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Intestate Probate (1731) of William Strainge of Calne, Wiltshire - Wiltshire and Swindon P26/759

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Date: 30 Nov 1731 to 1 Dec 1731
Location: Studly, Calne, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdommap
Surname/tag: strange
This page has been accessed 59 times.

Probate records of the Peculiar of the Treasurer of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury; P26/759; Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
Probate records of the Peculiar of the Treasurer of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury; P26/759; Wiltshire and Swindon Archives

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams


Renounciation of Administration

Studly p[ar]oce Calne
1. Dec: 1731

To all Christian people to whom these
presents shall come or concern I anne Strange of
Studley in the parish of Calne in the County of Wilts[hire]
widow (and Relict of William Strange late of the
same place Wheelright dec[eas]ed) send greeting
Whereas thes[ai]d William Strange dyed intestate
& the Right of Administrac[i]on of & to all and singular
his Goods and Chattles Rights and Creditts doth
solely belong & appertain to me thes[ai]d AnneSrange
Now know ye that I thes[ai]d Anne Strange for divers
good Causes & valuable Considerac[i]ons Do hereby renounce
mys[ai]d Right of Administrac[i]on of & to all & singular
rhe Goods & Chattles Rights & Creditts of thes[ai]d William
unto Edmund Strange of Grittonham in thes[ai]d
County yeoman (Brother of thes[ai]d Intestate) & do likewise
consent & desire that Administrac[i]on thereof may be
granted to thes[ai]d Edmund Strange And to the Intent
that this my Renunciac[i]on may be admitted & take
Effect I do hereby nominate constitute & appoint any
Proctor or Proctors of such ecclesiasticall Court within
the Jurisdicc[i]on whereof thes[ai]d William Strange dyed
jointly or severally to be my lawfull Proctor or Agent
Proctors or agents to appear before any competent
Judge or Surrogate in that behalf to exhibit this
my Renunciac[i]on Consent & Desire and to pray &
procure thesame to be admitted & enacted and I do
hereby ratifye & confirm whatsoever shall be
lawfully done in & about the premises by vertue of
these presents Inwitness whereof I have hereunto
sett my hand & seal dated the thirtyeth day of November
in the fifth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord
George the second by the grace of God of great Britain
ffrance & Ireland king defender of the faith &c And in the
year of our Lord 1731. The marke of
Anne X Strange

Intestate Probate

Noverint vniversi per p[re]entes nos Edmundum Strainge de Grittenham p[ar]oce
de Brinkworth in Com. Wilts. Yeoman et Nathanielem Rix de Stannton
in Com. Ied. Miller
teneri et firmiter obligari Revdo. Thomæ Rundle Chie. LL:D: Ecclice. Cathlis. Sarum
Eliesanrario p[re]bendario p[re]bendæ de Calne eidem Unit. & Annex intercentum
libris bene et legalis monetæ Mag Brit solvendi dico p[re]bendario - aut
suo cer[to] Attornat Executor vele Administrator suis Ad quamquidem soluioem. bene
et fideliter faciend[i] Obligamus nos et quemlibet n[ost]rum per se pro toto et insolid[i]
hered. Executor et Administrator n[ost]ros et iujuslibet n[ost]rum firmiter per p[re]sentes
Sigillis n[ost]ris sigillat Dat primo die mensis Decembris
Annoq[ue] Regni D[o]mini Georgij secundi
Dei gra[tia] Magna Britaniæ ffranciæ et Hibernie Regis fidei defensor
Ect Quinto - - Annoq[ue] D[omi]mi 1731.

Know all by these presents We Edmund Strange of Grittenham in the parish
of Brinkworth in County Wiltshire and Nathaniel Rix of Stannton
in the same County Miller
are held and firmly obligated the Reverend Thomas Rundle LL.D. [] of Salisbury
[] prebend of the prebendary of Calne of the same Unity & the attached hundred
pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said prebend - or
their certain Attornies Executors Administrators To which payment well
and faithfully to indeed be made We oblige ourselves and whichever of us by themself for the whole and jointly
with our and each of our heirs Executors or Administrators firmly by these presents
sealed with our seals dated the first day of the month of December
and the Year of the Reign of Lord George the second
by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith
etc. 5 - - and Anno Domini 1731

The Condicon of this Obligacon is such that if the abounden Edmund Strainge the Brother (Anne
the Widow & Relict first renouncing in writing) and
Administrator of all and singuler the goods ch[att]els
and credits of William Strainge late of Studley in the Parish of Calne intestate deceased
doe make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singuler the goods
chattells and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands poss[ess]ion
or knowledge of him the said Edmund Strainge
into the hands and possession of any person or persons for him and the same soe
made doe exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of ye p[re]bend of Calne
(if required) - at or before the last day of March next
ensuing And the same goods chattells and credits and all other the goods chattells and credits
of the said deceased at the time of his death which at any time after shall come to the
hands or possession of the said Edmund Strainge or into the hands and
possession of any other person or persons for him doe well and truly administer
according to law And further doe make or cause to be made a true and iust accompt
of his s[ai]d Ad[ministra]con at or before the last day of Decembert 1732 (if required)
and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattells and credits which shall be found
remaining upon the said Administrators accompt the same being first examined and
allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall deliver
and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges by his
or their decree or sentence p[ur]suant to the true intent and meaning of a late Act of
Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth yeares of the reigne
of o[ur] Late Soveraigne L[or]d King Charles the second (Intituled An Act for the better
settling of Intestates Estates) shall limitt and appoint And if it shall be hereafter
appeare that any last will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the
Executor or Executors therein named doe exhibit the same into the said Court makeing
request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Edmund Strainge
above bounden being thereunto required doe render and deliver the said L[ette]res of Ad[ministra]con
(approbacon of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court Then this
Obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remaine in full force and vertue

Sealed and delivered
in the presence of
R Saml Sycke np[er] Edmunge Strange (Seal)

Jur. Adstrator. supranoiat. apud signed
Sarum die & Anno p[re]d[ict]i Nathaniel n Rix (Seal)
Roland Dennis Jur.

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