
Hobby Images and Stickers

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: images illustrations stickers
Profile manager: Laura Ward private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 204 times.

These images and stickers are for hobbies, interests, pastimes, and amateur activities rather than occupations. There are many occupation stickers and images on WikiTree. There are few for hobbies, so this page was created to provide these illustrations and stickers for use on the profiles of our ancestors who had interests outside of work and child-rearing.

The best practice is to document a source in the profile, even if it is personal knowledge, to explain the use of a hobby image/sticker.

NOTE: Any image uploaded here must be copyright-free or in the public domain. Explain the image source in the comments when uploading. Otherwise, the image will be removed. Just because an image is on Wikipedia or Internet does not mean it is copyright-free or can be used without attribution. A good place to find copyright-free images and those that can be used without attribution is on Wikimedia Commons.
To use the stickers below, copy everything in the curly brackets, including the brackets. Paste it on the profile. Then edit the words in the text section. You can change text; it doesn't have to say "was a" but you can use anything you want such as "built race cars for over 30 years" and so on.

Hobby (Generic) 'Use this generic sticker if you cannot find a suitable image. Fill in the blank with the hobby or hobbies, and change anything after "text=" as you see fit.

... was a ____.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-1.png |text=was a ____. }} This will result in this sticker:



Metal Work / Metal Art / Blacksmithing

... enjoyed working in metal arts.
  • {{Occupation |image=Occupation_Image_Capture-96.jpg |text=enjoyed working in metal arts. }} This will result in this sticker:


Genealogist / Family Historian / Wikitreer

... enjoyed genealogy and family history.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-4.png |text=enjoyed genealogy and family history. }} 'This will result in this sticker:


Fiddler / Violinist

... was a Fiddler.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers.png |text=was a Fiddler. }} This will result in this sticker:

Sport and Outdoor

Baseball / Softball

... enjoyed playing baseball / softball.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-3.png |text=enjoyed playing baseball / softball. }} This will result in this sticker:


... enjoyed playing basketball.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-2.png |text=enjoyed playing basketball. }} This will result in this sticker:


... enjoyed bowling.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-7.png |text=enjoyed bowling. }} This will result in this sticker:


... enjoyed fishing.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers.jpg |text=enjoyed fishing. }} This will result in this sticker:


... enjoyed golf.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-9.png |text=enjoyed golf. }} This will result in this sticker:

Horse Related - Equestrian, Horsewoman, Rider, Trainer, etc.

... was an equestrian.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-1.jpg |text=was an equestrian. }} This will result in this sticker:

Crafts, Sewing

Needlework - Sewing, Quilting, Embroidery, Knitting, Crocheting, Making Clothing, etc.

... enjoyed Needlework.
  • {{Occupation |image=Hobby_Images_and_Stickers-2.jpg |text=enjoyed Needlework.. }} This will result in this sticker:

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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