
Nurses In Memoriam: US Civil War Era

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Date: 15 Apr 1861 to 9 May 1865
Location: United Statesmap
Profile manager: Pip Sheppard private message [send private message]
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In Memoriam: A Virtual Cemetery Honoring Nurses in the Civil War Era
This page is part of Nurses in the US Civil War Era.
  • The ultimate goal for this page is to "inter" nurses of the Civil War era for time and eternity. Their WikiTree profiles meet all exemplary criteria, and includes a photo or badge, FindAGrave Memorial, cemetery, and other personal data as their "epitaph."
  • For convenience, this table links these pages.
Nurses in the US Civil War Era Pages Links
Nurses' Pages: Nurses Identified Nurses' Profiles Nurses: In Memoriam
Project Pages: Free-Space Project Page Research Resources Nurses & Project Images 
Related Pages Introduction: Women in the US Civil War Era Part Two: Women Spies Part Three: Women Soldiers

Memorial located in the Massachusetts State House building. Dedicated by the
Massachusetts Department Daughters of Veterans, 1914. Statue by: Kenneth C. Zirkel.


Honoring the Angels of the Battlefield

Extraordinary women, and men, who were nurses in the United States Civil War era (between 15 Apr 1861 - 9 May 1865) called to this duty of their own volition or circumses to care and comfort wounded and dying men in what is still known as the war with the most casualties in American history.
Some lived simple lives before and after the war; some are famous for other reasons; most were unknown until now. All are profiled here to be revered and celebrated for their distinguished service and valorous lives.

