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Location: Somerset, England
Surname/tag: Ashe, Ayshe, Aishe
This is a transcript and translation of the inquisition post mortem for John Ayshe (also Ashe, Aishe) taken at Chard, Somerset, on 21 March 1578/9 (21 Elizabeth). Source: The National Archives (UK), C 142/187/88.
Contents |
Writ of diem clausit extremum
Elizabeth dei gra[tia] Angl[ie] ffranc[ie] & Hib[er]n[ie] Regina fidei defensor &c Escaetori suo in com[itatu] somo[rset] sal[u]t[e]m Quia Johes Ashe Genosuo qui dei nob[is] tenuit in capite diem clausit extremu[m] vt accepim[us] Tibi p[re]cipim[us] q[uo]d om[n]ia t[er]ras & ten[ementa] de quib[us] idem Johes fuit sei[si]tus in d[om]nico suo vt de feodo in Balliua tua die quo obijt sine dil[ati]one capias in manu[m] n[ost]ram & ea saluo custodiri fac[ias] donec aliud inde p[re]cep[er]im[us] et p[er] sacr[amentu]m p[ro]bo[rum] & leg[alium] ho[m]i[nu]m de eadem Balliua tua p[er] quos rei v[er]itas melius sciri pot[er]it diligent[er] inquiras quantum terr[e] & ten[ementa] p[re]d[i]c[t]us Johes tenuit de nob[is] in capite tam in d[omi]nico q[ua]m in s[er]uicio in d[i]c[t]a Balliua tu[a] [dict]o die quo obijt & quantum de alijs & p[er] quod s[er]uiciu[m] & quantum terr[e] & ten[ementa] illa valeant p[er] annu[m] in om[n]ib[us] exitib[us] & quo die idem Johes obijt & quis p[ro]pinquior heres eius sit & cuius etatis Et inquisic[i]o[n]em inde distincte & ap[er]te fa[c]t[a]m nob[is] in cancellar[iam] n[ost]ram sub sigillo tuo & sigillis eo[rum} p[er] quos f[a]c[t]a fu[er]it sine dil[ati]one mittas & hoc br[eu]e T[este] me ip[s]a apud Westm[onasterium] xxj die Novembr[is] Anno R[egni] n[ostri] vicesimo primo
Inquisition post mortem
[Left margin] Som[e]rss[e]t
Inquisico indentat[a] Capta apud Charde in Com[itatu] predict[o] xxj Die Marcij Anno Regni d[omi]ne n[ost]re Elizabeth dei gra[cia] Anglie ffranc[ie] et
Hib[er]nie Regine fidei defens[o]r[is] &c xxj Coram Johe Walter ar[migero] Escaetor D[i]c[t]e D[omi]ne n[ost]re R[egi]ne in Com[itatu] p[re]dict[o] virtute brev[is] eiusdem D[omi]ne Regine de diem
clausit extremu[m] post mortem Johis Ayshe Defunct eidem Escaetor[i] direct[i] et huic Inquisicon[i] annex[i] p[er] s[a]cr[amentu]m xij prober[um] et legaliu[m]
hom[inum] de com[itatus] predict[o] v[i]z: Richardi Warshare ar[miger] Roberti Ayshe Thome Burge Willmi Slade Thome Blake Thome White Willmi
Kinge Thome Hoop Willmi Thorne Thome Mewe WIllmi Tylley et Johis Pird
Qui dicunt super s[a]cr[amentu[m] suu[m] quod p[re]d[i]c[t]us Johes Ayshe in d[i]c[t]o bre[vi] no[m]i[n]atus fuit sei[si]tus in D[omi]nico suo vt de feodo diu ante obitu suu de et in Capitale Messuagio siue firma de Bellerica in Bellerica in Com[itatu] p[re]dict[o] Ac de et in ducen[tis] acr[is] terr[e] Centu[m] acr[is] prati trigent[a] acr[is] pastur et Centu[m] acr[is] bosci Cum p[er]tinen in Bellerica predict[o] infra p[ar]ochiam de Farye in Com[itatu] p[re]dict[o] Et sic inde sei[si]tus existens p[er] Cartam suam Indentat Cuius dat[um] est octavo die octobris Anno Regni d[itc[t]e d[omi]ne