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Indenture - Thomas Willmer to John & Cuthbert Huckvale - 1585 - Oxfordshire P20/1D/9

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Date: 1 Apr 1585 to 1 Apr 1585
Location: Oxfordshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: willmer huckvale
This page has been accessed 49 times.

Title: Deed to lead the Uses of a Common Recovery (dated 1 Apr 27 Eliz I)
Description: PARTIES:
1. Thomas Willmer, Esq.
2. a) John Huckvale, Gent.
b) Cuthbert Huckvale, Gent.
Comments: In a Common Recovery in Hilary Term, 1584/5, 1 recovered various properties against 2 in Over Norton and Chipping Norton (not described in detail). This was to help 1 assign all his rights to them to 2.
Date: 01/Apr/1585
Repository: Oxfordshire Record Office
Level: Individual document
Reference: P20/1D/9

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams.

This Indenture made the ffirste daie of Aprill in the Seaven and Twentith yere of the Reigne
of our Sov[er]aigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queen of Englande ffrance and Irelande defendo[ur] of the faieth
&C: Betwene Thomas Willmer esquier in thone p[ar]te and John Huckvale and Cuthbert Huckvale gent[lemen] on thother p[ar]te
Whereas in the terme of St. Hillary laste paste the saide Thomas did by wrytt of entre sureis?m in le post record against
the saide John and Cuthbert ffowre messuages fowre gardens one hundred acres of lande Threescore acres of meddowe
Threescore acres of pasture Two acres of woode and Threescore acres of ffirres and heath w[i]th theire app[ur]ten[a]nc[e]s lying in Over Norton
and Chippinge Norton in the County of Oxon as by the same Recony[ng] w[i]th vowchers there uppon remayninge of Recorde in the Comon plees
at westm[inster] maye at large appeare Nowe this indenture wittnesseth that the true intent of the p[ar]ties to the saide Recony[ng] and to
theis p[rese]nts were and the saide Recon[y]n[g] was so suffered by Consent to the use and behoof of the saide John and Cuthbert and of the heires
and assignes of the saide Cuthbert for ever and to no other intent use or purpose And the saide Thomas dothe by theis p[rese]nts
release unto the saide John and Cuthbert beinge in theire full seisin and possession of the p[re]misses, and to the heires of the saide
Cuthbert. All the late Right title interest Clayme and demande w[hi]ch he the saide Thomas or any of his heires have maye might or
ought to have of in to or out of the saide ffowre messuages ffowre gardens one hundred acres of Lande, Threescore acres of meddowe
Threescore acres of pasture Two acres of woode and Threescore acres of ffirres and heath and other the p[re]misses or, in, to, or, out of
any of them In wittnes whereof the p[ar]ties above saide to theis p[rese]nte indentures interchangablie have sett theire hands &
Seales the daie and yere firste above wrytten/@/
Tho: Wilmer

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