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Huddleston of Millom, Cumberland, England

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Millom, Cumberland, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Huddleston Hudleston Hodleston
Profile manager: Brad Stauf private message [send private message]
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Purpose of this FreeSpace Page

Information and sources about the contradictory lineage of the Huddleston family historically of Millom, Cumbria/Cumberland. The name is seen as Huddleston, Hudleston and Hodleston (mainly by Burke) but never with a trailing "e" in county visitations etc.

Not meant to be exhaustive on the family but a collection point for the main sources and what they say (in summary) about the family pedigree. Originally created as a result of some pre-1500 merge requests that led to, as usual, a tangled web.

The lineage of this family is ancient and per the sources below, goes back to the Anglo-Saxon days of England. The focus of this page is more current from the late 1200s onward although much more information is available.

Lines of Descent

There are two main lines of descent (later splitting into four) shown for this family starting from a Sir Richard (probably born c. 1295 or earlier based on marriage) who all seem to agree married an Alice Somebody. Hutchinson, Nicolson (and Burke who copies Nicolson in all particulars and likely sourced from Nicolson published 60 years prior) says that she was daughter of Richard Troughton and that they married 13 Edward 2 (c.1320). However, Foster in the "Penington Pedigrees"[1] says that John Huddleston and Maude Pennington married c. 1317/18, a clear impossibility if their parents married 1320.

And just to add yet another opinion, "Visitation of Yorkshire" for 1654 says that she was Alice Tunstall, daughter of Thomas Tunstall and Alice Nevell.[2] Welcome to the wild guesses of medieval genealogies. The Visitation of Cumberland and Wedgwood only calls her Alice. All sources which show Richard's ancestors also agree that Richard's parents were John Huddleston and Joan.

Version 1: Nicolson, Burke, Hutchinson

Then the agreement stops and the schism begins. The camps divide thusly:

  • Nicolson/Burke show the descent as:
  1. Richard = Alice Troughton/Tunstall/Jingleheimerschmidt (m. c. 1320 per Nicolson et al)
  2. John = Maude Pennington (dtr of Sir William, knight, m. c. 1318 per Foster)
  3. John = Catherine Tempest (dtr of Richard of Bowling, Yorks)
  4. Richard = Anne Fenwick
  5. Richard = Margaret (sister of Sir William Harrington, KG; this Richard knighted by Henry V at Agincourt)
  6. John = Jane/Joane (dtr of Sir Miles Stapleton of Ingham, Yorks and widow of Christopher Harcourt with whom she had son Miles Harcourt).
  7. John = Joan, daughter of Lord Fitz-Hugh (this John was brother of the Richard who married Margaret Neville and had son Richard = Elizabeth Dacre, no issue, line failed)
  8. John who married 3 wives. Hutchinson[3] echoes Nicolson[4] & Burke[5] and Foster lists the Pennington marriage as stated in 1317/18 in his pedigree of that family.[1]
A note before we procced: All these sources reconverge on John who married Jane Stapleton and was a member of Parliament for Gloucestershire in 1484 and 1495 per the "History of Parliament". John had a brother Richard (heir of Millom) who married Margaret the "base" daughter of Richard Neville; their son Richard (heir of Millom) married Margaret Dacre and died without issue. Not all sources show "Dacre" but they do agree that the line failed with this younger Richard. At that point the lordship of Millom reverted back to John who married Joan Stapleton, their son John m. Joan Fitz-Hugh, their son John married 3 women (Jane Clifford, Joan Seymour, Joyce Prickley. One caveat: Annette Hudleston Harwood says that the John who married Stapleton and the John who married Fitz-Hugh were the same man as discussed below. And on we plunge...

