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Location: Hingham, Massachusetts, United States
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History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts
- published by the Town of Hingham, in three volumes; 1893; 1982
- reprinted, with Volumes II and III as one Volume, June, 1982 by the New England History Press; Somersworth, New Hampshire, 03878. ISBN 0-89725-029-X; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82-80017
- Authors
- Vol. I, pt. 1. Bouve, t. t. The geology of Hingham; Mineralogy; Notes on animal life; The botany of Hingham. Bouve E.T. Trees and shrubs of Hingham; Ancient landmarks. Long, J.D. Early settlers. Bouve, W.L. Military history --
- Vol I, pt. 2. Lincoln, F.H. Ecclesiastical history; Education. Lincoln G. Manufactures and commerce. Hersey, E. Agriculture. Burr, F. Publications. Lincoln, F.H. Public conveyances; Fire department. Seymour C.W.S. Water works. Lincoln, F.H. Miscellaneous matters. Index --
- Vol. II & III. Lincoln, G., comp. Hingham genealogies.
- Hingham location:
- up to 1776: Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay
- 1776-1803: Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
- 1803-present: Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
- Source Example:
- ''[[Space:History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts|Hingham (Mass.) Thomas T Bouvé; Edward Tracy Bouvé; John Davis Long; Walter Lincoln Bouvé; Francis Henry Lincoln; George Lincoln; Edmund Hersey; Fearing Burr; Charles Winfield Scott Seymour; Hingham (Mass.). (1893). History of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts. Hingham: Pub. by the town.]]''
- Inline Citation Example:
- Note: Volume is expressed as I, II, or III (not 1, 2, or 3). Followed by a coma, space p.#(page no space page number).
- <ref name=hingham>[[Space:History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts|Thomas T Bouvé; Edward Tracy Bouvé; John Davis Long; Walter Lincoln Bouvé; Francis Henry Lincoln; George Lincoln; Edmund Hersey; Fearing Burr; Charles Winfield Scott Seymour; Hingham (Mass.). (1893). History of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts. Hingham: Pub. by the town.]] Vol #, p.#</ref>
- <ref name=hingham />
Available online at these locations:
- All
- Vol. 1, Part 1: Historical
- Vol. 1, Part 2: Historical
- Vol. 2: Genealogical, A - L
- Vol. 3: Genealogical, L - Z
Table of Contents
- V. 1, pt. 1. Historical.
- V. 1, pt. 2 includes index to history, v. 1, pt. 1 and 2.
- The geology of Hingham
- Mineralogy
- Notes on animal life
- The botany of Hingham / Thomas T. Bouve
- Trees and shrubs of Hingham
- Ancient landmarks / Edward T. Bouve
- Early settlers / John D. Long
- Military history / Walter L. Bouve
- v. 1, pt. 2. Historical.
- Ecclesiastical history
- Education / Francis H. Lincoln
- Manufactures and commerce / George Lincoln
- Agriculture / Edmund Hersey
- Publications / Fearing Burr
- Public conveyances
- Fire department / Francis H. Lincoln
- Water works / Charles W.S. Seymour
- Public institutions
- Lodges and societies / Francis H. Lincoln
- Native and resident physicians / George Lincoln
- Native and resident lawyers
- Native ministers / Francis H. Lincoln
- Burial grounds / George Lincoln
- Miscellaneous matters / Francis H. Lincoln
- V. 2. Hingham genealogies, A-L / (George Lincoln)
- V. 3. Hingham genealogies, L-Z / George Lincoln.
- V. 3 includes index to genealogies, v. 2 and 3.