n[ost]re Elizabeth [] Regine Vicesimo pro et in consid[e]r[acione] patern amoris quod d[i]c[t]us Johes Ayshe adtum habuit erga genitos fuit[?] Ac pro et in Consideracone fratern amoris quod dict[us] Johes Ayshe adtum h[ab]uit erga Thomam Ayshe fratra sui Convenit et concessit pro se et heredibus suis ad et Cum dict[us] Thom[e] Ayshe et heredib[us] suis Quod d[i]c[t]us Johes Ayshe hered[es] et assign[atis] sui et omnes alie p[er]sone quod tunc fuer[?] seit de aut in aliquo Statu heredita[ment] de aut in Capi[ta]le Messuag siue firma de Bellerica et ceteris premiss[is] sue in aliqua inde p[ar]cell[] essent seit ad opus et vus Dict[us] Johis Ayshe pro termino vite sue absq[ue] impeticone alicuius vasti Et post eius decessu ad opus et vsu dict[us] Thome Ayshe pro termino vigint[i] Duoru[m] annor[um] a Morte d[i]c[t]i Johes Ayshe plenar[ie] Complend et finiend Et post dict vsus et status super eosdem exemt finit et determi tunc ad opus et usu hered[es] Mascul dict[us] Johes Ayshe de Corpore suo legittime procreat Et pro Defec[t]u talis exitus ad opus et usu hered[es] femell dict[us] Johis Ayshe de Corp[o]re suo legittime procreat Et pro Defectu talis exitus ad opus et usu dict[us] Thome Ayshe et heredibus suis imp[er]p[etuu]m Virtute Cuius quidam Carte Indentat Ac virtute Cuiusdem actus p[ar]liamenti De usibus in possessione transferend edit apud Westm[onaste]r[ium] Anno regni H[enr]ici Octavi nup[er] Regis Anglia vicesimo septime p[re]d[i]c[t]us Johes fuit sei[si]tus de et in predict[o] Capi[ta]le Mess[uagio] siue firma de Bellerica ac Ceteris premisses in Bellerica p[re]dict[o] in d[om]inco suo vt de lib[er]o tenement pro termino vite sue rem[anere] inde in forma p[re]dict[a]
Dicunt Etiam Jur[atores] predict[i] super s[ac]cr[amentu]m suu[m] p[re]dictu[m] quod p[re]dict[o] Capi[ta]le Messuagiu siue firma de Bellerica ac Cetera p[re]missa in Bellerica predict[o] tenentur de dic[t]a Regina in Jure Corone sue in Capite p[er] servium[?] Centesime p[ar]tis unius feodo Militis et valet p[er] annu[m] in omnibus exitib[us] ultra reprisas vigint[i] M[ar]cas
Ett quod p[re]d[i]c[t]us Joh[es] Ayshe in d[i]c[t]o bre[vi] no[m]i[n]atus nulla alia siue plura Maneria terr[a] seu ten[amen]ta h[ab]uit nec tenuit de d[i]c[t]a d[o]m[in]a R[egi]na Nec de aliquo alio in D[omi]nico Rev[er]sione neque servico[?] in Com[itatu] p[re]dict[o] die quo obijt
Ett qu[o]d p[re]d[i]ct[us] Johes Ayshe obijt Decimo quinto die Octobr[is] vltimo p[rae]terit[o] ante Capcoem huius Inquisiconis
Ett quod Maria Aldurthe uxor Simonis Aldurthe Anna Ayshe, Elizabeth Ayshe, et Elinora Ayshe sunt filia et hered[es] d[i]c[tus] Johes Ayshe propinquioreo Et quod D[i]c[t]a Maria Aldurthe est etatis tempore Capconis huius Inquisiconis Septerndecem annor[um] Ett quod D[i]c[t]a Anna Ayshe est etatis Duodecem annoru[m] et amplius tempore Capconis huius Inquisiconis / Ett quod D[i]c[t]a Elizabeth Ayshe: tempore Capconis huius Inquisico[n]is fuit etatis prim[u]s Anni et amplius. Et quod D[i]c[t]a Elionara Ayshe tempore Capconis huius Inquisico[n]is est aetatis sex Septimanos.
