
Iredell County Early Settlers Map

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Date: 1788 [unknown]
Location: Iredell, North Carolinamap
This page has been accessed 11,686 times.



Mildred J. Miller's Map of Early Iredell Settlers, dated 1988 copy and details furnished by Donald Anderson

Mildred Jenkins Miller (1932-2011) went to the Rowan County Library, History Room and there worked with Gretchen Whitt, the local history librarian and Mildred read, studied all land deeds of land that fell in Iredell County after 1788. She then went to the Iredell Register of Deeds and worked with those ladies and their digitized land the early land deeds of land that adjoined land that was originally registered in Rowan County. By reading these various deed she was able to learn who a specific deed's described land joined. By doing this she was zeroing in on a refined geographic area where this specific early setter's homestead was located, considering those that adjoined and waterway and their course as described in the deed.

The map was layed out into sections in order to see and find the locations. Below are the current images for this map.


To see bigger images click one of the links below. (Some images are currently missing)

Overall Large Map
A1 A2 A3 A4
B1 B2 B3 B4
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
D1 D2 D3 D4 D6 D7
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7

Iredell County Populated Places 1808

Iredell County Early Settlers Map, part 1

Iredell County Early Settlers Map, part 2

Iredell County Early Settlers Map, part 3

Iredell County Early Settlers Map, part 4


The following is an index of names and places identified in this map and was compliled by Donald Anderson. The date for persons is the date of the first deed from Mildred Miller's original map. Dates of organization of churches and dates of establishment of post offices have been inserted, also, to help develop a chronology. The columns are sortable.