Volume 2 Surnames (with starting page)
Name | Page |
Abbott | 7 |
Adams | 7 |
Adderton | 8 |
Allen | 8* |
Anderson | 9 |
Andrew | 10 |
Andrews | 10 |
Baker | 13 |
Bacon | 16 |
Bailey | 16 |
Baldwin | 19 |
Ballard | 19 |
Bampton | 20 |
Bangs | 20 |
Bantlett | 20 |
Barber | 20 |
Barker | 20 |
Barnard | 23 |
Barnes | 23 |
Barrell | 33 |
Barry | 33 |
Barstow | 34 |
Bartlett | 34 |
Barton | 35 |
Bassett | 35 |
Batcheldek | 37 |
Bates | 38 |
Bearse | 44 |
Battles | 51 |
Bayley | 52 |
Baylies | 53 |
Beal | 53 |
Belcher | 77 |
Bennet | 77 |
Berry | 78 |
Betscome | 78 |
Bibby | 79 |
Bicknell | 79 |
Binney | 80 |
Bisbee | 82 |
Black | 82 |
Blair | 83 |
Blake | 83 |
Briggs | 83 |
Blany | 85 |
Blossom | 85 |
Bogle | 86 |
Bond | 86 |
Bosworth | 86 |
Botting | 87 |
Bourne | 88 |
Bouve | 88 |
Bowser | 89 |
Bradford | 90 |
Bramhall | 90 |
Brassel | 91 |
Breams | 91 |
Breen | 91 |
Brett | 92 |
Brewer | 93 |
Bronsdon | 93 |
Brooks | 94 |
Brown | 94 |
Bryant | 95 |
Buck | 96 |
Buckland | 96 |
Buckley | 96 |
Buerly | 96 |
Buker | 97 |
Bull | 97 |
Bullen | 97 |
Burbank | 97 |
Burdett | 99 |
Burditt | 99 |
Burns | 100 |
Burr | 100 |
Burrell | 109 |
Burtenshaw | 112 |
Burton | 112 |
Butler | 112 |
Buttimer | 112 |
Cain | 113 |
Caldwell | 116 |
Campbell | 117 |
Canterbury | 117 |
Carnes | 117 |
Carr | 118 |
Carter | 118 |
Carver | 118 |
Caryl | 119 |
Casey | 119 |
Cazneau | 120 |
Chaffee | 121 |
Chamberlain | 121* |
Chessman | 122 |
Chittenden | 122 |
Chubbuck | 122 |
Church | 125 |
Churchill | 126 |
Clapp | 128 |
Clark | 129 |
Cleverly | 130 |
Cobb | 131 |
Cockeril | 134 |
Cockram | 134 |
Coffey | 134 |
Colby | 135 |
Cole | 135 |
Collamore | 135 |
Collier | 135 |
Collyer | 136 |
Colson | 136 |
Cook | 136 |
Coomes | 138 |
Cooper | 138* |
Corbett | 138 |
Corcoran | 139 |
Corthell | 140 |
Coughlan | 144 |
Cowell | 144 |
Cowing | 145 |
Cox | 145 |
Craig | 145 |
Crehan | 145 |
Creswell | 146 |
Croade | 146 |
Crocker | 147 |
Crosby | 147 |
Cross | 147 |
Crowe | 147 |
Crowell | 148 |
Cudworth | 148 |
Curtis | 148 |
Cutler | 149 |
Cushing | 150* |
Dacey | 185 |
Daggett | 185 |
Daley | 185 |
Damon | 187 |
Daniels | 188 |
Davis | 189 |
Dawes | 190 |
Dawson | 191 |
Day | 191 |
Dayton | 192 |
Dean | 192 |
Delargy | 192 |
Dill | 192 |
Dixon | 193 |
Doane | 194 |
Dolan | 194 |
Donovan | 194 |
Doughty | 194 |
Douglass | 195 |
Dower | 195 |
Druce | 195 |
Dunbar | 195 |
Dunkin | 205 |
Dunn | 205 |
Dunning | 206 |
Dwelley | 207 |
Dyer | 207 |
Eames | 208 |
Easterbrook | 208 |
Eaton | 209 |
Edes | 209 |
Eells | 209 |
Egre | 211 |
Eldredge | 211 |
Enos | 213 |
Ensign | 213 |
Ewell | 213 |
Ewer | 214 |
Fanning | 214 |
Farmer | 214 |
Farrow | 215 |
Fearing | 217* |
Fee | 229 |
Finne (see Phinney) | 230 |
Fisher | 230 |
Fiske | 230 |
Fletcher | 231 |
Flint | 231 |
Foley | 232 |
Folsom | 232* |
Ford | 233 |
Foster | 233 |
Fotler | 234 |
Fowle | 234 |
Franklin | 234 |
Freeman | 235 |
French | 235 |
Frost | 241 |
Fuller | 241 |
Gammons | 242 |
Gannett | 242 |
Gardner | 242 |
Gates | 264* |
Gay | 264 |
