
Increase CC7 Count

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Date: 8 Oct 2022
Surnames/tags: cc7 connections connection_count
This page has been accessed 6,048 times.

I intentionally put in lots of extended family during the July 2022 Connect-a-Thon to increase my CC7 count but it barely went up. After much trial and error here's how I'm doing it now:

WikiTree Browser Extension is installed on my Mac laptop, Chrome browser. Extension Update

On your "My Connections" page, the extension will give you a table with a count of your connections. For each degree, there's a missing connection table button which will look for those on the list with missing parents and possible missing spouses.

After a Missing Connection Table button has been selected and the table is fully loaded a Hide Table button appears and will show the missing parent & spouse icons.

Note: This new extension also includes "Distance and Relationship" which adds the distance (degrees) between you and the profile person and any relationship between you.

Example: my CC7 distance is 12º on this profile + relationship

Steps I take to Increase my CC7
On your CC7 count page you are Degree 0, at all of the other degrees there is a 'Missing Connections' button if you have the browser extension.
CC7 Page
Choose which degree you want to work on and click it... after it loads completely with the pink/blue icons indicating missing parents & question marks for spouse, save as a complete webpage to your desktop.
Working from that list I choose people that have both parents missing and go up and down with as many generations that will fall within the 7 degree mark.
Add Parents, Grand Parents, etc
If in doubt of the degree to someone check the 'Connection to Me' link (top right, drop down menu ) while on their page or here.
Connection to Me screen
NOTE: Re: CC7 from Bernard Vatant, indeed 5th cousins are definitely not in! 1st cousins belong to C3, 2nd cousins to C5, 3rd cousins to C7 ... end

Every week or two, before using the bulk tool to remove yourself as profile manager from recently created profiles, clear out the suggestion list (top right, My WikiTree). Many times adding the connections for parents/spouse/children will increase your count!

My recent focus was on entering missing parent lines and missing spouses.
I also worked off of my kids/grandkids CC7 lists which you can access by changing the end profile ID after "Special:MyConnections&w="

Notes from viewing the "Family Tree and Tools" page:

  • 7 degree 3rd cuz (4 generations down from 2nd great grand)
  • Descendant (except for direct line) needs to show in family tree up to (4th grgrands) for C7 (no spouse or children)
  • Direct line to 5th grgrands (include children only)
  • at 4th direct include children, spouse, and grandchildren only


→ Help: Connection Counts

App Update, New Link - 29 Jan 2023

CC7 Views by Ian Beacall – This app has outstanding tables and a new Hierarchy & List view when you choose "Get CC7".
Plus I really like the new "Get Degree" 1-7 dropdown menu, very useful for people with higher CC7 counts. (5th or 6th degrees may not be displayed because of size) Enter the user id for a grandparent instead and work from their 3rd or 4th degree!   CC7 Table Update

  • UPDATE: Check out the new option with added features now under "Tree Apps" on all profiles: "CC7 Views"

WikiTree News - 4 Jan 2023

WikiTree CC7 (Connection Count) Tutorial
Play the WikiTree CC7 (Connection Count) Tutorial.

(This instructional video by Mindy Silva will explain what your CC7 number is, as found on It will also show you several tools you can use to increase that number.)   More: Playlist of WikiTree Tutorials

See also:


Comments: 24

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UPDATE: Check out the new option now under "Tree Apps" on profiles: "CC7 Views". (they have made tons of improvements recently)
  • Under the "All" drop down option choose "Missing Family" ... there you can put a 1 or a 0 in the Par. box to get only profiles with a missing parent/s!
  • You can also click the wheel icon and choose different settings for Died Young Icons, Bio Check, and Missing Family)
posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
Simply amazing stuff. Thank you for the tips. Could you say where to find the bulk tool for removing oneself as PM from profiles? I'm amassing so many I need help with this! Thank you.

Bulk tool removal: Click "Watchlist Changes" (last box), then I do the option:

"If you'd like to remove yourself from Trusted Lists that you've been added to just recently, e.g. if someone else has bloated your Watchlist, click here."     Oh, here's the direct link:

posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
edited by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
Hi Patty.

You might want to remove the mention of WikiTree BEE entirely, to avoid confusion. Ian writes on the free-space page for that: "Note: Please install the new WikiTree Browser Extension. Recently, I've been adding many of the features of WikiTree BEE to the WikiTree Browser Extension. As it's not always easy to avoid conflicts between the two extensions, I've started removing features from the BEE after adding them to the other extension."



posted by Chris Whitten
Hi Chris,

The page is updated... Kudos to all involved that made this new tool a reality! :)


posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
Thanks for the writeup, it was very interesting. My grandmother was a LaPlante, so when I saw your married name I got excited that I might be connected to your husband. However, when I looked at your tree, discovered that his LaPlantes were in Canada while mine were still in Missouri. We may still be, but it'll be way back there somewhere. My immigrant LaPlante was a fur trapper who came down the Mississippi and settled in Missouri in the 1700's.

A question for you: why did you say "before using the bulk tool to remove yourself as profile manager from recently created profiles"? I'm new to WT, so I've probably got some naïve notions, but doesn't someone have to be the PM for every profile and if you create the profile won't that be you until such time as someone else volunteers to do the job?

posted by Michael Kerstetter
Yes, you most likely connect way back up there to Clement Leriger, Sieur de La Plante.ériger-42

Once you create a profile you may remove yourself... then it is up for adoption by anyone that would like to manage it. (profile will show a link to adopt) I've created many profiles that I'm not related to. I feel no need to watch over them, so to speak. They suggest your watch list should not exceed 5k or it will not work well. Mine is still way too large!

posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
edited by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
You put a lot of work into this, Patty!! Nicely done!
Thanks Julie! Combined effort... my words and Sandy's awesome graphic & table skills!
posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
What a great page, Patty! You are such an inspiration!
posted by Mindy Silva
Ditto Mindy! I’m always learning something new from you! ❤️
posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante

Categories: Luker-573