Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: IKELER IKLER
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: IKELER IKLER
This page has been accessed 50 times.
The following are some summary statistics of profiles within the Ikeler Name Study.
Location | Count |
Pennsylvania | 47 |
Columbia county | 35 |
Allegheny county | 3 |
Philadelphia (independant city) | 2 |
Bucks county | 1 |
Luzerne county | 1 |
Montgomery county | 1 |
Montour county | 1 |
Other or unknown | 2 |
New York | 6 |
California | 2 |
District of Columbia | 2 |
Florida | 2 |
Indiana | 2 |
Michigan | 2 |
Kentucky | 1 |
New Jersey | 1 |
North Carolina | 1 |
Oregon | 1 |
Texas | 1 |
Virginia | 2 |
West Virginia | 1 |
Wisconsin | 1 |
All other locations | 0 |
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