In Cuius Rei testimon[iu]m tam p[rae]fatus Escaetor Quam Jur[atores] p[re]dicti sigilla sua alternatim p[re]sentib[us] apposuerunt Dat[a] Die An[nu]m et loco Suprad[i]c[t]us
Writ of diem clausit extremum
Elizabeth, by the grace of god, Queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith etc. to her escheator in the county of Somerset, greeting. Whereas we are informed that John Ashe, gentleman, who held of us in chief, has closed his last day, We command you to take into our hands without delay all the lands and tenements of which the same John was seised in demesne as of fee in your bailiwick on the day he died, and to keep it in safe custody until otherwise commanded, and by the oath of good and lawful men of your same bailiwick by whom the truth may be better known, diligently inquire how much lands and tenements the aforesaid John held of us in chief both in demesne and in service in your said bailiwick on the said day he died, and how much of others and by what service, and how much the lands and tenements are worth a year in all issues, and on what day the same John died, and who is his nearest heir and of what age. And the inquisition clearly and openly thereon made be sent to us in our Chancery under your seal and the seals of those by whom it was made without delay and with this writ. Witness ourself at Westminster the 21st day of November in the twenty-first year of our reign.
Inquisition post mortem
Indented inquisition taken at Chard in the county aforesaid on the 21st day of
March in the 21st year of the reign of our Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of god, Queen of
England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith etc.
Before John Walter, esquire, escheator of our said Lady Queen in the county
aforesaid, by virtue of a writ of the said Lady Queen of diem clausit extremem
after the death of John Ayshe, deceased, directed to the said
escheator and annexed to this inquisition, by the oath of 12
good and lawful men of the county aforesaid, namely:
Richard Warshare, esquire, Robert Ayshe, Thomas Burge,
William Slade, Thomas Blake, Thomas White, William Kinge,
Thomas Hoop, William Thorne, Thomas Mewe, WIlliam Tylley and
John Pird.
Who say on their oath that the aforesaid John Ayshe named in the said writ was seised in demesne as of fee of and in the capital messuage or farm of Bellerica in Bellerica in the county aforesaid long before he died. And of and in two hundred acres of land, one hundred acres meadow, thirty acres pasture and one hundred acres woods with the appurtenances in Bellerica aforesaid in the parish of Farye in county aforesaid. And so seised, by an indented charter which is dated the eighth day of October in the 20th year of the reign our said Lady Queen Elizabeth Queen, for and in consideration of the paternal love that the said John Ayshe had for his progeny, and for and in consideration of fraternal love that the said John Ayshe had for Thomas Ayshe his brother, that agreed for himself and his heirs with the said Thomas Ayshe and his heirs that the said John Ayshe, his heirs and assignees and any other person that … the hereditament of or in the capital messuage or farm of Bellerica and his other premises … to the work and use of the said John Ayshe for the term of his life … And after his decease to the work and use of the said Thomas Ayshe for the term of twenty two years from the death of the said John Ayshe … And after the said same use and status has finished … to the work and use of the male heirs legitimately born of the body of the said John Ayshe. And for lack of issue to the work and use of the female heirs legitimately born of the body of the said John Ayshe. And for lack of issue to the work and use of the said Thomas Ayshe and his heirs forever. By virtue of this indented charter and by virtue of a certain Act of Parliament of uses in ownership enacted at Westminster in the 27h year of the reign of Henry the Eighth late King of England, the aforesaid John was seised of and in the aforesaid capital messuage or farm of Bellerica and other premises in Bellerica aforesaid in demesne as of free tenement for the term of his life in remainder in the form aforesaid.
Further say the jurors aforesaid on their oath aforesaid that the aforesaid capital messuage or farm of Bellerica and other premises in Bellerica aforesaid were held of the said Queen in right of her crown in chief by service one hundredth part of a knight’s fee and value per year in all issues of twenty marks above deductions.
And that the aforesaid John Ayshe named in the said writ had or held no other or more manors, lands or tenements of the Lady Queen nor of any others in demesne, reversion or service in the county aforesaid on the day he died.
And that the aforesaid John Ayshe died the fifteenth day of October last before taking this inquisition.
And that Mary Aldurthe, wife of Simon Aldurthe, Anne Ayshe, Elizabeth Ayshe and Elinora Ayshe are daughters and nearest heirs of the said John Ayshe. And that the said Mary Aldurthe is age seventeen years at the time of taking this inquisition. And that the said Anne Ayshe is age twelve years and more at the time of taking this inquisition. And that the said Elizabeth Ayshe was age one year and more at the time of taking this inquisition. And that the said Elionara Ayshe is age six weeks at the time of taking this inquisition.
In witness whereof, the aforenamed eschaetor and the jurors aforesaid in turn affixed their seals on the day, year and place abovesaid.
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