Version 2: Visitation of Cumberland

  • The Visitation of Cumberland shows the descent as this:
  1. Richard = Alice Unknown
  2. John = "dtr of Fenwick"
  3. Richard = ?
  4. Richard=?
  5. John = Jane Stapleton stating John died 6 Nov 1290
  6. John = Joan Fitz-Hugh (again with brother Richard (m. Margaret Neville &c. as above) stating John died 1511/12
  7. John who married 3 wives

So we have the first John in line marrying Fenwick instead of Pennington, we delete the John=Catherine Tempest generation and make no assertion of the names of the wives of two generations of Richard and claim a first name of "Joan" for the Fitz-Hugh wife. Foster matches this Visitation of Cumberland. But the VoC DOES agree with Nicolson et al that the father of John who married Joan/Jane Stapleton and inherited Millom was named Richard...[6]

Version 3: History of Parliament (Wedgwood)

  • Wedgwood's "History of Parliament" begins later down the line:
  1. Richard = wife not named, Richard died just before August 1448
  2. John = Mary Fenwick; John (c.1425-1492), MP for Cumberland 1467-8 and 1484
  3. John = Jane Stapleton; John (c. 1450-1512), was second son and inherited Millom after his brother Richard who married Neville...&c.
  4. John who married 3 wives

So we have now changed the father of "John inheritor of Millom who married Joan Stapleton" from Richard to John and we have deleted the generation of the John who married Joan Fitz-Hugh. Richard who's line failed is now the brother of "John who married Stapleton", not "John who married Fitz-Hugh". This "History" includes a great amount of detail on "father John" and his sons (Richard, William, Thomas and John) and also talks about how inheritance was supposed to run through his son Richard to grand-son Richard who died without issue, so that much is consistent.[7] Note that "Magna Carta Genealogy" by Douglas Richardson also supports the John Huddleston = Mary Fenwick marriage and states that Richard (the one who married base Margaret Neville) was the son of that union.[8]

Version 4: Annette Hudleston Harwood

  • The well-known Huddleston researcher Annette Hudleston Harwood citing Burke's Landed Gentry Vol 11 (1969) and work done by cousin Christopher Roy Huddleston FSA seen at Genealogy.com has provided a lineage which seeks to reconcile (somewhat) the Wedgwood and Nicolson versions. Starting as did Wedgwood with Richard knighted at Agincourt we have:
  1. Richard = Katherine Harrington; Richard knighted 1415 and a minor in 1398 so born after 1380, married Isabell D'Engleys after Harrington;
  2. Richard = Joan Unknown; Richard died 1448 as per Wedgwood;
  3. John = Mary Fenwick; married c. 1458, John IPM in 1495;
  4. John = Joan Fitz-Hugh and then Joan Stapleton; John c. 1440-1512, married Stapleton after 1486;
  5. John who married 3 wives

A.H.H. compresses the husbands of Fitz-Hugh and Stapleton into a single generation and their son was then John of the three wives. But she inserts an extra generation of Richard marrying Joan Unknown compared to Wedgwood.

Compared to Nicolson, she calls Harrington "Katherine" instead of Margaret and again inserts the extra generation of Richard = Joan and compresses the husbands of Fitz-Hugh and Stapleton to one man.

A.H.H. matches better with "Visitation of Cumberland" i.e. two generations of Richard above the John who married Stapleton (A.H.H. names them, VoC does not) and again compresses Fitz-Hugh and Stapleton to a single generation.

Current links to Annette Hudleston Harwood's postings include A.H.H. line of descent and A.H.H. line of descent restated by another researcher and A.H.H. followup for minor date corrections and posts by Annette Huddleston Harwood

Why the Differences?

It would be simplest to think that the two generations of Richard who stubbed out without heirs caused the confusion and that inheritance & blood-line are mixed up. But this doesn't work if the original marriage of Richard and Alice was in 1320 as stated. It is not credible to think that this marriage produced a son John born about 1425, or even say 1400 who then had a son John born about 1450 who married Joan Stapleton and was a well documented memer of parliament for Cloucestershire in 1484 and 1495. That blood-line vs inheritance came later, with the brother and then nephew of John Huddleston who married Joan Stapleton.

There are some date conflicts between sources as well:

  • History of Parliament[7] and Visitation of Cumberland [6] give conflicting information about which generation died when, HoP says John-1089 who married Fenwick died in 1492, John-1800 (aka Huddlestone-2) who m. Stapleton d. 1512. VoC says John-1800 who m. Stapleton d. 1492, his son John-1915 who m. Fitz-Hugh d. 1512.
  • Foster in "Penington Pedigrees" has John Huddleston marrying Maude Pennington in about 1317 but Nicolson et al says John's parents Richard and Alice married 3 years later about 1320 so...somebody is wrong by 30 years or so. Again, assuming the Huddleston/Pennington marriage even happened.

