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Households in Aspbenning village

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Location: Aspbenning, Västanfors, Västmanland, Swedenmap
Profile manager: Eva Ekeblad private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 361 times.

See also: Records for the households in Aspbenning, from Älvsborgs lösen 1614 to about 1668 (work in progress).

The following listings do not start from the "beginning". They also do not follow people who left Aspbenning


Aspbenning, Västanfors, 1701 and on

Västanfors AI:2 (1681-1703) Bild 99 / sid 32 (AID: v74572.b99.s32, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) one and a half pages crammed full. Heads of household, with their wives:

Aspbenning, Västanfors, 1716-1726

Västanfors AI:3 (1709-1726) Bild 10 / sid 3 and on (AID: v74573.b10.s3, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) - neat record, few children mentioned. Heads of household, with their wives:

Aspbenning, Västanfors, 1727 to 1741

Västanfors AI:4 (1727-1741) Bild 96 / sid 91 and following (AID: v74574.b96.s91, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) - messy pages because used for a long time. Order of the households changed. Heads of household, with their wives:

Aspbenning, Västanfors, 1742 to 1755

Västanfors AI:5 (1742-1755) Bild 114 / sid 109 and on (AID: v74575.b114.s109, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) and Västanfors AI:5 (1742-1755) Bild 199 / sid 194 and on (AID: v74575.b199.s194, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) - fairly neat records with birth dates etc. Numerous unrelated tenants and farmhands. Listing only heads of household, with their wives:

Aspbenning, Västanfors, 1756 to 1768

Västanfors AI:6 (1756-1768) Bild 172 / sid 167 and on (AID: v74576.b172.s167, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) - neat records with birth dates etc. Since the sons of Erik Knutsson lost their ownership and bergsman's rights, there are a number of unrelated tenant farmers in the village. We are (for the time being) not entering them ino WikiTree unless we find connections to profiles already present. Listing mostly heads of household, with their wives:

Aspbenning, Västanfors, 1770 to 1775

Västanfors AI:7 (1770-1775) Bild 171 / sid 165 and on (AID: v74577.b171.s165, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) - neat records with birth dates etc. Listing mostly heads of household, with their wives:

Aspbenning, Västanfors, 1775 to 1794

Västanfors AI:8 (1775-1784) Bild 205 / sid 196 and on (AID: v74578.b205.s196, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) and Västanfors AI:9 (1785-1794) Bild 204 / sid 199 and on (AID: v74579.b204.s199, NAD: SE/ULA/11708) - new cleric with a less elegant hand. By this time birth dates etc are in the book by default. Listing mostly heads of household, with their wives:


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This page is with thanks to Jan Jäder for sending me a copy of Carl Åkerberg's research on families in Aspbenning. Åkerberg has been reading Jordeböcker (land records) which I have hardly done at all. Yet.

It is also with thanks to Britt-Marie Sohlström for making her research available at her blog about Bergsmän i Gamla Norbergs Bergslag She is going a lot further back than I am - so she is leaving some very good "footprints" to follow if I wish to venture into the old court records.

posted by Eva Ekeblad