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Hornet, Immigrant Voyage to Victoria 1857

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  • 24 May 1857 - Hornet left Southampton
  • 2 SEP 1857 - Arrival at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

"Arrived Hobson's Bay [Victoria] September 2 Hornet, ship, 1155 tons. Thomas Grieves from London via Southampton. 24 May with four hundred and forty eight (448) government immigrants..." [1]

"The Hornet, from Southampton, anchored in Hobson's Bay yesterday. She brings 448 Government immigrants, which are classed as follows : - Married couples, 47; single women, 236; single men, 23; children from 1 to 12 years, 90 ; infants, 5. Six births have taken place on the passage and no death has occurred among the passengers. A fatal accident happened on the 27th July, when, during a very heavy gale, a boy named Joseph Bulmer, aged sixteen years, a native of Shields, fell from the main-yard on deck, and died about twenty-four hours afterwards. Capt.Grieves reports having experienced very heavy weather throughout the passage ; as also the loss of the cross-jack yard." [1]

"IMPORTS. September 2. - Hornet, from London and Southampton : 246 hhds. 270 bales 90 cases 162 kegs 885 bags 27 trunks 338 bars 725 bundles 2,726 packages merchandise, 120 sheets, 36 axles, 42 planks, 3,200 felloes, 27 cases wine, 5 qr.-casks do" [1]

"IMMIGRANT Ship HORNET.-The Immigrants by the above vessel will be received into Depot to-morrow (Saturday), and will be ready for Engagement on Monday, at the following hours, viz : Married Couples, at 10 a. m. Single Females, at 11 a. m. No person will be admittcd into the Single Females Depot; without an order, which can be obtained at this office during ths usual hours of business. ALFRED CALDECOTT, for Immigrant Agent, Immigration Office, Melbourne, 4th Sept, 1857" [2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thu 3 Sep 1857, Page 4, SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE [https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/7138124?searchTerm=arrival%20hornet
  2. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Sat 5 Sep 1857, Page 7, ADVERTISING [https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/7138229?searchTerm=Hornet Advertisement

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