
How to add a photo for the 52 Photos Challenge

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Date: 1 Jan 2019 [unknown]
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In this page you will find directions for how to add a photo to the weekly 52 Photos space page and how to add a photo to the weekly G2G post.


Add a photo to 52 Photos space for challenge credit

To get "credit" for adding a photo for the weekly theme you will need to record the name of the weekly theme's space page, go to your photo, and add the space page as a person (or thing) that is in the photo. Posting to the G2G weekly post is not sufficient to earn credit in the challenge, you need to add your photo to the space page. Or more accurately, you need to add the space page to your photo. In the G2G thread you can tell something about your photo and even upload the photo to the thread for better visibility to other members.

Weekly Theme

Each week there is a new G2G post announcing that week's 52 Photos theme. In parallel, a Space page is created for each week's theme - by the end of the year, there are 52 space pages for the 52 Photos Challenge. To get "credit" for participation in that week's theme, you need to add your photo to the space page.

The space page address

On the G2G post, you will see the name of the space page listed as the linked profile for that post. In the image below for Week 22 of 2019, theme: "Weddings," you will see that the name of the space page is: "Space:52_Photos_Week_22_Wedding"

You will need to copy this space page name and then go to where your image is saved at WikiTree. The photo needs to be saved at WikiTree - to a profile or a space page - in order to earn credit for the challenge.

Adding your photo to the space page

Now that you have the space page address, go to your photo that you want to add to that week's challenge. On your photo page, scroll down and on the left side under "Edit Image Details" you will see a list of who is already listed in the image: "People & Things in the Image." Just below that is the data entry field "Add person or free-space profile:" It is in this data field that you want to enter the weekly theme's space page address:

In the image above, I've added the weekly theme - it is highlighted in orange. Then click "SAVE CHANGES TO IMAGE DETAILS."

Adding a photo to the weekly 52 Photos G2G post

Adding a photo to the weekly G2G post is optional but it will allow other members to see your photo without having to leave the discussion thread. This procedure can be used to add a photo to any G2G question, answer, or comment.

To place a photo in the 52 Photos weekly G2G post (or in any G2G post), go to where the actual photo is saved at WikiTree or elsewhere on the internet. It doesn't matter if the photo is at WikiTree or any other website - if you can see the photo and right click on it, you can add it to a post. Right click on the photo itself and then click "copy image address."

Image button

Then go to the G2G post and when you're writing, just above the edit box where you type, you'll see the photo icon slightly to the right and above - it looks like a sun over two mountain peaks.

Click this button and paste the photo address into the data field. Click tab on your keyboard so that the photo details will populate the data entry fields. Select maximum width at 500 so that it will remain on the screen of most computers when others are viewing the thread.

Click "OK" to save the photo and you will immediately see it appear in the text box where you are editing the biography.

Hope you find this page useful, if you have any questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments to the right.

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Comments: 41

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Instructions for adding photo are clear. It just does not work.
posted by Christopher Bacon
edited by Christopher Bacon
i have tried this and keep getting message - Please provide more information - at least 10 characters- i tried to re do it and add more text but still get this message. so i am not sureif it worked or not?
I just successfully added a photo to G2G using my iPad.

My steps:

  • uploaded to the profile
  • pressed on uploaded photo to get list of options available
  • choose Copy Link
  • in the G2G answer/comment you started, so you could post, click the teeny tiny sun and mountain pic at the top of your post
  • paste that link address you just copied into the URL space that comes up after the above step
  • click ok
  • you should be done
posted by [Living Wall]
My problem that I am using an Apple I-Pad and do have suns or mountains nor right clicks and left clicks. My Modus operandi is tapping the I pad. If someone could help us figure out the method of posting our photos correctly on G2G photos it would be greatly appreciated. My husband and myself are stymied. Thank you one and all.
posted by Karen Schuyler
I would love some help, please. Can’t seem to get our photos on the space pages to the 52 challenge photo pages. So far I have added retroactively photos for every challenge starting in January -that I know of. Only a newbie here but long time genealogist. Thank you for the gracious help afforded those of us less facile with electronic media—like me!!
posted by Karen Schuyler
Does a photo for the G2G theme post have to be one you find on the internet or on WikiTree only? I haven't uploaded any of mine. Still trying to figure out how to make a profile. LOL
You can use 'any' URL whether it is at WT or anywhere else on the net so long as the image can be publicly accessed.
posted by SJ Baty
This is as complicated as my family tree! My brain can't.
posted by H Firebaugh
I can not get it to work. I added the photo to the free space page, but it will not populate to the G2G area. Photo url is: 52_Weeks_of_Photos_Pets-8.jpg
posted by Linda Jane Lamb
I have only been able to add one photo to the page 52 Weeks of Photo Veterans. Are we only allowed one submission?
posted by Marcia Hicklin
None of my military photos are showing up on the Military Page. What am I doing wrong?
Got it to work from my phone, but it's too big when I view it on G2G page!