Remembering Nurses: A - D

Nurses Remembered "A"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Louisa May Alcott Find A Grave: Memorial #14 Sleepy Hollow Cemetery
Concord, Massachusetts
FS Profile LZ1P-P13; Wikipedia
Matilda "Tillie" Jane Pierce Alleman Find A Grave: Memorial #11122572 Trinity Lutheran Cemetery
(aka) Evangelical Church Cemetery, New Lutheran Cemetery, & Selinsgrove New Lutheran Cemetery
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
Gettysburg Nurse - Weikert Farm July 1-7; Letterman; 14-year-old Gettysburg, Pennsylvania native who helped care for wounded Union Army soldiers during the Battle of Gettysburg from July 1-3, 1863. After marrying Horace Alleman, she wrote about her American Civil War experiences: At Gettysburg: or What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle; A True Narrative"; DOB: 11 Mar 1848; DOD: 15 Mar 1914; FS Profile LWM7-2QC; Wikipedia;; Pierce House Inn; Death Notice.
Almira Olmstead Ambler Find A Grave: Memorial #14220346 Wooster Cemetery,
Danbury, Connecticut
wife of the Rev. Edward C. Ambler -- Baptist chaplain to the 67th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers --nurse in military hospital in Annapolis, Maryland in 1864 for 9 months. Pension record; NewsTimes; CT History; FS Profile L7XK-RTS
Orianna Russell Moon Andrews Find A Grave: Memorial #18373392 Scottsville Cemetery
Scottsville, Virginia
Orianna was born in Virginia on 11 Aug 1834 and graduated from the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1857 as a Doctor of Medicine, one of 38 women with medical degrees in the United States. As a trained physician and surgeon, she volunteered for the Confederacy during the Civil War, supervising wards at the local hospital, turning university buildings into hospital units, and serving as both nurse and surgeon (although not officially allowed). She married Dr. John Summerfield Andrews on 24 Nov 1861, and they practiced medicine together during the war and after, establishing a hospital in Scottsville, Virginia. "On The Field of Mercy,"pages 55-57; Wikipedia; Orianna Moon Andrews.; "Oriana Russell Moon Andrews; FS Profile LVZL-MXL
Laura Ann Jackson Arnold Find A Grave: Memorial #10355562 Heavner Cemetery
Buckhannon, West Virginia
Born 27 Mar 1826, a Union woman "from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet", Laura supported the Union and opened her house as a hospital and cared for both Union and Confederate soldiers. She dressed wounds and treated those suffering from diseases such as typhoid fever. Her husband supported the Confederacy, and she is the sister of Confederate Lt. Gen. Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson; her marriage was a casualty of the war. FS Profile L48B-KJG; Blog; CW Talk; Blog; Image;; WV Encyclopedia; 'Laura Arnold].
Nurses Remembered "B"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Clarissa "Clara" Harlowe Barton Find A Grave: Memorial #63 North Cemetery
Oxford, Massachusetts
FS Profile LHV5-KBG; Wikipedia
Lucy Elizabeth Seaman Bainbridge Find A Grave: Memorial #57385810 Woodlawn Cemetery,
The Bronx, New York
Known as Sister Ohio by the Union soldiers she nursed. Activist, world traveler, and author after the war; FS Profile 99G1-GXB; Women History Blog
Mary Ann Ball "Mother" Bickerdyke Find A Grave: Memorial #5416238 Linwood Cemetery,
Galesburg, Illinois
Born in Knox County, Ohio; July 19, 1817; Helped to organize and was appointed matron at a hospital in Cairo, Illinois; Strongly advocated order and cleanliness; became known as the "Cyclone in Calico" as a result of her efforts; Created diet kitchens and army laundries, serving as the field agent for the USSC; Was present at the Battles of: Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Lookout Mountain, Vicksburg, and Resaca. FS Profile 9S74-QGL; Wikipedia; Mary Ann's Papers Collection; Images and Facts - "Mother Bickerdyke"; Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; National Association of Army Nurses of the Civil War, 1899-1900; Life Timeline; Our Nurses, Pgs 516-533
Rachel Blackburn (Sister Mary Celina) Find A Grave: Memorial #19342552 Saint Josephs Cemetery,
(aka Saint Josephs Cemetery Old), Emmitsburg, Maryland
Born Rachel Blackburn, was a sister in the Daughters of Charity Order in Emmitsburg, Maryland, during the Civil War. She assisted in caring for the wounded and dying on the Battlefield at Gettysburg; FS Profile GCGR-C6Y; Daughters of Charity at Gettysburg
Margaret E. Breckenridge Find A Grave: Memorial #63596098 Oakwood Cemetery
Niagara Falls, New York
Alternate spelling: Breckinridge; Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; March 24, 1832; Began training for a position as a nurse at Lexington, Kentucky's Union Hospital in 1861. Worked on hospital ships until March of 1863 when she was forced to return home due to her health; she resumed her work at Philadelphia Episcopal Hospital until she died on July 27, 1864 in Princeton, New Jersey due to typhoid fever she contracted while nursing the wounded, unmarried, at the age of 32. FS Profile KLLX-XCG; Blog; CW Talk; ACSU; Encyclopedia pg 219
Kady Cottrell McKenzie Brownell Find A Grave: Memorial #48525185 North Burial Ground (aka) Rhode Island Historical
Cemetery Providence #1,
Providence, Rhode Island
Born in South Africa, 1842; Nurse, vivandière, and "Daughter of the Regiment" for the 1st Rhode Island Infantry and 5th Rhode Island Regiment during the US Civil war with her husband, Robert Brownwell. First woman who officially joined the GAR and only woman recognized as a soldier with pension. Died: 5 Jan 1915 in Oxford, New York. FS Profile L781-K75; Wikipedia; Big History; Varnum; CW History; Color Bearer; Blog; Marker
Nurses Remembered "C"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Louisa Hawkins Canby Find A Grave: Memorial #19615538 Crown Hill Cemetery,
Indianapolis, Indiana
FS Profile 2VSQ-F84; Wikipedia; Filson Historical article; Angel of Sante Fe
Ada White Bacot Clarke Find A Grave: Memorial #116795257 Mount Hope Cemetery, Florence, South Carolina Born in South Carolina; Confederate nurse, age 27, in a Charlottesville, Virginia hospital from 1861-1863; FS Profile LT7P-XFX; Ada White Bacot Papers 1861-1863; Wrote: A Confederate nurse : the diary of Ada W. Bacot, 1860-1863 Prezi; Slideplayer
Nurses Remembered "D"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Caroline "Danske" Bedinger Dandridge Find A Grave: Memorial #30071075 Elmwood Cemetery
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
More of a Civil War Poet than nurse, but nursed soldiers after the Battle of Antietem. Nickname was Danske; FS Profile L4JL-4HD; Wikipedia; Danske's Poems & Photographs

