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Hofstetter Name Study

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Surnames/tags: Hofstetter Weber
Profile manager: Patty Almond private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 245 times.

How to Join

Please contact the project leader Patty Almond or post a comment at the foot of the page. If you have any questions, just ask. Thanks!


This is a One Name Study to collect together in one place everything about one surname and the variants of that name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect.

Task List

1. Find direct records documenting the family of Elizabeth Hofstetter, born: ca. 1845, likely in Luzern, Switzerland.

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Comments: 3

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I'm a Hofstetter on the paternal side! I don't know much but we come from Colville WA USA

posted by Isabella Hofstetter
Hi - Don't know if this helps, but there is a store in the heart of Luzerne bearing the name Hofstetter. Good luck. If you should come across a Christian Hofstetter (b 1831) in Basel-Land, I have a copy of his birth record.
posted by Fred Hofstetter Jr
Thank you very much. I have so little information on my Hofstetter line as my 2nd Gr-Grandmother, Elisabeth Hofstetter was illegitimate, as was her daughter Maria Magdalena Hofstetter. I would love to find out if Elisabeth was related to a Hofstetter line on the paternal side.