How do I change the display size?

posted by Christine Pike
All the instructions for adding a picture are only for computers/laptops/tablets. On a phone there isn't a "right click" option at all! So upgrading is the only option if you want to add pictures to Wikitree!
posted by Lois Slaton
I use my phone for everything including wikitree and am able to add photos to profiles but definitely can't figure how to navigate the instructions for adding pics from using my phone via G2G forum. I've tried on three separate occasions and ended up super frustrated :( Thanks for posting- Becky Elizabeth
posted by Becky Simmons
I always loved viewing my Grandmother's photo albums & had lots of questions. One reunion photo that left me puzzled over involved numerous holes in the scene. When asked, Grandma Storrs told me how my Great-Grandmother cut out all the heads of those people who were NOT "true Storrs", but had married into the family.

Humorous depiction of a "family reunion".

posted by Eileen (Storrs) Ruth
I believe a good technical writer is needed to write the instructions because right now the instructions are about as clear as mud! I have spent a good 45 minutes trying to get a photo included in the 52 Photos Week 40: Autumn site and it never goes over to that site. I'm not one to easily give up on something - but spending this much time on something that should be pretty straight forward is a bit too much!

52 Photos Week 40: Autumn

posted by Patti (Campbell) Hardy
So glad it's not just me. I have had issues with directions on several steps regarding posting.
posted by Sharon Van Weerdhuizen
Adding a photo should NOT BE THIS DIFFICULT! I think a GOOD technical writer is should write the instructions because they are about as clear as mud. I cannot get my photo in the
posted by Patti (Campbell) Hardy
I agree. It's far too complicated. I've added it to other photos I've uploaded, but there should be a link under each pic that says "add this picture to the 52 Photos Week." Boom, done. I've given up. Nice pic, but nobody will get to enjoy it, I guess.
Could not agree more. Last night I finally got 3 added. Blind luck I think. Today I cannot figure out where to begin.
posted by Dale Nicol
No matter how many times I follow what you have listed to add a photo of my dad from his Page it doesn't no save or add it. what is going wrong please
posted by William Ferrett GDSE, RMRN
edited by William Ferrett GDSE, RMRN
I think part of the confusion, about posting pictures here on Wikitree, is that instructions are for computer, not mobile phones which is how I, & perhaps others, am trying to do it & all I have to do with.
posted by Lois Slaton
Yes! I’m working from my phone and I just can’t make this work.
posted by Robin Hagen
I'm utterly baffled as well! I can make no sense of how to get the photo on the main challenge page.
posted by Melissa McTague
For the rules of the contest you need only save the weekly space page to your photo. Go to where your photo is and on the middle left, add the weekly space page to the photo.

If you want to display your image in a G2G post, just right click on the image, copy the image location, then in your post, hit the image button and add the address.

posted by SJ Baty
Click on the actual photo and copy the URL from where it is.
posted by SJ Baty
I know how to add a photo to a profile. Can I add to the G2G/52 photos from there? I’ve tried several times to participate in the 52 photos challenge, but have never been able to understand the directions.

It would be simplest, if members could have their own 52 photos page, and then share from there as they wish.

posted by Linda (Hutcherson) Simmons
edited by Linda (Hutcherson) Simmons
To share an image to any G2G post you can share the image from the project free space page, your own space page, a profile page, or anywhere on the internet. Just right click the image and copy the photo location. While in your G2G post click the image icon (a sun and two mountain peaks) and enter the address, resize to 500 width and save.

