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Igo Name Study Maintenance Categories

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Surnames/tags: Igo Igou
This page has been accessed 236 times.


Igo Name Study

Maintenance Categories

This is a "subtractive" process, a profile that needs something (or has not been researched to determine whether it is needed) has the category added. Once worked, it is removed and falls off the list.

Categories for United States Census pages

  • United States Federal Census Needs Research, Igo Name Study - This category indicates that the census still needs to be researched to pull all records with the Igo or known variant surname out into a table on this page. Once the full listing has been completed, this category should be removed. Note, this does not mean that all records have been linked to profiles yet, this is simply about collecting the records with the right surname(s) on one page.
  • United States State Census Needs Research, Igo Name Study - This category indicates that the census still needs to be researched to pull all records with the Igo or known variant surname out into a table on this page. Once the full listing has been completed, this category should be removed. Note, this does not mean that all records have been linked to profiles yet, this is simply about collecting the records with the right surname(s) on one page.

Category for pages with lists of names that need profile match/added/help

  • Profiles Needed, Igo Name Study - This category indicates that a list of records have been collected from one or more sources (census data, other genealogy websites, etc.) and need to be matched ro existing WikiTree profiles or have new profiles created. Once all records on the list have a profile attached, this category can be removed.
  • Unsourced, Igo Name Study - Profiles in the study that have the Unsourced template added, indicating they have no valid sources and need work
  • Unconnected, Igo Name Study - Profiles in the study that are not yet connected to the main tree. Work to connect through family members on all sides

Categories for each profile in the Igo Name Study

Each of these categories should be added to the top of each new Igo profile, which will allow them to appear in the categories. Once the task for that category has been completed it can be removed. (you can copy/paste the list below)

[[Category: All Spouses, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All Children, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All Siblings, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: Add Cemetery, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: Needs Research Worksheet, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: Needs Bio, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All Familysearch Sources, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All Ancestry Sources, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All WeRelate Sources, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All FindAGrave Sources, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: Sync Familysearch, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: Sync WeRelate, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All Federal Census, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All State Census, Igo Name Study]]
[[Category: All Relative Sources, Igo Name Study]]

==Research Notes==
US Federal Censuses during their lifetime:
#1790 {{Citation Needed}}
#1800 {{Citation Needed}}
#1810 {{Citation Needed}}
#1820 {{Citation Needed}}
#1830 {{Citation Needed}}
#1840 {{Citation Needed}}
#1850 {{Citation Needed}}
#1860 {{Citation Needed}}
#1870 {{Citation Needed}}
#1880 {{Citation Needed}}
#1890 : <ref>"1890 United States Census". Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1890_United_States_Census#Data_availability November 6, 2020.</ref> Mostly unavailable, records destroyed in 1921 fire
#1900 {{Citation Needed}}
#1910 {{Citation Needed}}
#1920 {{Citation Needed}}
#1930 {{Citation Needed}}
#1940 {{Citation Needed}}
#1950 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2022) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>
#1960 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2032) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>
#1970 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2042) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>
#1980 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2052) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>
#1990 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2062) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>
#2000 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2072) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>
#2010 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2082) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>
#2020 not yet released to the public record until 72 years after the census took place (to be released in 2092) <ref>https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/the_72_year_rule_1.html</ref>

Best Practice approach to these categories

(this is per profile, no reason to clear all profiles in a category before working down this list):

  1. Add Cemetery - if burial place listed then add the category
  2. All Federal Census - low hanging fruit if there, and finds relatives and other info when found
  3. All State Census - if available, more complete picture
  4. All Siblings - wait till we have census data
  5. All Spouses - wait till we have census data
  6. All Children - wait till we have census data, and spouse data would help ensure this
  7. All WeRelate Sources/Ancestry Sources/FamilySearch Sources/FindAGrave Sources - if they exist, log them and move on
  8. Needs Research Worksheet - once the simple basics are covered, start the hard research and track it
  9. All Relative Sources - once you have everything you can find, if a surrounding relative has a source that includes this person, was that included too?
  10. Needs Bio - due diligence covered, now that we have enough information, write a pretty bio per Profile Improvement Project (PIP) guidelines
  11. Sync WeRelate/Familysearch - pay it forward and make sure others can find the info on all the free wiki sites.

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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Categories: Igo Name Study