Location: Mount Pleasant, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada

Surnames/tags: Hastings County, Ontario Ontario Cemeteries
This page is part of the Ontario Cemeteries Team.
See the Hubble Hill Pioneer Cemetery category for people buried in this cemetery.
Cemetery name: Hubble Hill Pioneer Cemetery
Address: Concession 2 Lot 19, Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada
GPS Coordinates: 44.30555, -77.61886
Information: Nehemiah Hubble was a United Empire Loyalist. The Hubble Hill Cemetery in Mount Pleasant, Hastings, Ontario was created in his honour. The sign notes: “Nehemiah Hubble was a soldier in the Prince of Wales’s Loyal American Volunteers during the American Revolution (1886-83).
After that war Nehemiah was granted 200 acres of Crown land near here. Nehemiah’s grandson Reuben donated the land for this cemetery. Locally known as Hubble Hill Cemetery.”
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