Location: Illinois, United States

Surnames/tags: ONE_NAME_STUDY Orme
Contents |
About the Illinois Orme Study
This special research page is part of the Orme Name Study project. It is specifically about the association of people with the surname Orme with Illinois, United States.
See the main Orme Name Study page for Overall information about the Orme Study, including the scope and purpose of the project, the Orme name, tools and resources for research, things to do and more.
Add general information and statistics about Ormes in Illinois to this page. Specific information about individuals should be added to their own profile.
Members of this Research Team:
If you are a member of the Orme Name Study and would like to contribute to this special study, please add you name above and get started!
Adding Profiles to the Illinois Study
See the special section in the main project page about adding Profiles to the study. For Illinois profiles add the category code "Illinois, Orme Name Study" to the sticker code.
Profiles that have been Categorised
See Category:Illinois, Orme Name Study All the profiles that have had a sticker added as described above will appear here.
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)