Location: Corrales, Sandoval County, New Mexico, United States

Surnames/tags: Corrales New_Mexico
Index of the Book: Images of America: Corrales [New Mexico]
By: Mary P. Davis and the Corrales Historical Society, Copyright 2010, Published by Acadia Publishing
Indexed by Lorie Christian, December 2015
Name: Page
Bas, Juan Gonzales: 7
Armijo, Rosie Targhetta: 13
Blackwell, Ben: 6
Caplin, Abbie: 6
Caplin, Harve: 6, 12
Catasca, Georgia Silva: Cover
Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de: 7
Dominguez, Fray Francisco: 7, 8
Foote, Ginger: 6
Garcia, Francisco: 10
Garcia, Luis: 7
Glover, Alice: 6
Gonzales Family: 8
Gonzales, Gaspa: 8
Goss, Jerry: 6
Grassham, John: 6
Jackson, Jared: 6
Jones, Annette: 14
Jones, Harvey: 14
Kent, Dick: 2, 11
Koontz Ranch: 12
Leal, Dianne: 15
Leal, Fita Armijo: 15
Marshall, Mike: 6
Martinez, Salvador: 8
McaMillan, A. B.: 12
Onate, Juan de: 7
Pacheco, Bernardo de Miera y: 10
Pedroncelli, Cliff: 6
Thompsons: 12
Twining, Barbara Tenorio Christianson: 2
Vigil, Francisco Montes: 7
Walter, Paul A. F. Jr.: 14, 15
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