A.H.H. clearly has access to records and resources beyond what we can see on the public internet and has spent a long time researching this. Hopefully more people will add to this page with primary sources and analysis.

What's on WikiTree?

WikiTree follows all and none of them currently with this lineage:

  1. Richard & Alice (Nicolson et al, VoC) are not currently on WikiTree
  2. John Huddleston & Maude Pennington (should have been here per Nicolson et al) seem to be the oldest set up on WIkiTree
  3. John & Catherine Tempest (Nicolson et al)
  4. Skipping Richard & Anne Fenwick (should have been here per Nicolson et al & VOC but VOC does not name her)
  5. Richard & Margaret Harrington (Nicolson et al, VoC does not name her) and Margaret is either a duplicate or conflation of Harrington-1284, these two differ in their asserted parentage, messages have been left for those profile managers asking for them to look into it.
  6. John & Mary Fenwick (Wedgwood). There is a special problem right here, 3 brothers Richard, William & John. William m. Isabel Neville, Richard married Margaret Neville (not sisters) and had son Richard (m. Margaret Dacre) who died without issue and reverted "Lord of Millom" back to brother John, who married a Fitz-Hugh. Richard is set up as the son of John & Mary Fenwick. His brothers William and John are set up as his nephews, sons of John & Joane Stapleton i.e. by different pedigrees.
  7. John & Joane Stapleton (everybody but A.H.H. who compresses this and next) and John is a dup of Huddleston-1800, merge submitted
  8. John & Joane Fitz-Hugh (not set up on WT; everybody but Wedgwood and again, A.H.H compresses)
  9. John who married 3 wives Jane Clifford, Joan Seymour and Jocse Prickley (all together now...) who is a dup of Huddleston-1799, merge submitted.
  10. Anthony Huddleston (c. 1519-1598) who married Mary Barentyne of Oxfordshire, she is not set up on WikiTree

The 3 Johns in bold may all be the same person. Certainly John who had brothers Richard and William married Joan/Jane Stapleton, the question is did he also (as asserted by A.H.H.) marry Joane Fitz-Hugh, or was that his son?

Huddlestons and Harringtons and the 1398 Assault on Millom Manor

A fascinating pair of 1398 court petitions appear at the UK National Archives related to Richard Huddleston, son and heir of John Huddleston (aka de Hodelston) and Robert Harrington (aka de Haryngton) and Millom manor. While it's hard to tell "which" John and Richard Huddleston is meant, given that in 1398 Richard was a grown man it seems very likely to be the son of this profile. Possibly, if the John who married Maude Pennington DID have a son John who married Catherine Tempest, then it might be the Richard of one generation later. The text of the complaints are these:

Haryngton requests remedy since until recently he was seised and in peaceful possession of the manor of Millom because of the minority of Richard de Hodeleston, which manor malefactors now occupy, after forcibly entering, expelling his servants, destroying goods worth £200 and taking his tenants' rents. The chancellor should make a commission to certain men, including (John) Scarborough, to enquire into this matter and certify it with all possible haste.[9]
A request to grant a commission to certain men and a serjeant at arms to arrest Richard son of John de Hodeleston, Harrington, Richard and Gilbert de Newton, Twisleton, Richard de Hodeleston of Hayton and Chamber and bring them before the King's council to answer for their deeds mentioned in the attached bill, and that the commissioners enquire into their forcible entry into the manor of Millom and the names of their accomplices.[10]