Remembering Nurses: E - J

Nurses Remembered "F"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Elida Barker Rumsey Fowle Find A Grave: Memorial #76892611 Forest Hills Cemetery and Crematory, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts Nurse, philanthropist, and singer. She devoted her life to causes to help Civil War soldiers and their descendants. FS Profile MBBQ-NWB; Wikipedia; LOC Bio; Our army nurses. p 67; Civil War Significant People
Nurses Remembered "G"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Eunice Eliza Hamilton George Find A Grave: Memorial #19737867 Lindenwood Cemetery,
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Service: Nurse, US Volunteers, known as "Fort Wayne's Angel of Mercy," Discharged due to death from Typhoid Fever in Wilmington, NC; Birth: 10/20/1808, Bridport, VT - daughter of Robert and Polly Hamilton; Death: 05/09/1865; FS Profile GMQF-X3T; Mile Marker; Allen County Public Library Staff, Mother George: Fort Wayne's Angel of Mercy. 1964.
Nurses Remembered "H"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Cornelia Hancock Find A Grave: Memorial #10673610 Cedar Hills Friends Cemetery
aka Friends Burial Ground,
Harmersville, New Jersey
Nurse in Gettysburg and Fredericksburg field hospitals July 1863 - April 1865; Quaker, activist and author of war experiences book. Residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, age over 70 circa 1911; Wikipedia; CW Home; FS Profile MFV2-Y21
Laura Smith Haviland Find A Grave: Memorial #7130245 Raisin Valley Cemetery
(Also known as Raisin Valley Friends Cemetery),
Adrian, Michigan
Born 20 Dec 1808 in Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West (now Ontario). An 1845 epidemic caused the deaths of her husband, father, mother, sister and youngest child. Following this, Laura became heavily involved in anti-slavery activity. She undertook missionary work among African Americans.During the Civil War, Laura nursed wounded Union soldiers. After emancipation, she assisted people who were newly freed in the Southern States. Laura died on 20 April 1898 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, at the home of her brother, Samuel Smith. FS Profile 26LH-9R7; Wikipedia; Alectron
Esther Jane Hill Hawks Find A Grave: Memorial #26563739 Pine Grove Cemetery,
Manchester, New Hampshire
Licenced Physician before the Civil War; she tried to enlist as a nurse, but was told by Dorothea Dix she was too pretty, and would distract the soldiers.. Worked with her husband in his hospitals as a nurse and surgeon assistant set up for freedmen in South Carolina, treating soldiers from the 54th Volunteer Infantry. A qualified teacher, she set up schools for freedmen of all ages and did set up a medical practice with another female physician some time after the war. FS Profile KH5L-5M8; A Woman Doctor's Civil War - Esther Hill Hawks Diary edited by Gerald Schwartz; SCEnclyclopedia; CW Net; Women's History

Remembering Nurses: K - R

Nurses Remembered "L"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Sara Allen Plummer Lemmon Find A Grave: Memorial #21712917 Mountain View Cemetery,
Oakland, California
Volunteer nurse at Bellevue Hospital taking care of wounded Civil War soldiers for two years; also worked ain New York City as a teacher; renowned botanist, artist, and intellectual with her husband, John Gill Lemmon. Mount Lemmon in Arizona is named after her; she wrote several botany articles and is known for her illustrations. Renowned for having the Golden Poppy adopted as the California state flower. FS Profile K1DT-DBC; Wikipedia; Blog; Women History; Memorabilia; LocalWiki; Several images
Mary Ashton Rice Livermore Find A Grave: Memorial #11840896 Wyoming Cemetery
aka Village Burying Ground,
Melrose, Massachusetts
served as a member in USSC training nurses and overseeing hospital & field camps introducing sanitization protocols; FS Profile LVFV-PZG; Wikipedia; "Our army nurses p 37
Sarah Ann Hembree Todd Love Find A Grave: Memorial #10924648 New Gray Cemetery, Knoxville, Tennessee two sisters also served with her as nurses: Elizabeth Catherine Hembree Garrett and Mary Emeline (Emeline) Hembree Emory Lumpkin; FS Profile KZMB-8S2 ; Obituary
Nurses Remembered "M"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Mary Edwards Walker Miller Find A Grave: Memorial #23089 Rural Cemetery, aka Town of Oswego Rural Cemetery;
aka Union Village Rural Cemetery, Oswego, New York
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Miller was born in New York in 1832 and graduated medical school in June 1855, at 21 years old, she was the only woman in her class, and the second female doctor in the nation. She is the only woman to receive the Medal of Honor for her services during the US Civil War. "Meet Dr. Mary Walker, by Katie Lange; Changing the Face of Medicine: Dr. Mary Walker; Mary Walker (1832-1919); FS Profile LCVJ-ZP1
Nurses Remembered "R"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Fidelia Rachel (Harris) Reid Find A Grave: Memorial #130116396 Mountain View Cemetery and Mausoleum aka Chapel of the Garden, aka Friends Burying Ground Pasadena
Altadena, Los Angeles County, California
Fidelia Rachel (Harris) Reid was born in New York on 19 Apr 1826 and graduated from Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio in 1857, becoming one of the first twelve female doctors in the United States. She married Hiram Reid in 1860. As a trained physician, she was not allowed to serve as a doctor in the Union Army, so she was a nurse during the Civil War and formed a corps of nurses under the sanction of Wisconsin's governor, establishing several hospitals. She received appointment by Dorothea Dix as an agent in the Sanitary Commission supplying hospitals until 1869. Earned a medical degree after the War, in 1874. Audacious Legacy; Localeben Trailblazing Woman; FS Profile KHVV-TLL

