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Ikeler Cemetery (Greenwood Township)

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Greenwood Township, Columbia, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Jeff Ikeler private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 84 times.

Pennsylvania Cemeteries Project



This free space page for Ikeler Cemetery in Greenwood Township is part of WikiTree's Pennsylvania Cemeteries Project, and was created to document the life and times of our ancestors that are interred there. The Pennsylvania Cemeteries Project is a subproject of the larger U.S. Cemeteries Project.

Ikeler Cemetery, in Greenwood Township, is located in Greenwood Township, south of the Greenwood borough. It lies on the west side of Millertown Road between Bottom Road (T583) and Welliversville Road. Pennsylvania.

This page is a work in progress, and will remain so until the Table of Interments (below) is completed. The Table of Interments is a sortable listing of persons interred at this cemetery, some or all of whom are linked to existing WikiTree profiles.

Contact Information, Location and Map

Address and Phone
There is no office for this cemetery.

GPS Coordinates (WGS84)
41.11355, -76.47941

Ikeler Cemetery in Greenwood Township on Google Maps

Links to Other Online Resources

Tasks Completed

☑ [30/30] Profile creation of interments on WikiTree
☑ [30/30] Categorization of profiles on WikiTree

To Do

Project members are needed to:

☐ [0/30] Assist with boots-on-the-ground data collection, including:
  • Photography of headstones. None of the headstones have photographs legally usable on WikiTree. Even those which have been photographed have not been photographed in many years, and a view of the current condition of the headstone can be helpful for preservation efforts.
  • GPS data for headstones. Preferably this data would be collected at the same time as taking the photos.
    Transcriptions of headstones. Not all headstones will be fully readable in all photos. Transcriptions give additional context and meaning.
☐ [27/30] Assist in researching and connecting the interred profiles to the public tree. Remaining:

When complete, every grave listed in the Table of Interments will have a photo and be linked to their own WikiTree profile.

Optional additional minestone:

  • Create an audio/video tour of the cemetery
Record a virtual tour of the cemetery that can be viewed as downloadable media on computers, tablets or other device. Such a tour would take the viewer around the cemetery to explore the history of the people buried here. Background information can be supplied. Those with mobile internet access can access online links to more information.

Table of Interments

In Greenwood township on the old hill road from Greenwood village to Bloomsburg, just south of the lower road from the old Ikeler mill to Millville. It is on a corner of the farm of Harold Ikeler, the old Ikeler homestead. The Cemetery stands in an ancient grove of pines west of the road. There aremany [sic] graves marked only by native stones set at head and foot, and some in which these have disappeared can be located only by the oblong depression in the ground. It is probable that there are more which can be no longer located at all by surface appearance.

First Row - next to the road. (The rows are hard to distinguish as they merge into each other and have large vacancies). Beginning at the south.

Second Row from the road - South to North.

Third Row from the road - South to North.

Fourth andlast [sic] Row from the road - South to North.

Total - 22 Graves identified and 50 or more located but unmarked with any written identification.

(Note: The above count does not include Paul H. Duncan, who was found from Find A Grave.)


  • Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013:
    "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013"
    PA - Columbia > Greenwood Twp > Cemetery or Funeral > Ikeler Family Cemetery
    The Ikeler Family Cemetery, Greenwood Twp. WPA Project No. 5175. 1936.
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 10 February 2024)


  • Dates are listed as YYYY-MM-DD to facilitate sorting.
  • Row numbers are directly from the WPA source. Column numbers are inferred from the order listed.
Sortable table
Row Col Name at Birth Born Died Inscription (Notes) Photo
1 1 to 4 4 graves marked with native stones.
1 5 Daniel Kitchen 1799-02-11 1872-04-14 (Aged 73y 2m 13d) Photo needed
1 6 Sarah A. Kitchen 1851-10-16 1852-03-10 (Aged 4m 23d) Photo needed
1 7 Henry C. Ikeler 1852-12-09 1857-04-12 (Aged 4y 4m 3d) Photo needed
1 8 Lorenzo Kitchen 1863-10-05 1863-10-12 (Aged 7d) Photo needed
2 1 Marked with native stones.
2 2 Thomas Ale 1826-03-28 1857-06-02 In Memory Of (Fenced Ale lot. Aged 31y 2m 5d.) Photo needed
2 3 Jacob Ale 1800-03-15 1840-07-27 In Memory Of (Fenced Ale lot. Aged 40y 4m 12d. The oldest marked grave.) Photo needed
2 4 Ann Connor 1801-11-13 1851-09-06 (Aged 49y 9m 24d) Photo needed
2 5 Uriah Ale 1837-11-13 1852-03-22 (Aged 14y 4m 9d) Photo needed
2 6 to 11 6 or more graves, some marked with native stones.
2 12 Mary Kitchen 1812-12-14 1878-02-08 (Aged 65y 1m 25d) Photo needed
2 13 to 21 9 graves marked with native stones.
2 22 Henry Kitchen 1801-02-26 1863-11-23 (Fenced Kitchen lot. Aged 62y 8m 27d) Photo needed
2 23 Elizabeth DeMott 1805-09-09 1853-08-16 In Memory Of. (Aged 45y 11m 7d) Photo needed
2 24 3 graves marked with native stones.
3 1 to 23 23 graves distinguishable by native stone markers, depressions or mounds.
3 24 Margaret A. Ikeler 1841-11-21 1844-05-16 (Headstone with drooping tree carving. Aged 2y 5m 25d.) Photo needed
3 25 Titman Ikeler 1843-12-08 1848-05-29 (Aged 4y 5m 21d.) Photo needed
3 26 Elias Ikeler 1849-03-03 1849-04-27 (Aged 1m 24d) Photo needed
3 27 Mary Ann Titman 1816-07-31 1849-04-12 (Aged 32y 8m 12d) Photo needed
4 1 to 3 3 graves marked, two with native stones and one merely by the depression.
4 4 William Horace Mansford 1855-03-16 1855-07-09 Rest little one rest thy sufferings are o'er. Thou art safely at home on the heavenly shore. (Aged 3m 23d) Photo needed
4 5 to 11 7 graves marked with uninscribed native stones.
4 12 Hannah W. Watts 1821-03-31 1891-02-27 (Aged 69y 10m 27d. There was a little flagstaff sticking in her grave behind the stone, but it was probably displaced fro mthat of her husband next.) Photo needed
4 13 Benjamin Franklin Fisher 1822-10-18 1906-12-14 (Aged 84y 1m 26d. Co. K. 2nd Regt. Heavy Artillery. [Civil War Veteran - There was a good flag on the grave].) Photo needed
4 14 George W. Perkins 1841-02-02 1920-12-10 (Civil War Veteran - no dates on stone - flagstaff like that in Mrs. Fisher's grave above, but the flag had blown away or worn out - He was son-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. Fisher above, he married their daughter, Gertrude, who is yet living in Greenwood - 1933) Photo needed
4 15 Andrew Ikeler 1773-04-18 1850-11-24 In Memory Of (Aged 77y 7m 6d) Photo needed
4 16 Christina Johnson 1774-12-29 1865-12-29 In Memory Of (Aged 91y) Photo needed
4 17 Otis T. Ikeler 1863-03-19 1863-04-19 (Aged 1m) Photo needed
 ???  ??? Paul H. Duncan 1962-04-06 1995-01-01 (By far the last interment in this cemetery.) Photo needed

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