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Houlgate, George, of Quarndon, will 1813

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In the name of God amen

I George Howgate of Quarndon in the County of Derby Yeoman do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say

I Give and devise unto my Wife Hannah Howgate all my freehold and copyhold Estate and Estates whatsoever for and during the term of her natural life And I do will and direct that my said Wife shall have the Interest of my Money and the use and enjoyment of all other my personal estate and effects during her life my just Debts funeral Expences and the Expences of proving this my will being first paid thereout

I give and bequeath unto my son Joshua Howgate the sum of Eighty pounds, to my daughter Dorothy Howgate the sum of Eighty pounds, and to my daughter Mary Howgate the sum of Eighty pounds to be paid to them respectively at the expiration of Twelve months from the decease of my said Wife

I Give and bequeath unto my son George Howgate on the decease of my said Wife the sum of Eighty pounds Upon Trust to place the same at Interest on real or Government security and to pay the Interest thereof as the same shall become due into the hands of my Daughter Hannah the Wife of James Acres for her own sole and separate use and benefit during her coverture with her said Husband and not to be subject to the Debts engagement or Control of her said Husband And it is my Will and I do hereby direct that the receip or receipts of my said Daughter Hannah shall at all times notwithstanding such her coverture be a good and sufficient discharge or good and sufficient discharges for the same

And in Case my said Daughter Hannah shall happen to depart this Life in the lifetime of her said Husband then I do direct that the said sum of Eighty pounds so given In Trust as aforesaid shall go and be paid to my two Grand children George and Henry the Children of my said Daughter Hannah on their attaining their respective ages of Twenty one years or to the survivor of them in case one of them shall die before he attains that age, the Interest in the mean time to be applied towards their maintenance respectively

But if both of them shall die before either of them shall attain that age then I direct that the said sum of Eighty pounds Trust money shall go to and be equally shared between such of my Children as shall happen to be living at the death of the survivor of them my said Grand children

Provided nevertheless that in case my said Daughter Hannah shall happen to survive her said Husband that then the said Trust money or sum of Eighty pounds shall be payable and be paid to my said Daughter Hannah for her own absolute use notwithstanding my said Grand children or either of them shall be living at the time the said Money shall become so payable

And from and after the decease of my said Wife I Give devise and bequeath all my Freehold and Copyhold Estate and Estates whatsoever unto my said Son George Howgate his Heirs and Assigns for ever

Subject to and chargeable with the payment of all and every the before mentioned Legacies and I do also give and bequeath unto my said son George Howgate, from and after the decease of my said Wife, all my Money personal Estate and effects whatsoever

And do hereby nominate constitute and appoint him my said son George Howgate sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking and declaring void all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirteen

George Houlgate

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator George Howgate in the presence of use who in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto

Joshua Houlgate, William Sadler, Jno Horrocks

Derby 17 June 1814

Let a Probat be made to George Howgate of Quarndon Laborer the sole Excr

He being duly sworn & also that the Personal Estate will not amount to 450£ before me

E. Outram, Surrogate

died Nov. 1813

Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry viewed on Find My Past: "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 7 February 2024)
George Houlgate probate in 1814. Quarndon, Derbyshire, England.

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