Craig 145
Crehan 145
Creswell 146
Croade 146
Crocker 147
Crosby 147
Cross 147
Crowe 147
Crowell 148
Cudworth 148
Curtis 148
Cutler 149
Cushing 150*
Dacey 185
Daggett 185
Daley 185
Damon 187
Daniels 188
Davis 189
Dawes 190
Dawson 191
Day 191
Dayton 192
Dean 192
Delargy 192
Dill 192
Dixon 193
Doane 194
Dolan 194
Donovan 194
Doughty 194
Douglass 195
Dower 195
Druce 195
Dunbar 195
Dunkin 205
Dunn 205
Dunning 206
Dwelley 207
Dyer 207
Eames 208
Easterbrook 208
Eaton 209
Edes 209
Eells 209
Egre 211
Eldredge 211
Enos 213
Ensign 213
Ewell 213
Ewer 214
Fanning 214
Farmer 214
Farrow 215
Fearing 217*
Fee 229
Finne (see Phinney)230
Fisher 230
Fiske 230
Fletcher 231
Flint 231
Foley 232
Folsom 232*
Ford 233
Foster 233
Fotler 234
Fowle 234
Franklin 234
Freeman 235
French 235
Frost 241
Fuller 241
Gammons 242
Gannett 242
Gardner 242
Gates 264*
Gay 264
Gibbons 266
Gilbert 267
Gilford 268
Gill 268
Gilman 274*
Gold 275
Good 275
Goold 275
Gordon 277
Gorman 278
Grafton 278
Graves 278
Greeley 279
Green 279
Greenleaf 279
Groce 279
Grover 282
Gunn 282
Hall 283
Halley 286
Hamlen 286
Hammond 286
Hann 287
Harden 288
Harding 289
Harlow 290
Harris 290
Hart 291
Harvey 291
Haskell 292
Hassell 292
Hatch 293
Hawes 294
Hawke 294*
Hayes 295
Hayward 295
Henderson 297
Hennessy 297
Hersey 298
Hichborn 327
Hickey 328
Higgins 329
Hill 331
Hilliard 331
Hillman 332
Hinckley 332
Hines 333
Hobart 334
Hodsden 350
Holbrook 350
Holden 350
Hollis 351
Holmes 351
Hooper 351
Hopkins 352
Horswell 352
Horton 352
Hough 352
Howard 353
Howe 355
Howes 356
Hudson 356
Huet 358
Hughs 359
Hull 360
Humphrey 360
Hunt 369
Hussey 370
Hutchings 370
Ibrook 371
Ings 371
Jacob 371
James 379*
Jenkins 381
Jennings 382
Jepson 382
Jermyn 382
Jernegan 383
Jewell 383
Johnson 384
Jones 386
Jordan 395
Josselyn 395
Joy 396
Joyce 400
Judkins 400
Keating 401
Keen 401
Keeshan 401
Kehoe 402
Kelsey 402
Kenerson 403
Kent 403
Kilborn 405
Kilby 405
Kimball 406
King 407
Kingman 407
Kittredge 409
Lahee 409
Lambert 410
Lane 410
Langlee 423
Lapham 423
Lasell 423
Lawrence 426
Lawson 427
Leary 427
Leavitt 428
Le Baron 439
Leagary 439
Leigh 439
Lemner 440
Lemon 440
Leonard 440
Lewis 440
Lincoln 448
Sergeant Daniel Lincoln 449
Samuel Lincoln 459*
Stephen Lincoln 476*

Volume 3 Surnames (with starting page)

