
Hubble Hill Pioneer Cemetery

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Mount Pleasant, Hastings County, Ontario, Canadamap
Surnames/tags: Hastings County, Ontario Ontario Cemeteries
This page has been accessed 700 times.

This page is part of the Ontario Cemeteries Team.

See the Hubble Hill Pioneer Cemetery category for people buried in this cemetery.

Cemetery name: Hubble Hill Pioneer Cemetery

Address: Concession 2 Lot 19, Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada

GPS Coordinates: 44.30555, -77.61886

Information: Nehemiah Hubble was a United Empire Loyalist. The Hubble Hill Cemetery in Mount Pleasant, Hastings, Ontario was created in his honour. The sign notes: “Nehemiah Hubble was a soldier in the Prince of Wales’s Loyal American Volunteers during the American Revolution (1886-83).

After that war Nehemiah was granted 200 acres of Crown land near here. Nehemiah’s grandson Reuben donated the land for this cemetery. Locally known as Hubble Hill Cemetery.”

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