Gibbons | 266 |
Gilbert | 267 |
Gilford | 268 |
Gill | 268 |
Gilman | 274* |
Gold | 275 |
Good | 275 |
Goold | 275 |
Gordon | 277 |
Gorman | 278 |
Grafton | 278 |
Graves | 278 |
Greeley | 279 |
Green | 279 |
Greenleaf | 279 |
Groce | 279 |
Grover | 282 |
Gunn | 282 |
Hall | 283 |
Halley | 286 |
Hamlen | 286 |
Hammond | 286 |
Hann | 287 |
Harden | 288 |
Harding | 289 |
Harlow | 290 |
Harris | 290 |
Hart | 291 |
Harvey | 291 |
Haskell | 292 |
Hassell | 292 |
Hatch | 293 |
Hawes | 294 |
Hawke | 294* |
Hayes | 295 |
Hayward | 295 |
Henderson | 297 |
Hennessy | 297 |
Hersey | 298 |
Hichborn | 327 |
Hickey | 328 |
Higgins | 329 |
Hill | 331 |
Hilliard | 331 |
Hillman | 332 |
Hinckley | 332 |
Hines | 333 |
Hobart | 334 |
Hodsden | 350 |
Holbrook | 350 |
Holden | 350 |
Hollis | 351 |
Holmes | 351 |
Hooper | 351 |
Hopkins | 352 |
Horswell | 352 |
Horton | 352 |
Hough | 352 |
Howard | 353 |
Howe | 355 |
Howes | 356 |
Hudson | 356 |
Huet | 358 |
Hughs | 359 |
Hull | 360 |
Humphrey | 360 |
Hunt | 369 |
Hussey | 370 |
Hutchings | 370 |
Ibrook | 371 |
Ings | 371 |
Jacob | 371 |
James | 379* |
Jenkins | 381 |
Jennings | 382 |
Jepson | 382 |
Jermyn | 382 |
Jernegan | 383 |
Jewell | 383 |
Johnson | 384 |
Jones | 386 |
Jordan | 395 |
Josselyn | 395 |
Joy | 396 |
Joyce | 400 |
Judkins | 400 |
Keating | 401 |
Keen | 401 |
Keeshan | 401 |
Kehoe | 402 |
Kelsey | 402 |
Kenerson | 403 |
Kent | 403 |
Kilborn | 405 |
Kilby | 405 |
Kimball | 406 |
King | 407 |
Kingman | 407 |
Kittredge | 409 |
Lahee | 409 |
Lambert | 410 |
Lane | 410 |
Langlee | 423 |
Lapham | 423 |
Lasell | 423 |
Lawrence | 426 |
Lawson | 427 |
Leary | 427 |
Leavitt | 428 |
Le Baron | 439 |
Leagary | 439 |
Leigh | 439 |
Lemner | 440 |
Lemon | 440 |
Leonard | 440 |
Lewis | 440 |
Lincoln | 448 |
Sergeant Daniel Lincoln | 449 |
Samuel Lincoln | 459* |
Stephen Lincoln | 476* |
Volume 3 Surnames (with starting page)
Name | Page |
Thomas Lincoln “Cooper” | 3* |
Thomas Lincoln “Husband” | 15* |
Thomas Lincoln “Miller” | 20* |
Thomas Lincoln “Weaver” | 21 |
Lisle | 22 |
Litchfiled | 22 |
Little | 24 |
Lobdell | 24 |
Long | 25 |
Lord | 26 |
Lorden | 26 |
Loring | 26 |
Lothrop | 41 |
Loud | 42 |
Lovell | 43 |
Lovett | 43 |
Lovis | 43 |
Low | 44 |
Ludkin | 46 |
Lyford | 47 |
Macvarlo | 47 |
Magnor | 48 |
Magoon | 48 |
Maguire | 49 |
Mahoney | 49 |
Malbon | 49 |
Mann | 50 |
Manning | 50 |
Mansfield | 50 |
Manuel | 52 |
Marble | 53 |
Margetts | 56 |
Marsh | 56 |
Marshall | 64 |
Martin | 64 |
May | 65 |
Mayhew | 66 |
Mayo | 66 |
McCarthy | 66 |
McDermott | 67 |
McDonough | 67 |
McKee | 67 |
McKenna | 68 |
McNeil | 68 |
Mead | 69 |
Means | 69 |
Mears | 70 |
Melcher | 70 |
Merrick | 70 |
Merritt | 70 |
Meservey | 71 |
Miller | 71 |
Minard | 71 |
Mitchell | 72* |
Moore | 72* |
Moorfield | 72* |
Morey | 73 |
Morrissey | 73 |
Morse | 74 |
Morton | 75 |
Mott | 76 |
Mulford | 76 |
Murphy | 76 |
Murray | 77 |
Muzzy | 78 |
Nash | 78 |
Neal | 79 |
Nelson | 79 |
Newcomb | 81 |
Newhall | 83 |
Nichols | 83 |
Nickerson | 91 |
Noonan | 91 |
