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Hodges in Grainger County, Tennessee

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Location: Grainger County, Tennessee, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 807 times.
This is part of the Hodges One Name Study (ONS) run by Greta Moody. Any profiles listed here should have the Hodges ONS Sticker: {{One Name Study|name=Hodges}} which looks like this:
This profile is part of the Hodges Name Study.

Person # Gen # Name Born 1810 Census 1820 Census 1830 Census 1840 Census Child of
11Ambrose Hodges1750Yes------
21?John Hodgesbef 1764YesYesɫɫ----
32Moses Hodges1779Yes--ɫɫ----Ambrose
42Jesse Hodges1781-90YesYesɫɫ(40-49)d 1838
5a2James Hodges Sr. ~1761YesNo?----
52James Hodges1781-90YesYesɫɫ(40-49)(50-59) James Sr.
62Eli Hodges1785--YesɫɫYesd 1838
72Catherine (Hodges)
82Rebecca (Unknown) Hodges~1775----(50-59)??Sp of John Hodges
92Philip Hodges1782----ɫɫ(30-39)??(50-59)
102William Hodges~1785----ɫɫ(40-49)(50-59)
112Frazier Hodges~1795----(30-39)??John Hodges ??
122Rachel Hodges~1795----(30-39)(40-49)
132Edmond Hodges~1795----(30-39)??Bartholomew
143William Hodges~1801----(20-29)(40-49)Jesse Hodges
153Samuel C Hodges~1813----(15-19)?? John?
16SNelly Hodges1815------(20-29)Sp of Bartholomew
17SAnn Hodges~1785------(50-59)Sp of Jesse
18SElizabeth Hodges~1783------(50-59)Sp of Eli
192Edward Hodges1783------(30-39) Jesse Hodges
203Thomas J Hodges1813------(20-29)Moses Hodges
213James Hodges~1815------(20-29)Jamesɫ
223John M. Hodges~1815------(20-29)Eli Hodges
S=Spouse (not a Hodges by birth)
ɫ Unless John had a son James this can only be the son of James
ɫɫ These men were on the 1826 tax list in Grainger


Boundary & Naming Changes of Grainger County

  • 1783: Greene County was formed from the original Washington County, North Carolina (called the Nolichucky Settlement from 1770's until 1783)
  • 1780's: The land for Hawkins County, North Carolina was given to William Armstrong as a land grant.
  • 1787: Armstrong's landholding was established as Hawkin's County, North Carolina
  • 1792: Knox County, North Carolina was created from parts of Greene and Hawkins counties in North Carolina
  • 1796: Grainger County was formed from Knox and Hawkins Counties (land that was North Carolina until 1796)
  • 1796: Tennessee became a state
  • 1801: Land was taken from Grainger County when Anderson and Claiborne were created
  • 1850: Additional land was taken from Grainger County for Union County
  • 1870: Another slice of land was taken from Grainger County for Hamblen County

Early Hodges in Tennessee

  1. Edmund Hodges of Obion County: Private, North Carolina Line, $50.00 Annual Allowance $150.00 Amount Received November 19 1833 Pension Started Age 79 (1835 TN Pension Roll)
  2. Willis Hodges of Smith County: Private, North Carolina Line, $70.00 Annual Allowance $210.00 Amount Received August 14 1833 Pension Started Age 87 (1835 TN Pension Roll)
Notice these are not Grainger County Hodges.

1797 Tax Lists

  1. (David Hodgson)

1799 Tax Lists

  1. James Hodges p. 2
  2. Moses Hodges p. 26
  3. Ambrose Hodges p. 26

1810 Tax Lists

In 1809 the only Hodge(s) listed in Grainger County (on the tax list) was Moses Hodges who returned the list to Captain William Mayses Company of Militia. By 1810 Jesse Hodges, James Hodges, Welcome and Eli Hodges were also present. This would make them born before 1790 as they taxed land and property owners. (Was Welcome "William Welcome"? [Yes] Which Welcome or William Welcome is this?). Rebecca (Hodges) Redus was also in Grainger County in 1800-1805 and removed to Alabama before 1810. Her parents are currently unknown.
  • In 1805, in the tax lists for the county, there were more than the Hodges listed above. (Started in August of 1805 and finalized on the 13th of September 1805).[1]
    • p. 1 James Hodges
    • p. 2 Luther Hodges (who is this?)
    • p. 2 James Hodges
    • p. 5 John Hodges
    • p. 10 John Hodge Jr, John Hodge,
    • p. 11 Ambrose Hodge, Moses Hodges, James Hodges, Welcom Hodges, John Hodges Jr.

