Location: Hopewell,New Jersey

Surname/tag: Smith,Wright,Scholey,Stacy,Stout
Most writers have come to the conclusion that Hopewell,NJ was named by Andrew Smith after the ship that carried he,his family and other families from Yorkshire,England to the colonies about 1688. This page is to organize information and records for the families of Hopewell and describe some of the trials and tribulations they went through.This book,Pioneers of Old Hopewell has a lot of information on the early settlers.
Hopewell Settlers
- Andrew Smith
- Thomas Smith
- John Smith
- John Parke Thomas Smith's BIL
- Johnathon Stout
- Benjamin Stout Andrew Smith's BIL,father of Ezekial Stout
- Andrew Smith
- Johnathon Hunt Jessop descendant,h/o Mary Francis Smith,Andrew and Sarah Stout's daughter
- Johnathon Hunt h/o Pheobe Titus
- John Titus
- Silas Titus
- Ephraim Titus
- Edward Hunt h/o Susanna Titus
- Johnaton William Hixon h/o Elizabeth Stout
- Andrew Mershon BIL to John Smith
- John Hart
- Cornelius Andriesn
- James Stout
- Job Stout
- Johnathon Stout
- Bartholomew Anderson BIL to John Smith
- James Smith I'm fairly certain he is a descendant of Richard Smith,not 100% sure of which of Richards sons he descends from.He was married to Abigail Parke,a Granddaughter of Thomas Smith's sister Sarah. Richards family came from the same area in Yorkshire England as Andrew Smiths family did but so far I haven't found a connection between them.
- William Cornell a Jessop descendant,married to a Grand Daughter of John Nan Smith
- Nathaniel Hart
- Nehemiah Bonham married to Jonathon Stouts daughter
- Edward Hunt a second Edward,married to Charity Cornell had a Daughter Abigail that was married to an Updike
- John Hart John Hart Sr
- Gershom Hunt son of John III,married to Eunice FitzRandolph,father of Nancy who married James Smith,went to Rowan,NC
- Walter Ker daughter married a Barkley and a Brown
Coxe Land Swindle
- Daniel Coxe
- https://www.anamericanfamilyhistory.com/New%20England%20Families/CoxeAffair.html
- http://www.sonsofdewittcolony.org/mckstmerjersey.htm
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Jersey_Settlement
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