
Instructions for Downloading Your Source-A-Thon Bib and Creating a Profile Sticker

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Profile manager: Betsy Ko private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,171 times.

Here's how you can download the bib you were assigned in the Source-a-Thon registration and use it to create a sticker for your profile.

  • Download the image from the G2G comment to your computer desktop. It will be a png file.
  • Go to this page: Source-a-Thon Sandbox
  • Check to see if the image is already uploaded to this page by looking at the table on the left.

If your bib image is already on this list, follow these steps:

  • Click on the image in the table. It will take you to a standard image page.
  • Scroll down to examples within gray highlighting under “Use Inside Text”.
  • Copy the file name. For example: DuBois_Family_Footlocker_Image_Cabinet-5.png
  • Now adjust the following bit of code. You will need to change the team information inside the square brackets and the name of your bib png file following bib=
    • {{Source-a-Thon|team=[[Space:Welsh_Dragons|Welsh Dragons]]|year=2023|sources=000|bib=DuBois_Family_Footlocker_Image_Cabinet-5.png}}
  • Go into Edit mode on your profile page and insert the code BELOW the Biography heading

If your bib is not on the FSP, follow these steps:

  • Upload your bib image in the same way you would upload an image to any profile. (If you have a personal FSP for images, you can load it there too.
  • You may discover that a previous wearer of the same bib has already uploaded the image. In that case you just want to grab the name of the png file when you copy the image address.
  • On the image page, scroll down to examples within gray highlighting under “Use Inside Text”.
  • Copy the file name. For example: DuBois_Family_Footlocker_Image_Cabinet-5.png
  • Now adjust the following bit of code. You will need to change the team information inside the square brackets and the name of your bib png file following bib=
    • {{Source-a-Thon|team=[[Space:Welsh_Dragons|Welsh Dragons]]|year=2023|sources=000|bib=DuBois_Family_Footlocker_Image_Cabinet-5.png}}
  • Go into Edit mode on your profile page and insert the code BELOW the Biography heading
You can watch Greg and Betsy go through this process live on the Saturday Roundup
Play the Saturday Roundup.

Images: 1
the Swede Ingrid
the Swede Ingrid

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 17

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I followed the instructions and see my bib on my own profile but over and over again I am trying to get it assigned to "Space:Source-a-Thon_Sandbox" because the instructions say this.... I put it in the wiki id place on here......

HELP!! I am good at tech, I understand Wiki... but I don't understand the instructions. What did I do wrong?

posted by Joy (Brady) Beer
Hi Joy,

The image was already assigned to both your profile and the sandbox. I added it to the list of bibs on the page. That step is a little fussy. You're all set. Happy Sourcing!

Cheers, Betsy

posted by Betsy Ko
My number is not showing on the bib list. I'm not clear what I need to do to get my bib posted if the number(365) isn't showing. This is my 2nd attempt.
Hi Carolyn,

Your bib image is now uploaded and showing in the table. Click on the tiny image to get to the image page itself.

Cheers, Betsy

posted by Betsy Ko
Sorry, but it's not clear to me where I find the bib image to upload if it is not already on the list. The rest I think I've figured out. Thanks.
posted by Suzanne (Nix) Dyck
Hi Suzanne,

I see that you've successfully uploaded your bib image to the sandbox. It's also showing in the list. If you click on the tiny icon for it, it will take you to an image page just like for any other image on WikiTree. If you scroll down and look on the right hand side of the page, you'll see options to use your bib image as a profile image or to embed it in the text of your bio. This is optional and just for fun. If you're on social media, you can also share it there to let others know what you're up to next weekend.

I hope I've answered your question. If not, please let me know!


posted by Betsy Ko
Thank you, Betsy. I managed to figure it out.
posted by Suzanne (Nix) Dyck
Is it really worth all that time and effort just to post a bib number?
Hi Rhonda,

I just uploaded your bib image to the sandbox. You don't need to do anything further.

Happy Sourcing!


posted by Betsy Ko
oh, Betsy, now I feel bad. thanks for the help.

I was a little grouchy during the Chiefs game last night, and all the unfamiliar instructions regarding changing the name of bib image seemed like the last straw. Sorry.

No worries, Rhonda. It only took a few minutes. Sorry the Chiefs were bumming you out the other night! ~Betsy
posted by Betsy Ko
HI Betsy,

Can we participate without the code. This is above my skill or patience level. My apologies.

Hi Judy,

That's completely fine. You don't need to do anything with your bib image in order to be a part of this event. It's good to know your bib number, but don't worry about it beyond that.

Happy Sourcing!


posted by Betsy Ko
I've downloaded the image and saved it to my desktop, but that's as far as I can go. The instructions from that point onward do not match what I'm seeing in the Sandbox. Help!
posted by Anita (Arundel) Meek
Hi Anita,

Please look for a private message from me. It was easier for me to send you wiki code that way.

Thanks, Betsy

posted by Betsy Ko
I am sure most young people understand these instructions, but those of us not born into the computer age, may not understand them. I am pretty good at finding sources, but am lost with these directions. Is there a set of directions for people like me?
posted by Scoti Pickrell
Hello Scoti,

I just replied to one of your private messages to me. Don't worry; we'll get you sorted out!


posted by Betsy Ko