Huddleston Sources and References

  1. "Visitation of Yorkshire 1563/64" [2]
  2. "History and Antiquities of...Westmorland & Cumberland" Nicolson[4]
  3. "Commoners of Great Britain...&c" Burke[5]
  4. "Visitation of Cumberland (1615)" St. George, Fetherston[6] also cataloged as The visitations of the county of Oxford : taken in the years 1566 by William Harvey, Clarencieux; 1574 by Richard Lee, Portcullis ; and in 1634 by John Philpott, Somerset, and William Ryley, Bluemantle. Together with The gatherings of Oxfordshire, collected by Richard Lee in 1574 by Harvey, William, d. 1567; Philipot, John, 1589?-1645; Ryley, William, d. 1667; Turner, William Henry; College of Arms (Great Britain) Publication date 1871 p. 22
  5. "Pedigrees...of Cumberland and Westmorland" Foster, Dugdale, St. George[11]
  6. "History of the County of Cumberland...&c" Hutchinson[3]
  7. "History of Parliament (1439-1509)" Wedgwood[7]
  8. "Pedigree of Sir Jossyln Pennington...&c" Foster[1] showing marriage of Maude "Penintone", daughter of Sir William to John, son & heir of Sir Richard de Hodleston and Alice his wife, 1317/18 11 Edward II
  9. "Clays Extinct Northern Peerages" showing John of 3 wives and first wife Jane Clifford as daughter of Henry Clifford XIV.[12]
  10. "1569 Visitation of Worcestershire"[13] showing John of 3 wives 3rd wife Joyce Prickley, daughter of John of Worcs, gives complete family lineage and says that Andrew was of Joyce (not Jane Seymour) and that daughter "Anne" married Hugh Askogh (Jefferson say Anne married Ralph Latus)
  11. "Lincolnshire Pedigrees"[14] records Hugh "Ayscough"s wife as Bridget Hudleston "by his 3rd wife Joyce...Prickley"
  12. "The History and Antiquities of Allerdale Ward...&c" by Samuel Jefferson[15] supports Anne (daughter of John of 3 wives) marriage to Ralph Latus
  13. "Magna Carta Genealogy" by Richardson[8] supporting the John Huddleston = Mary Fenwick marriage and asserting that Richard who married base Margaret Neville was their son (and by implication, also William who married Isabell Neville and John who married Jane/Joane Stapleton).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Pedigree of Sir Josslyn Pennington, fifth baron Muncaster of Muncaster and ninth baronet by Foster, Joseph, 1844-1905. Publication date 1878 p. 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 The visitation of Yorkshire in the years 1563 and 1564 by Flower, William, ca. 1498-1588; Norcliffe, Charles Best; Harleian Society Publication date 1881 p. 327
  3. 3.0 3.1 The history of the county of Cumberland, and some places adjacent, from the earliest accounts to the present time: comprehending the local history of the county; its antiquities, the origin, genealogy, and present state of the principal families, with biographical notes; its mines, minerals, and plants, with other curiosities, either of nature or of art ..by Hutchinson, William, 1732-1814 Publication date 1794 p. 528
  4. 4.0 4.1 The history and antiquities of the countries of Westmorland and Cumberland by Nicolson, Joseph; Burn, Richard, 1709-1785; Nicolson, William, 1655-1727 Publication date 1777 Publisher London W. Strahan pp. 11-15
  5. 5.0 5.1 A genealogical and heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, enjoying territorial possessions or high official rank, but uninvested with heritable honours. by Burke, John Publication date 1834 p. 582
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 The visitation of the county of Cumberland in the year 1615 by Saint-George, Richard, Sir, d. 1635; Fetherston, John, ed; College of Arms (Great Britain) Publication date 1872 p. 22
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 History Of Parliament (1439-1509) by Wedgwood Josiah C. Publication date 1936 p. 478
  8. 8.0 8.1 Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 2nd Edition, 2011 Douglas Richardson p. 166
  9. UK National Archives 1398 Harrington Petition #1 [https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C9334225 Reference SC 8/214/10668
  10. UK National Archives Harrington Petition #2 [https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C9334226 Reference SC 8/214/10669
  11. Pedigrees recorded at the heralds' visitations of the counties of Cumberland and Westmorland : made by Richard St. George, Norry, king of arms in 1615, and by William Dugdale, Norry, king of arms in 1666 by Saint-George, Richard, Sir, d. 1635; England. College of Arms; Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686; Foster, Joseph, 1844-1905 Publication date 1891? p. 64
  12. The extinct and dormant peerages of the northern counties of England [microform] by Clay, J. W. (John William), 1838-1918 Publication date 1913 p. 25
  13. The Visitation of the county of Worcester made in the year 1569 : with other pedigrees relating to that county from Richard Mundy's collection by Phillimore, W. P. W. (William Phillimore Watts), 1853-1913; Mundy, Richard Publication date 1888 p. 109
  14. Lincolnshire Pedigrees, edited by A.R. Maddison V 50 Publication date 1902 p. 56
  15. The History and Antiquities of Allerdale Ward, above Derwent, in the county of Cumberland: with Biographical Notices and Memoirs. by Jefferson, Samuel, 1809-1846 Publication date 1842 p. 158