Norris | 92 |
North | 92 |
Norton | 92 |
Noyes | 94 |
Nudd | 94 |
Nye | 95 |
Oakes | 97 |
O’Brien | 97 |
O’Connell | 97 |
Orcutt | 98 |
Otis | 101 |
Our | 103 |
Ourish | 103 |
Overson | 104 |
Packard | 104 |
Page | 105 |
Palmer | 105 |
Papley | 106 |
Parker | 106 |
Peakes | 107 |
Peare | 107 |
Peak | 107 |
Peirce | 108 |
Penfold | 109 |
Penny | 109 |
Perkins | 109 |
Perry | 110 |
Pettingill | 110 |
Phillips | 111 |
Phinney | 111 |
Phippen | 112 |
Picanco | 112 |
Pike | 113 |
Pittee | 113 |
Pitts | 113* |
Podyer | 114 |
Poole | 114 |
Poor | 114 |
Porter | 115 |
Powers | 115 |
Pratt | 115 |
Price | 119 |
Prichart | 119 |
Prince | 120 |
Prouty | 120 |
Puffer | 121 |
Pugsley | 122 |
Pyne | 122 |
Quincy | 123 |
Quinn | 123 |
Rafferty | 123 |
Randall | 123 |
Ray | 123 |
Record | 125 |
Reed | 125 |
Remington | 126 |
Ricard | 129 |
Rice | 129 |
Rich | 130 |
Richards | 130 |
Richardson | 130 |
Riddle | 131 |
Riley | 131* |
Ripley | 131 |
Robbarts | 138 |
Robbins | 138 |
Roberts | 139 |
Robinson | 139 |
Rockett | 140 |
Rogers | 140 |
Rowe | 141 |
Russell | 141 |
Rust | 142 |
Ryan | 142 |
Sanborn | 142 |
Sargent | 142 |
Sayer | 143* |
Scully | 143 |
Searle | 143 |
Sears | 144 |
Seymour | 144 |
Sheffell | 146 |
Sherman | 146 |
Sherow | 146 |
Shumway | 146 |
Shute | 146 |
Siders | 149 |
Simmons | 150 |
Sivret | 151 |
Slack | 151 |
Slader | 151 |
Smith | 152* |
Snell | 155 |
Soule | 156 |
Souther | 156 |
Southworth | 162 |
Spalding | 162 |
Spear | 162 |
Spooner | 163 |
Sprague | 163 |
Spring | 183 |
Stanton | 184 |
Stearns | 184 |
Steel | 185 |
Stephenson | 185 |
Stetson | 189 |
Stevens | 190 |
Stevenson | 190 |
Stewart | 191 |
Stockbridge | 191 |
Stockwell | 191 |
Stodder | 191 |
Stowell | 216 |
Stowers | 224 |
Strange | 224 |
Stratton | 224 |
Strauss | 224 |
Strong | 225 |
Studley | 225 |
Sturtevant | 227 |
Sutton | 227* |
Swift | 228 |
Sylvester | 228 |
Taylor | 228 |
Teague | 229 |
Tewells | 229 |
Thaxter | 229 |
Thayer | 239 |
Thomas | 241 |
Thompson | 243 |
Thorn | 245 |
Tidmarsh | 245 |
Tilden | 245 |
Tinsley | 247 |
Tirrell | 247 |
Todd | 247 |
Torrey | 249 |
Totman | 250 |
Tower | 251 |
Townsend | 267 |
Trask | 268 |
Trowbridge | 268 |
Tucker | 268 |
Turner | 270 |
Tuttle | 271 |
Underwood | 271 |
Vickery | 272 |
Vinal | 272 |
Vining | 272 |
Vinton | 272 |
Vogle | 273 |
Wade | 273 |
Wakefield | 273 |
Wakely | 273 |
Wall | 273 |
Wallace | 274 |
Walton | 274 |
Ward | 274 |
Ware | 277 |
Warren | 278 |
Waterman | 278 |
Waters | 280 |
Webb | 283 |
Welch | 283 |
West | 284 |
Wheaton | 284 |
Wheelwright | 284 |
Whitcomb | 285 |
White | 287 |
Whitman | 287 |
Whitmarsh | 288 |
Whitney | 288 |
Whiton | 288 |
Wilcutt | 310 |
Wilde | 311 |
Wilder | 311 |
Willard | 329 |
Williams | 329 |
Wilson | 330 |
Winchester | 330 |
Wing | 331 |
Winslow | 331 |
Winter | 331 |
Wolfe | 331 |
Woodcock | 332 |
Woods | 332 |
Woodward | 332 |
Worrick | 334 |
Wright | 335 |
Young | 335 |
* [[Category:Diligent, sailed June 1638]]
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