Name Page
Thomas Lincoln “Cooper” 3*
Thomas Lincoln “Husband” 15*
Thomas Lincoln “Miller” 20*
Thomas Lincoln “Weaver” 21
Lisle 22
Litchfiled 22
Little 24
Lobdell 24
Long 25
Lord 26
Lorden 26
Loring 26
Lothrop 41
Loud 42
Lovell 43
Lovett 43
Lovis 43
Low 44
Ludkin 46
Lyford 47
Macvarlo 47
Magnor 48
Magoon 48
Maguire 49
Mahoney 49
Malbon 49
Mann 50
Manning 50
Mansfield 50
Manuel 52
Marble 53
Margetts 56
Marsh 56
Marshall 64
Martin 64
May 65
Mayhew 66
Mayo 66
McCarthy 66
McDermott 67
McDonough 67
McKee 67
McNeil 68
Mead 69
Means 69
Mears 70
Melcher 70
Merrick 70
Merritt 70
Meservey 71
Miller 71
Minard 71
Mitchell 72*
Moore 72*
Moorfield 72*
Morey 73
Morrissey 73
Morse 74
Morton 75
Mott 76
Mulford 76
Murphy 76
Murray 77
Muzzy 78
Nash 78
Neal 79
Nelson 79
Newcomb 81
Newhall 83
Nichols 83
Nickerson 91
Noonan 91
Norris 92
North 92
Norton 92
Noyes 94
Nudd 94
Nye 95
Oakes 97
O’Brien 97
O’Connell 97
Orcutt 98
Otis 101
Our 103
Ourish 103
Overson 104
Packard 104
Page 105
Palmer 105
Papley 106
Parker 106
Peakes 107
Peare 107
Peak 107
Peirce 108
Penfold 109
Penny 109
Perkins 109
Perry 110
Pettingill 110
Phillips 111
Phinney 111
Phippen 112
Picanco 112
Pike 113
Pittee 113
Pitts 113*
Podyer 114
Poole 114
Poor 114
Porter 115
Powers 115
Pratt 115
Price 119
Prichart 119
Prince 120
Prouty 120
Puffer 121
Pugsley 122
Pyne 122
Quincy 123
Quinn 123
Rafferty 123
Randall 123
Ray 123
Record 125
Reed 125
Remington 126
Ricard 129
Rice 129
Rich 130
Richards 130
Richardson 130
Riddle 131
Riley 131*
Ripley 131
Robbarts 138
Robbins 138
Roberts 139
Robinson 139
Rockett 140
Rogers 140
Rowe 141
Russell 141
Rust 142
Ryan 142
Sanborn 142
Sargent 142
Sayer 143*
Scully 143
Searle 143
Sears 144
Seymour 144
Sheffell 146
Sherman 146
Sherow 146
Shumway 146
Shute 146
Siders 149
Simmons 150
Sivret 151
Slack 151
Slader 151
Smith 152*
Snell 155
Soule 156
Souther 156
Southworth 162
Spalding 162
Spear 162
Spooner 163
Sprague 163
Spring 183
Stanton 184
Stearns 184
Steel 185
Stephenson 185
Stetson 189
Stevens 190
Stevenson 190
Stewart 191
Stockbridge 191
Stockwell 191
Stodder 191
Stowell 216
Stowers 224
Strange 224
Stratton 224
Strauss 224
Strong 225
Studley 225
Sturtevant 227
Sutton 227*
Swift 228
Sylvester 228
Taylor 228
Teague 229
Tewells 229
Thaxter 229
Thayer 239
Thomas 241
Thompson 243
Thorn 245
Tidmarsh 245
Tilden 245
Tinsley 247
Tirrell 247
Todd 247
Torrey 249
Totman 250
Tower 251
Townsend 267
Trask 268
Trowbridge 268
Tucker 268
Turner 270
Tuttle 271
Underwood 271
Vickery 272
Vinal 272
Vining 272
Vinton 272
Vogle 273
Wade 273
Wakefield 273
Wakely 273
Wall 273
Wallace 274
Walton 274
Ward 274
Ware 277
Warren 278
Waterman 278
Waters 280
Webb 283
Welch 283
West 284
Wheaton 284
Wheelwright 284
Whitcomb 285
White 287
Whitman 287
Whitmarsh 288
Whitney 288
Whiton 288
Wilcutt 310
Wilde 311
Wilder 311
Willard 329
Williams 329
Wilson 330
Winchester 330
Wing 331
Winslow 331
Winter 331
Wolfe 331
Woodcock 332
Woods 332
Woodward 332
Worrick 334
Wright 335
Young 335

* [[Category:Diligent, sailed June 1638]]

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