See Also (things I couldn't find online but hopefully somebody can find them on paper)

  • Papers and pedigrees mainly relating to Cumberland and Westmorland by Jackson, William Publication date 1892 Publisher London, Bemrose & sons Volume 2 pp.120-136, foldout pedigree. (only volume 1 appears online)
  • 'Millom Families Part II' by C. Roy Huddleston in 'Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society', Volume XCIII (1993).
  • DX882 "The Genealogie of the Most Ancient and Right Worshipfull and Honourable Family of Hudleston alias Hodeleston Originally of Hudleston Hall in Yorkshire and of Milham in the County of Cumberland From the Time of King Henry the Third to the Present Reign" in the Tyne and Wear Archives in Newcastle.
  • H.S. Cowper, "Millom Castle and the Hudlestons," CWAAS Transactions, N.S. 24 (1924), 181-234.
  • H. Swainson Cowper, "Notes on the Hudleston Monuments and Heraldry at Millom,"

CWAAS Transactions O.S. 12 (1893), 132-135.

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C 1/1/138

Description: Short title: Sotehill v Harrington.

Plaintiffs: Henry Sotehill.

Defendants: Sir James Harrington and Sir John Huddleston.

Subject: Plaintiff, suing on behalf of the king, requests that defendants, having possession of Anne and Elizabeth Harrington, wards of the king, bring the wards into court. Indorsed: Memorandum that defendants have been committed to the Fleet prison by the chancellor on 9 November 1468.

Additional names: Sir Thomas Harrington, Sir Thomas Gerrard, Sir John Trafford, Henry Halsall, esquire, Thomas Duncalf, and Richard Carlill.

Date: 1467-1468 Held by: The National Archives, Kew C 49/53/4 Description: Judgement of the king in council in the case between Thomas Stanley, kt, on behalf of Anne and Elizabeth Harrington v James Harrington, kt

Date: 14 Edw IV Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

posted by Steven Broadley
edited by Steven Broadley
Another interesting finding on these families. Frankly I haven't really looked at them again since creating/editing this page to get some pre-1500 practice. Do you know the relationship between James Harrington and the 2 minor Harrington girls? Likely an uncle or something? "wards of the king" means their parents were dead or unable to care for them, is that right? I know some counties have records of the proceedings of the Wards & Liveries Court detailing who managed their intended inheritances and property but I'm not that familiar with finding and searching them.
posted by Brad Stauf
James is the uncle of Anne and Elizabeth.
posted by Steven Broadley
Dec. 6.

Westminster. James Haryngton of Hornby co. Lancaster and John Hodilston of Milum co. Cumberland knights, to the king. Recognisance for 2000l. to be levied etc. in the counties aforesaid. Condition, that whereas they have given their bond in 2000l. dated 5 December, 8 Edward IV, to Thomas lord Stanley under a condition that they shall abide and fulfill the award of Richard earl of Warwick and Salisbury, the arbitrator indifferently chosen by them and Thomas Stanley, touching the wardship and marriage of Anne and Elizabeth daughters and heirs of John Haryngton knight, and cousins and heirs of Thomas Haryngton knight deceased, and of all lordships, castles, manors, lands, etc. of the said Thomas and John Haryngton, and touching all actions, suits, plaints, debates, demands, etc. between the parties, with proviso that the same shall be rendered in writing under the earl's seal before Easter next, if the earl shall make no award before that feast; they shall appear in chancery in the quinzaine of Easter next. Note. That they did that day appear in chancery in person. British history online Edward IV 1468-1469 relates to above post.

posted by Steven Broadley
* John Huddleston's marriage 1st? to Joan Fitz-Hugh (if indeed it did happen) would make Richard, * John and William all married to grand children of Richard Neville Earl of Salisbury , which would make sense of the marriages. The question then is did Joan really end up in a nunnery and if so why?

