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Icelandic Terms

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Icelandic Terms

When researching Icelandic sources such as Íslendingabók or Manntallið these are some of the terms that one is likely to find and their equivalent meanings.

Sex / Kyn

Karl Male

Kona Female

Marital Status / Hjúskapur

giftur married

ogiftur unmarried

ekkja widow

ekkill widower

skillin divorced

Household Position / Stétt/staða

húsbóndi master

hans kona his wife

þeirra barn their child

vinnukona female worker

niðursetningur/niðurseta niðursetningur can mean something like a "ward of the county", basically an individual that cannot support him/herself, and is financially supported by the county - a typical case would be a young orphan, or a child the parents are not able to care for. The "niðursetningur" is placed at one of the farms of the county and the farmer receives a small subsidy to cover the cost - sometimes there was a kind of an auction - the farmer willing to accept the "niðursetningur" for the smallest amount of money would get him/her.

Other Terms

Aldur Age

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