Location: Australia

Surname/tag: migration
A draft guide to searchable shipping and immigration lists for Australia.
If you know of any other resources that could be listed here please add them.
Contents |
Australia Wide
- National Archives of Australia Passenger arrivals index, 1898 - 1972 https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/SearchScreens/PassengerSearch.aspx
Northern Territory
New South Wales
NSW State Archives Collection
The NSW State Archives Collection holds extensive immigration records with detailed guides and a number of online searchable indexes. Images of passenger lists for many voyages between 1828-1896 are also available for viewing online (no subscription or charge).
Start here:
- Immigration & shipping - a list of resources relating to immigration and shipping which includes guides, indexes and articles. This Guide highlights the key records and available indexes, relating to passengers arriving in New South Wales, 1788-1922. While most of the records relate to passengers disembarking in Sydney, records of arrivals in other ports such as Port Philip and Moreton Bay are also included. Records relating to departures are also listed.
Categories include:
- Assisted Immigrants Index 1839-1896 An index of assisted immigrants arriving in Sydney and Newcastle 1844-59, Moreton Bay 1848-59 and Port Phillip 1839-51.
- Assisted immigrants (digital) shipping lists Browse through digital shipping lists and images of Assisted immigrants passenger lists from 1828-1896
NSW State Library
The State Library of New South Wales maintains an extensive list of resources with details of coverage and links. Start here:
The Queensland Goverment Queensland State Archives maintains and provides free access to immigration and other related records. There are some records available on-line.
- "Research Guide to Immigration Records at QSA": (pdf) accessed 27 Apr 2024
- The Queensland State Archives (QSA) 'Registers of Immigrant Ships' Arrivals' : accessed 27 Apr 2024
South Australia
- SA State Records Passenger Lists - many records about immigration to South Australia from 1836 onwards, with a full set of digitised passenger lists from 1845 - 1940
- Passengers in History - passengers database by volunteers at SA Maritime Museum, lists 328k passengers arriving between 1836 and 1964. Also along with 600 pages listing passenger diaries, letters and ship logs and where to find them.
- Bound for South Australia compiled by Diane Cummings
- State Library of South Australia Immigration Guide
- The Ship's List: German Emigrants to South Australia, 1837-1866
- The Ship's List: Immigrants to South Australia, (UK, assisted passage) 1847-1886
- Find My Past: South Australia, Passenger Lists 1847-1886
Western Australia
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