Richard married to Richard Neville's daughter Margaret *John married to Alice Neville(Fitz-Hugh)'s daughter Joan and William married to John Neville Marquis of Montagu's daughter Isabel. I do wonder if it was possibly a plan to hinder the Stanley's who had Robert Neville of Hornby's lands by marrying the young grand daughters. It certainly caused some pain to the Huddleston's ,could also be why *he married Jane/Joan Stapleton with more links to de la Pole family. Robert Neville of Hornby was married to a Margaret de la Pole.

posted by Steven Broadley
edited by Steven Broadley
This has some relevance later on when Margaret Neville/Huddleston marries Lancelot Threlkeld.

1343 Marriage settlement, Sir William de Threlkeld, John de Huddleston, land at Millom , marriage of John de Threlkeld and Alice de Huddleston.

posted by Steven Broadley
https://archive.org/details/haringtonfamily00grim/page/30/mode/2up Page 31, 34 and 48 just to add more confusion. Robert and Nicholas both descend from John Harrington 1281-1347 and Joan Dacre Robert from the eldest son Robert (died in his fathers lifetime) and Nicholas from the younger son John(died 1359).
posted by Steven Broadley
Could the Robert Harrington in the dispute be Nicholas's brother?.

The Huddleston's seem to be the (correct) owners of the disputed property.

posted by Steven Broadley
You mean https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Harrington-91 Nicholas (1345-1404) MP? I don't know the family data that well, I didn't see anything on his profile or his father's about a Robert.
posted by Brad Stauf
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Harrington doesn't mention a daughter Margaret but not much on second marriage (sounds a bit of a gangster) Had a Robert Harrington brother but died quite young "beyond the seas". John Harryngton died 1st Aug 1359 to son Robert, to his brother Thomas (who both died in 1361), and thence to his Harrington's youngest son Nicholas.


posted by Steven Broadley
edited by Steven Broadley
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/lancs/vol8/pp285-304 This Harrington line goes through a Neville link with the Bonville(Harrington's) then after the 1460/1461 battles inheritance by marriage going to the Marquis of Dorset. The Huddleston's held their land later through this link.
posted by Steven Broadley
Sir Josslyn Pennington, fifth baron Muncaster book gives the age of John Huddleston marrying for third time as 24 years when marrying 3rd wife Joyce Prickley, daughter of John of Worcs.
posted by Steven Broadley
Did it say when that marriage happened? I don't like the profile of this John https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Huddleston-1898 right now, there is a 29 year gap between his second and third child. Granted a lot of these dates are estimated with big margins but I wish we had something better.
posted by Brad Stauf
In the book the diagram has visitation of Cumberland below it 1615

John is listed as 24 years 3 Henry VIII 1512 on page 58.

posted by Steven Broadley
Sir Richard de Hodleston hath granted to Sir William de

Penington the marriage of John, his eldest son and heir, to Maud, daughter of the said Sir William, for 250 marks ; and the said Sir Richard hath enfeoffed the said John and Maud in twenty marks' worth of land in the towns of Breeby, Seton, Botill, Millum, &c. Dated Monday before the Feast of St. Hilary, 11 Edward II. (i.e., 9 January, 1317).


posted by Steven Broadley
edited by Steven Broadley
Steven, thanks for your comments. I do have that line (Richard Huddleston & Margaret Harrington) incorrect in version 1 of the lineage and I'll fix it.
posted by Brad Stauf
edited by Brad Stauf
Margaret Harrington is the sister of Sir William Harrington KG not daughter her husband Richard Huddleston served under her brother in

France etc. Her father is either Nicholas Harrington? or Robert Harrington?

posted by Steven Broadley
Brad, TCWAAS, which is also where some of Jackson's article were perhaps published originally, can be found online at https://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/ It can be handy to do a google site search to find things there (use site:archaeologydataservice.ac.uk as a search term).
posted by Andrew Lancaster