To share the image for "credit" on the challenge, you need to save the image to the weekly challenge space page. Each week has a new space page. Copy the last part of the URL: "Space:name of spacepage" and add that as someone in your own photo. In other words, go to your photo and as if you were going to add the name of relative to the image (say Jones-125455) instead enter Space:name of spacepage and it will add that weekly page as someone who is in your image.

posted by SJ Baty
Thank you, SJ. Unfortunately, I’m in that upper age group of users and don’t understand much of your answer. I use an iPad for all my genealogy. Don’t know where to find a project space page or my own space page. Probably will just stick to the simple stuff.
Each weekly post has the space page listed. For example, this week's post is:


If you look at that post, near the bottom, above the tags, you'll see:


Go to the photo you want to add for credit, and on the left side, about 1/2 way down, look for:

People & Things in this image:

Add a person or free space profile:

and a box where you can enter Space:52_Photos_Week_37_Cousins

paste that and hit save.

posted by SJ Baty
These instructions are certainly confusing. This week alone, there were at least 5 people who did not get their picture posted properly the first time. Last week Bill Sims had trouble, and he seems to have been doing this for quite a while.
posted by Joyce Vander Bogart
They didn't get their photo saved to the weekly space page or couldn't get the image to show in the G2G post?
posted by SJ Baty
I give up!!! the directions for posting to the G2G 52Photos page are confusing, unclear and difficult to understand. There should be a one-click-button to load and post. I just don't get it. There are missing steps when I try to follow the written instructions. I made it as far as "Edit Image Details" but there isn't "Add Person or Free Space Profile. Help I need simple 1,2,3, instructions
posted by Howard Belnavis
Hi Howard, on each week's post is link to the space page. Take the name of the space page and add it to your photo. For example, if the space page was (URL)/Space:52_weeks_Dogs

Then you would go to your photo and add: Space:52_weeks_Dogs

just as if you were going to add your grandfther to a photo: Belnavis-7

Instead of Belnavis-7, you would add Space:52_weeks_Dogs

posted by SJ Baty
I did exactly that and do not see my photo on the #52 Photos Challenge page.
posted by Gina (Pocock) Jarvi
How can I post a photo that is in photos on my iPad? Do I have to download to a profile? I’m sorry to say but I find wiki tree hard to navigate! It may be age related (67)!

Medora Johnson

Upload the photo to a profile or space page. On any profile page you'll see a tab "images." Click on that and upload.
posted by SJ Baty
My Edmonds family was one of the first spectacles producers in Massachusetts. The business card I am trying to post here was found among the belongings of my grandmother, Leora Edmunds (b.1889 d.1959). It belonged to her great uncle Ebenezer Edmonds (b.1809 d.1891), an American pioneer in eyeglass manufacturing in Southbridge, Massachusetts. Prior to 1833 all eye glass lenses came from Europe. They were costly and could take months to arrive.

Before 1846, there were only a few small shops making lenses in the northeastern United States. Ebenezer and Sons was one of these shops. They also made shaded glasses and trendy pink lens glasses for fashionable ladies, probably giving raise to the saying, “looking through rose colored glasses.” Eventually, Ebenezer and Sons as well as other eyeglass shops merged under the name of American Optical Company. However, Ebenezer, his sons and nephews continued to work as craftsmen and administrators for the newly merged company for at least 40 more years. Lens prices and wait times for orders were reduced significantly with the merger. I need help to post the pic.

posted by Kathy (Lee) Bruyere
I had it added, to the SPECTACLES photo weekly challenge, but now can't find it after trying to edit my comments to make them completely visible... this is more difficult than it should be. Guess this is my first time to add anything to these type of weekly challenges. It was and is challenging. I added Eugenia Francis McGee Mobley, born 1841 died 1931. I estimated the photo is after 1900, not sure when. He died in 1899, so in his photo, Thomas is much younger looking.


posted by Cathy (Fleetwood) Landers
edited by Cathy (Fleetwood) Landers
I am struggling with getting the photo onto the G2G 52 Photos page.

The instructions say to paste in the URL then "click the tab button". I am not sure what the "tab button" is or where to find it. HELP. My 52 Photos entry just shows a blank field where the photo should be.

posted by David Sloat
I am trying to enter the 52 photo challenge for the first time with a photo of my mother in costume when she was in 6th grade. I hope I have succeeded. Her photo was gorgeous and she made a wonderful "Martha Washington".
posted by Nedra Headen