
Hutton Family Photos

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Art, Opal, Gary Hutton

Gary Hutton's first church
Hilltop Baptist Church
Erickson, Manitoba, Canada

{{Image|file=Beer-1586-1.jpg|size=m|caption=Gary Hutton's first church <br>Hilltop Baptist Church <br> Erickson, Manitoba, Canada}}

Hutton family children, circa 1924

{{Image|file=Hutton-2828-5.jpg |caption=Hutton family children, circa 1924|align=r|size=m}}

Grandmothers and cousins

{{Image|file=Hutton-2827-1.jpg|caption=Grandmothers and cousins|align=r|size=m }}

Art and Opal Hutton

{{Image|file=Hutton-2828-1.jpg |caption=Art and Opal Hutton|align=r|size=m}}

Art and Opal Hutton Gravestone

{{Image|file=Hutton-2828-6.jpg |caption=Art and Opal Hutton Gravestone|align=r|size=m }}

Hutton family children, circa 1924

{{Image|file=Hutton-2828-5.jpg |caption=Hutton family children, circa 1924|align=r|size=m}}

Thunder Bay Photos

CC&F Hawker Hurricane X
test flight over Fort William, Ontario

{{Image|Hutton-2828-2.jpg |caption=CC&F Hawker Hurricane X test flight over Fort William, Ontario|align=r|size=m}}

Airplane assembly line
Canadian Car and Foundry Co.
Archives of Ontario, I0002980

{{Image|file=Hutton-2828-3.jpg |caption= Airplane assembly line Canadian Car and Foundry Co. <br> Archives of Ontario, I0002980|align=r|size=m}}

The first Curtiss SBW-1 aircraft
Courtesy of Archives of Ontario, I0002978

{{Image|file=Hutton-2828-4.jpg |caption=The first Curtiss SBW-1 aircraft -Courtesy of Archives of Ontario, I0002978|align=r|size=m}}

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