Hodges in Grainger County in 1820

  • There were several Hodges in Grainger County in 1810 (Moses, John Hodges, Jesse, James and Ambrose). Some of them may be the Hodges that appeared in Claiborne County (and other counties taken from Grainger) in the 1830 and 1840 census records. These may have all come from the same progenitor. In 1820 John and James were the only two of those Hodges found in the Grainger records. Edmond and Eli were new while Moses, Jesse and Ambrose were gone. The actual records may need to be examined to see if they were transcribed incorrectly.
    • Edmond Hodges: No land, 1 pole, No lots, No horses
    • John Hodges: Land 150, 0 poles, No lots, ?? horses
      • also: Land 150, 1 pole, No lots, No horses (same person)
    • John Hodges: Land 150, No poles, No Stud horses (same as first John?)
    • Eli Hodges : Land 140, 1 pole, No lots, No stud horses
    • James Hodges : 1 pole, No Stores, No land, No Situation
    • John Hodge: Land 20, No poles, No Stores, No Situation
  • Note: This was a census substitute so ages were not given. One can safely assume that the men listed were of the age of twenty-one, or older. The value of their property can sometimes be assessed to determine (wide) age brackets.
1826 Tax Lists
  • In 1826 There were the following Hodges:
  1. Eli Hodges (District 2, p. 2)
  2. Robert C. Hodges (D. 4, p. 6, img 5)
  3. John Hodges (D. 5, p. 7, img 5)
  4. Moses Hodges (D. 5, p. 8, img 6)
  5. Jesse Hodgesß (D. 6, p. 9, img 6)
  6. James Hodgesß (D. 6, p. 10, img 7) (Ivy's in the same district)
  7. Philip Hodgesß "
  8. William Hodgesß "
ß Brothers? Same district

Hodges in Grainger County in 1830

  • James would have been about forty-five in this census.
  • Female that married a Hodges
  • Of the age to be a child or niece/nephew
  • Of the age to be a sibling
  • Of the age to be a parent or aunt/uncle/grandparent
  • From the ages of the adults in the 1830 census it appears that seven of the neighboring Hodges could be a sibling to James. Out of those seven, six are male (which means children born would carry their surname). Only Rachel would not necessarily carry down the name. No male is in her household of the age to be a spouse. It is likely the 60-69-year-old male in the home is her/their father.
  • Two of the males, William and Samuel C. Hodges, are the logical age of what would be a child or niece/nephew. James was about forty-five years old when the 1830 census was taken so he could have had daughters in the county that had already married.
  • Out of the remaining Hodges there were two older men that seem logical to be the father and the grandfather of James (if his parents were in this county. As this particular family remained in this county, and appeared to be the only Hodges; they are a likely choice for close relatives). Notice that William could have been the forty-year-old or the eighty-year-old in his household. Eli and John Hodges from the 1820 census could be the two older Hodges males in this census.
  • There was a Welcome Hodges in Grainger County in 1833 as he purchased a pair of tongs and a shovel from the estate of William Hankins on the 11th of November.

Hodges in Grainger County in 1840

  • With James and six other males that were the right age to be siblings of his in the 1830 census, it is surprising to only see 14 Hodges listed in 1840. The children could have died young, married and moved away, or been female and not shown up in the census as a Hodges. James would have been about fifty-five in this census.
    • Nelly Hodges (2 females and five young children. She most likely has a female relative helping her with the children)
    • Rachel Hodges (40-49 and seven small children.)
    • Ann Hodges (50-59 and a daughter) wife of Jesse Hodges (died 1838), see Daniel-7280
    • Elizabeth Hodges (50-59 with teenagers and younger in the home.)
    • Thomas Hodges (20-29 with a female the same age) son of James
    • William Hodges (50-59 with a female the same age)
    • Phelipon "Philip" Hodges (50-59 with a 40-49 female and children)
    • Edward Hodges b 1783 (30-39 with a female 20-29 and three children) son of Jesse Hodges, see Hodges-7523
    • William Hodges b 1807 (30-39, lives alone) son of Jesse Hodges, see Hodges-7524
    • Philimon Hodges (20-29, female 30-39 and a child)
    • William Hodges (40-49, female 50-59 and five children)
    • James Hodges (20-29, female the same age, three children)
    • James Hodges (50-59, female 40-49, seven children) see Hodges-7479
    • John Hodge (20-29, female same age, two children) b 1814 age 26, son of Eli Hodges Sr. see Hodges-7513
    • Catherine (Hodges) Williams (female 40-49 see Hodges-5808
Note: Aaron Hodges moved from Guilford County, North Carolina to Grainger County, Tennessee about 1843. He is thought to be related to the Hodges from Franklin County, Virginia. He lived in North Carolina but said his birth state was Virginia in two census records.
  • Female that married a Hodges
  • Of the age to be a sibling
  • Of the age to be a child or niece/nephew
  • Unable to tell if sibling or niece/nephew without the actual age

Items to Verify

  • John Hodges birth, death, and marriage dates. Who did he marry? His profile was created basing age on twenty-one years before he collected land warrant.
    • John M. Hodges born about 1810 married an Elizabeth. I'm not sure why his children's Power of Attorney is in Aaron Hodges file, but it is. William C., Susan C., and Millie E. Hodges in Flint County, Georgia selected Jacob E. Hodges to be their representative. The money left by John M. Hodges was to his wife Elizabeth, which was to go to the children upon her decease. Elizabeth died before the 7th of October 1867 when the POA was recorded.[2] The earlier John Hodges still needs a profile as I don't have a birth year.
  • Aaron Hodges is said to be the son of Moses Hodges and Pheby Burton but I haven't found proof yet.


