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Igo Name Study US Federal Census 1890

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Igo Igou
This page has been accessed 48 times.


Igo Name Study

US Federal Census 1890

This page contains a list of all records in the 1890 United States Federal Census with a surname of Igo or a known variant. The name listed here should be exactly as enumerated on the census.

As existing profiles are identified or new profiles are created, each name will be linked to the appropriate profile.

If you are able to find a match, please make the text on this page a link to the profile while leaving the text as it appears on the census.

Census Notes

This census is mostly unavailable due to a fire, see www.census.gov for what is available.

  • Search Results for name variants:
  1. Igo with exact name match found _ results
  2. Igoe with exact name match found _ result
  3. Igou with exact name match found _ results
  4. Igon with exact name match found _ results
  5. Igouffe with exact name match found _ results
  6. searching for "Igo" without exact name match found _ additional results

Census Records

Table of sortable fields available and values captured, by lastname and firstname in ascending order (include trailing columns for the volume, location, page, editorial comments, source citation) [1]

SurnameFirstnameWikiTreeIDName of the family head Free white males 16 and olderFree white males under 16Free white femalesEnslavedOther personsTown or district of residencefull citationComments


  1. Census fields are EXAMPLE ONLY FROM 1790, UPDATE YOURS HERE "name of the family head; the number of free white males of sixteen years and older; the number of free white males under sixteen; the number of free white females; the number of slaves; the number of other persons; and sometimes the town or district of residence." https://wiki.rootsweb.com/wiki/index.php/1790_U.S._Census

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