Remembering Nurses: S - Z

Nurses Remembered "T"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Susie Baker King Taylor Find A Grave: Memorial #8255625 Mount Hope Cemetery,
Boston, Massachusetts
Traveled with her husband's unit and served as a nurse for the 33rd United States Colored Troops also teaching the soldiers how to read and write.
Reminiscences of my life in camp with the 33d United States colored troops, late 1st S. C by Susie King Taylor; MBWJ-RVT; Wikipedia; Blackpast; Encyclopedia
Mary Frame Myers Thomas Find A Grave: Memorial #52802776 Maple Hill Cemetery,
Hartford, Michigan
Born in Maryland, she graduated from the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1856, becoming one of the first women to earn a medical degree in the United States. During the Civil War, she worked in the Sanitary Commission, carrying supplies to the front line, and serving as a nurse and physician. She was appointed superintendent at a hospital for war refugees and freed slaves in Nashville, Tennessee. After the war, Mary served as the city physician of Richmond, Indiana and on the Board of Public Health, and she was the second female member of the American Medical Association. She was also very actively engaged in working for women's rights. "Notable American Women"; "Mary F. Thomas," Wikipedia; "On The Field of Mercy" pages 57-59; FamilySearch Person: KHPS-8R7
Sally Louisa Tompkins Find A Grave: Memorial #8585426 Church Kingston Parish Cemetery,
Mathews, Virginia
FS Profile KHSD-KLW; Mathews County; Video: Sally Louisa Tompkins, by Sabrina F.
Harriet Ross Tubman Find A Grave: Memorial #1247 Fort Hill Cemetery,
Auburn, New York
PPP - US Black Heritage Project; Wikipedia
Nurses Remembered "W"
Nurse Memorial Cemetery Personal & Service Information
Walter Whitman Find A Grave: Memorial #1098 Harleigh Cemetery
Camden, New Jersey
PPP -Notables Project; Wikipedia
Katharine Prescott Wormeley Find A Grave: Memorial #6699119 Island Cemetery,
(aka) Island Cemetery Annex, Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Newport #1, & Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Newport #2
Newport, Rhode Island
aka Katherine Prescott Wormeley; Born 14 Jan 1830 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England to Rear Admiral Ralph Randolph Wormeley of the Royal Navy and Caroline (Preble) Wormeley. Civil War relief worker, U.S. Sanitary Commission nurse, and hospital director; worked at the Newport Ladies' Aid Society and as a nurse on hospital transport ships in the Peninsular Campaign and as director of Lovell Hospital, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.; author of a book on the USSC; translator of many French works, and world traveller. Katharine never married and has no children. FS Profile LRPP-TL8; Wikipedia; LOC Bio;

Images: 1
Nurses' Memorial
Nurses' Memorial


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OH, WOW!! Look at those beautiful photos. What a great addition to the page.
posted by Pip Sheppard