Catherine Hodges seems to share DNA with the following Hodges: Jesse, Moses, and Phillip. Due to this, the parents due to Moses lineage are: Ambrose Hodges and Elizabeth Barton.

Rachel Hodges that is listed as a daughter on Ambrose and Elizabeth's FindAGrave profile is their daughter due to the tombstone inscription.

Eli Hodges is thought to be a sibling to this family as well due to his land being beside Catherine Hodges and her husband, Francis Williams. Some land deeds and wills list Francis and Eli and vice versa,

James Hodges that married Mary Barton is thought to be a possible cousin to this line. His father's name is James. Mary Barton is related to Elizabeth Barton.

  • DNA was checked by someone knowledgeable in DNA into Catherine's possible parents and Ambrose and Elizabeth were correct.
  • DNA matches to Jesse, Moses, and Phillip are in Catherine's DNA lineage through Greta.

Research Links

Research Notes

  • Eli's wife was Elizabeth. Frazier's wife was also an Elizabeth who went by Betsy. One of them had a daughter Louisa Anna Cornelia Hodges who appears later in probate records as a minor child, finally "of age."
  • William Hodges had a wife named Keziah. Catherine had a daughter named Kezia. Is this coincidence or is Kezia a family name in the Hodges line?
  • These locations for census records should be researched: Surry, Halifax, Goochland, Franklin, and Marlboro all in VA and/or NC. Dandridge, Grainger, Greene, Hamblen, Hawkins, and Jefferson Counties in TN censuses should be checked.
  • I run the [Hodges Name Study]. These profiles should be added to the name study.
  • I created Welcome Hodges profile. Moody-4306 22:44, 8 January 2020 (UTC)
    • I think this Welcome could be a sibling to Jesse, etc. Moody-4306 05:25, 14 January 2020 (UTC)
  • I don't think James Hodges that moved to Claiborne County, TN is related to these Hodges. James married Mary Barton. (Elizabeth Barton is Mary's aunt.) His father is a James Hodges Sr.
    • Some of the Claiborne County Hodges aren't the same as they appear in Grainger and Claiborne County at the same time. As part of Grainger was taken to form Claiborne in 1801 they may have come from a common progenitor early on. Silva-1055
  • For Greta: Can you look at the probate information on Elizabeth Hodges profile? The first three kids are said to be heirs of John M. Hodge, so I assumed this was his wife. The other three, however, appear to be children of Eli Hodges. I'm wondering if they mixed the probate file - or - was there some other connection and reason for the Hodges in Alabama to claim part of her legacy?
    • I'm thinking they mixed the probate file or there's some illegitimate children that Elizabeth had. Moody-4306 05:25, 14 January 2020 (UTC)
  • There was a Cornelius Hodges that died Intestate in Grainger County in 1867. It is listed under Caroline C. Hodges (his wife?).
  • Louisa Ann Cornelia Hodges died intestate and her inventory was recorded 17 October 1859. She appears to be a daughter-in-law to Eli Hodges. Purchases were made by several of his children.
  • Probate listed in Grainger but not yet added:
    • James Hodge (1833, 1842 several entries) pp 92, 169, 241, 153
    • Thomas Hodge (1833, 1842 several entries) pp 22, 119
    • William Hodge (1833, 1842 several entries) pp 22, 17, 85, 93, 122, 208, 296, 297, 298, 303, 304
    • Philamore Hodge (1833, 1842 several entries) pp 85, 122, 208 & 209


  • On Find A Grave, Orval Hodges told me about Moses Hodges (married Delila Ivey) parents. Here's what he said: First off Ambrose Hodge is a Hodges and most if not all of the Hodges in Surry County, North Carolina are Hodges not Hodge. They are linked into my DNA. Ambrose Hodges is the son of William Welcome Hodges b 1732 m Mary Hubbard b 1734. Ambrose Hodges had a son name Moses Hodges b 1779 d 1840 m Delila Ivey b 1781 in Halifax County, North Carolina d 1850 in Grainger County, Tennessee married 11 Aug 1797 in Grainger Couny, Tennessee. They had five children that I've been able to research.

Important Information


  • Find sources that state Jesse, James (married Peggy Morgan), and Phillip are brothers.
  • Find sources that state whom the parents of Jesse, James, and Phillip are.
  • Work on Hodges in Jefferson free space page.
  • Create Hodges in Hamblen County free space page.
  • Look into profiles listed under important information.
  • Francis Williams may have been born in Halifax, Virginia. That location should be checked for Catherine and other Hodges.

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Mindy Silva and Greta Moody. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

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I'm a Hodges descendant - but I think I'm related to the Grainger Co TN Hodges through other lines. I look forward to expanding my WikiTree entrees and collaborating with others.
posted by Kevin Ireland
Hi Kevin! :) Look for an email from me today. I am related to a few of these lines through my Walker, Daniel/Mayes, and Ivey lines. I think that my 5th direct maternal great grandmother Catherine (Hodges) Williams might be related to these but I'm not sure.
posted by Greta Moody

Categories: Hodges Name Study