History of the Town of Livermore, Androscoggin County Maine; From Its Inception in 1735 and Its Grant of Land in 1772 to Its Organization in 1795 Up to the Present Time 1928
Location: Livermore, Maine

Surnames/tags: Maine Livermore
History of the Town of Livermore, Androscoggin County Maine; From Its Inception in 1735 and Its Grant of Land in 1772 to Its Organization in 1795 Up to the Present Time 1928
- by Ira Thompson Monroe
- published by the author (Lewiston Journal Printshop), Lewiston, Maine, 1928
- Source Example:
- <span id='Monroe'></span>Monroe, Ira Thompson. ''[[Space:History of the Town of Livermore, Androscoggin County Maine; From Its Inception in 1735 and Its Grant of Land in 1772 to Its Organization in 1795 Up to the Present Time 1928]]'' (The Author, Lewiston, Maine, 1928)
- Inline Citation Example:
- <ref>[[#Monroe|Monroe]]: Page 134</ref>
Available online at these locations:
Livermore was first settled beginning in 1779 and incorporated in 1795. The large-scale immigration to the town, primarily from Massachusetts, occurred between about 1780 and 1810. The extant vital records of Livermore have a gap in the list of births for many families starting after January 1812. This book fills in many of those gaps for families whose descendants remained in Livermore until the late 19th Century and who were known personally to the author, Ira Thompson Monroe. Monroe cites no sources other than an early book of marriage intentions, but it is clear that his sources included private records of many families, as well as his personal recollections and inscriptions on gravestones. Comparisons to other records, where available, show that Monroe is highly reliable in his documentation of relationships, although in some cases his dates are off by a few years. (Bloom-1124 11:53, 15 February 2020 (UTC))
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