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Investigate their parents

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Profile manager: Miyako Jones private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 26 times.

They were born in or moved to a different state from their parents' birthplace during the time of slavery. Were they sold or were they free?

Name Birth Notes
Jake Thompson 1852-00-00 Born in Mississippi; both parents were born in Georgia
Thompson, Elizabeth (Herod) 1845-00-00 Born in Mississippi; both parents were born in Georgia
Brice A Strozier 1835-04-00 Born in Georgia; father was born in Virginia
Henry Logan 1835-04-00 Born in South Carolina, moved to Mississippi; parents were born in South Carolina
Elsie (McGhee) Logan 1855-01-00 Born in Mississippi; parents were born in South Carolina
Wallace Dennis 1835-04-00 Born in Mississippi; parents and older sister were born in Maryland

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