Location: Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland

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1651 The Dance
In 1651, John Playford (1623- ) published the tune for a country dance called Hockley in the Hole The tune for the dance may be found here.
1700 The Dive
The name ""Hockley-in-the-Hole" also became attached to a location of Clerkenwell in central London. At this location bull-baiting and bear-baiting and similar activities took place in the 17th century and 18th century. The location was roughly where the Ray Street Bridge stands today, north of the junction of Clerkenwell Road and Farringdon Road in central London. This "Hockley-in-the-Hole" included a Beargarden and was located where the Coach pub is today, at the junction of Back Hill and Ray Street, north of the junction of Clerkenwell Road and Farringdon Road. [1]
"This place was formerly one of those infamous localities only equalled by Tothill Fields, at Westminster, and Saffron Hill, in the valley of the Fleet. It was the resort of thieves, highwaymen, and bullbaiters. Its site was marked by Ray Street, itself almost demolished by the Clerkenwell improvements of 1856–7. The ill-omened name of Hockleyin-the-Hole seems to have been derived from the frequent overflows of the Fleet. Hockley, in Saxon, says Camden, means a "muddy field:" there is a Hockley-in-the-Hole in Bedfordshire; and Fielding makes that terrible thief-taker, Jonathan Wild, son of a lady who lived in Scragg Hollow, Hockleyin-the-Hole. In 1756 this wretched locality was narrow, and surrounded by ruinous houses, but the road was soon after widened, raised, and drained. In 1855 the navvies came upon an old pavement near Ray Street, and oak piles, black and slimy, the site of a City mill." [2]
Province of Maryland Land Grants
1664 Hockley in the Hole, Middle River Hundred, Anne Arundel County
Wikipedia. Hockley in the Hole Accessed August 12, 2017. jhd < Historical Marker: Hockley in the Hole Historical Site: Hockley in the Hole derived from original survey for Edward Dorsey in 1650,, which was taken up by his three sons in 1664. Current location in Patapsco State Park, 5925 River Road, Elkridge [http://msa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/stagsere/se1/se5/015000/015900/015958/pdf/msa_se5_15958.pdf Historical Site Description.
Highway Marker Data Base https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=2906
- 30. In 1664 3 sons of Edward Dorsey, Immigrant took up and patented t4heir father's survey of Hockley in the Hole. Col Edward Dorsey, Joshua Dorsye & Honorable John Dorsey
- 56. HITH 400 acres. 1683 resurveyed for John and found it ocntained 843 ares.
- 59. Joshua of Hockley -- 1681 deeded interest to John
Hockley in the Hole, Elkridge, Howard District
Howard County Hockley -- Elkridge https://data.howardcountymd.gov/scannedpdf/Historic_Sites/HO-387.pdf
Hockley-in-the-Hole (Howard County)
Historically its name is dewrived from Hockledy-in-the-Hole in Anne Arundel County whicch was the original survey of Edward Dorsey, the immigrant of 1650. Edward's three sons took up this early surey in Anne Arundel Cont4y in 1664, patented it and made it the seat of the Dorsey family who later settled Howard County.
Caleb Dorsey, the builder of "Belmont" in Howard County was a dsirect descendant of Edward Dorsey.
Hockley in the Hole of Howard County is presently located in the Patapsco State Park on the west side of River road, once knownas Hockley Mill Road. It is located on a hillside above the Patapsco River and sheltered by the hill on its west eevation. It is adjacent to both the former Hockley grist mill and the Avalon iron works as well as within easy reach of Belmont and rockburn. Very little is known of its early history.
Research Notes
References in Warfield
- 61. Hon John of Hockley -- m Plesance Ely
- 62. Caleb Dorsey of Hockley -- is there 1686 m. Elinor Warfield
- 63 New Hdkley
- 65 richard Dorey of Hockley
- 66
- 79 neighbor
- 99 John Hall m. eleanor Dorsesy of Hockley
- 102 Elizabeth Beale m. Richard dorsey of Hockley
- 153 Worthingtons bordered on Hockley
- 161 Captain Norwood & Edward Dorsey, gentleman, took up lands together on the Severn, 1650.
- 338
- 339
- 346
- 390
- 393
- 467
- ↑ Wikipedia:Hockley-in-the-Hole Accessed 12 September 2023
- ↑ British History Online Accessed 12 September 2023 jhd
Bibliography of Frequently Cited Works
- Marshall, Mike. Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties. Profile for John Dorsey Accessed 12 August, 2017 and 12 April 2023 jhd
- Warfield, J. D. The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Count4ies, Maryland: A Genealogical and Biographical Review from wills, deeds and church rewcords. Baltimore: Kohn & Pollock, 1905 Reprinted Baltimore: Regional Publishing Company, 1973 </ref>
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