Surnames/tags: images image_repository
A place for people to upload images they wish to post to G2G.
Please ensure your images and photographs are your own, in the public domain, or allowed under a
Creative Commons license.
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The normal width for this image is HUGE - way too large even for a question. If using this in any G2G post (question, comment, reply, or answer), be sure to scale it down to at least 350 in width (the height will take care of itself, so long as you edit the width box, not the height box). If you want it smaller than 350 pixels, that's fine, but larger than around 500 and it simply overwhelms the text.
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Normal width is 630 pixels, but sized down to 275 wide works pretty well in a G2G post.
- Categories and other "quick links" at the top of a profile.
- Edit mode category picker. (Looks like steps.)
- Edit Profile tab. (Resize to not larger than 500 pixels wide for G2G.)
500,000 G2G points is halfway to "Astronaut" status.
1,000,000 G2G points is "Astronaut" level.
Smilies aka emoticons aka emoji
Other than the group-hug (which should post at 114 pixels wide), and the hug (which should post at 38 pixels wide) if these post as anything larger than 20 pixels wide, they become blurred and unpleasant looking. To use in profile comments, use the image code. To post on g2g, use the link.
- ➢ Group hug:
[[Image:ADWP-9.gif|Group-hug smilie.]]
- ➢ Hug:
[[Image:ADWP-10.gif|Hug smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Sad face:
[[Image:ADWP-824.png|23px|Sad face smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Zany face:
[[Image:ADWP-943.png|18px|Zany-face smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Poke-tongue:
[[Image:ADWP-977.png|20px|Poke-tongue smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Puzzled, or confused:
[[Image:ADWP2-176.png|16px|Puzzled or Confused-face smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Smile:
[[Image:ADWP2-177.png|18px|Smile smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Laughing:
[[Image:Images4G2G.gif|16px|Laughing smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Shock / Surprise:
[[Image:ADWP2-299.png|22px|Shocked face smilie (black and white).]]
- ➢ Praying hands (25 pixels wide works well in g2g posts) :
[[Image:ADWP-790.png|25px|Praying Hands smilie, blue sleeves.]]
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)