Location: [unknown]
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This page is intended to cover the most basic genealogical word translations from common European languages into English. There are many such pages available at FamilySearch....the goal here is to have it all on one page and add a few other useful word for this type of research (emigrated, etc)
Contents |
- FamilySearch List & pronunciation guide
- Dutch-English word list on Wikitree by Jan Fely, kindly created while working with the Gouda-Joods Families book.
See: FamilySearch List & pronunciation guide
See: FamilySearch List & pronunciation guide It has more words and word variations than listed here.
- birth - geboren, abbeviated geb.
- ausgewandert - emigrated
- evakuiert - evacuated
- rüküberstellt - transferred back (example Josef Derek[.. link])
- year - Jaar
Family words:
- niece: אחיינית
- nephew: אחיין
Important: often women took the first name of their husband and added "za" to the end. See [ wikipedia article] from Yad Vashem page of testimony: (via google translate, please help correct if something is wrong!)
- leanykori neve - maiden name
- elozo/mas csaladi neve - other last name
See: FamilySearch List & pronunciation guide
See: FamilySearch List & pronunciation guide
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