Name (Profile Link) Date of First Deed or Date Established Section
Adams, William A1
Adams D3
Alexander, Gabriel A3
Alexander D3
Allison, Adam E3
Allison, Andrew 1752 E3
Allison, Robert 1752E3
Amity ARP Church 1848[1] C3
Amity F5
Archibald 1783F3
Archibald, John F3
Archibald, Thomas E3
Archibald, William E3
Arthur, William F5
Asbury Mountain B2
Back Creek (Central Iredell) C4
Back Creek (Mid Iredell) D4
Back Creek (South Iredell) D6
Baity, James E2
Baker, Obadiah D1
Baker, Samuel D6
Baker, Samuel D7
Baker Holland Mill D2
Ball, Daniel 1794C1
Barium Springs D4
Barker’s Baptist Church C1
Bear Branch E3
Beard, William E4
Beaties Ford Road D6
Beaver Dam Creek E4
Beaver Dam Creek F4
Bell, Walter 1791D5
Belt, Thomas F2
Belt Bridge F2
Bently, Benjamin A1
Bethany Presbyterian Meeting House 1778E3
Bethel Church C4
Bethesda Presbyterian Church 1775E4
Black, David 1762C4
Black, David 1763D4
Black, David 1782B4
Black, David B4
Black David A4
Bogle, Robert A2
Bone, William D2
Bowman, Hugh E3
Boyd, Daniel 1783D2
Boyd, Robert D2
Braly, John F6
Braly, William 1779F6
Brotherton, John D1
Brotherton, William D1
Brotherton Branch D1
Brown, William D3
Brushy Creek C1
Buffalo Branch D3
Buffalo Shoals Creek B3
Buffalo Shoals or 8 Mile Shoals Creek B4
Buffalo Shoals or 8 Mile Shoals Creek C4
Burton, David D2
Byers, James 1791D6
Cambridge Church D5
Campbell, Colin 1794B4
Campbell, Colin 1794C3
Campbell, John A1
Campbell, Perciphull1795D1, E1
Campbell Mill and Covered Bridge 1810D1, E1
Campbell Hugh A1
Campbell, Adam1775D1, E1
Campbell’s Mill D1
Carruth, Adam 1775F6
Carruth, Walter 1775F6
Carson, Robert A2
Carson, Robert D5
Carson, Samuel A2
Carson, William 1761C3
Cass, James 1783E1
Catawba River A3
Catawba River A4
Catawba River C5
Cavin, Robert 1762D5
Cavin, Samuel 1761D5
Cavin Creek D5
Centre Church at North Iredell C3
Chambers, Henry 1761F4
Chambers, Robert 1783E2
Chambers Mill E2
Chambers Robert E4
Charleston Road E5
Chipley Ford Road D2
Clarksberry Methodist Episcopal Church (Irwin’s Meeting House F2
Clayton, George D5
Clendenin, Matthew 1787E4
Clio Church C2
Clio Nursery School C2
Coddle Creek F6
Concord Presbyterian Meeting House 1775C3
Conner, Charles 1796D6
Cook, Richard B1
Cook, Thomas F6
Cool Spring Post Office 1852 F3
Corruth, James 1779F6
Cove Gap Road A1
Cove Gap Road B2
Cove Gap Road C2
Crater Mills Postoffice (became Union Grove in 1857) 1851
Crawford, Jacob 1762E5
Damascus Baptist Church 1839C2
David, Joseph D4
David Caldwell Mill F3
Davidson, George 1752D6
David Waddle Mill F4
Davis, James A1
Dobbins, John F3
Dobbins, William 1783E2
Doolie Post Office 1881 D6
Drop Off Creek C1
Duck Creek D4
Duncan Mill D2
Dutchman’s Creek E2
Dutchman’s Creek F1
Eagle City E1
Eagle Mill E1
Eagle Mills Methodist Episcopal Church E1
Ebenezer Academy E3
Eight Mile Creek B3
Elgin School B3
Elk Shoal Academy B3
Elk Shoals Creek A3
Elk Shoals Creek B3
Elliott, George B3
Ellis, Etheldred B3
Ellis Mill F1
Elmwood F4
Elsberry, Benjamin E1
Enola Post Office 1858E4
Erwin, George 1783C3
Eslaven, William 1755F4
Eupetic Springs D1
Evalin Post Office 1884C1
Fairhope Iron Forge C1
Falls, William D5
Fallstown Postoffice 1811D5
Feimester Mill C3
Feimster, William 1784C3
Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church1846F3
Five Mile Branch E3
Fleming, John E4
Fleming, Peter E5
Fort Dobbs 1755D3
Fourth Creek C3
Fourth Creek Meeting House 1756D3
Fourth Creek Road D4
Freedland, Andrew E4
Friends Carter Mill Post Office 1900E1
Fulbright Post Office 1899C4
George Locke Mill E2
Georgia Road E4
Gorgia RoadE5
Georgia Road F3
Gillespie 1761F4
Glade Creek A3
Gordon, Gilbert A3
Goshen Post Office 1829E1
Graham, William D5
Granite Hill Post Office 1857E5
Grassy Knob Baptist Church 1789D1
Gratz Post Office 1900F2
Gregory, James 1784D1
Gregory Branch F5
Gus Post Office 1888F5
Guy Mill C2
Guy Mill C3
Hall, George 1760E4
Hall, Hugh 1862E3
Hall, James 1761E3
Hall, Thomas 1762E3
Harmon Mill D1
Harmony 1927F4
Harris, Samuel 1762C3
Haynes, James F6
Henderson, John 1769C4
Henderson Cross Roads D1
Hiddenite, NC A2
Higgins, John 1800D3
Hill, Abraham 1788C2
Hill, James D3
Hill, Robert 1783C2
Hilo Post Office 1900F1
Hines, William A2
Holeman Mill F3
Holman, Isaac 1783F1
Holmes, Francis E1
Houston, Christopher 1783F1
Houston, Christopher C5
Houston, James B2
Houston, Joseph 1783B4
Houston, Joseph 1783C4
Houston Ferry A4
Houston Ferry Road B3
Houstonville Post Office 1804F1
Houston’s Creek B4
Huggins, Robert 1779F6
Hughey, John 1783F7
Hunting Creek F2
Ireland, John 1761B3
Ireland, William 1762B3
Irvin, Christopher E4
Island Creek B4
Island Ford Road B3
Island Ford Road B4
Island Ford Road C4
James Stewart 1755E5
James Stewart E4
Jennings (Store) 1850D1
Jetton, Abraham D6
Johnston, Adam 1783B3
Johnston, Thomas 1783B1
Jolly, Charles 1783C1
Jolly, John 1781B1
Kelly, Solomon B1
Kemp, John 1794C1
Kenney Creek F1
Kerr, David D2
Kerr Branch E5
Ketton, William 1780E5
Kilpatrick, Andrew 1789D2
Kilpatrick, Joseph 1787E2
King, John D2
Knowden’s Ford E1
Knox, James E4
Knox, John D2
Knox, John E4
Lackey, George 1783B2
Laird, John 1783D2
Laird, John 1783E2
Lambert, James 1752D5
Lambert Mill D5
Leech, John C5
Lewis, Richard 1761B4
Lewis, Richard 1761C4
Liberty Hill Post Office 1826C3
Linker (Deep Well Post Office) 1898F6
Linney Mill B1
Little, John E2
Little Duchman’s Creek E1
Little River A3
Little Rocky Branch C2
Little’s Mill E1
Locke, George 1783E2
Lockey, Thomas B2
Lockey, William 1783B2
Logan, David D2
Logan, David E2
Long, Samuel E4
Long Branch F1
Longford Post Office 1886C5
Loray (Fancy Hill) Post Office 1840C3
Lovelace Mill F2
Lucky, Aaron C1
Lucky, Adam C1
Macedonia Methodist Episcopal Church 1829E2
Maiden, John 1783F1
Massay, Nicholas C3
Matheson, Alexander A2
Matthews, Mussendin 1779E4
Mayberry Post Office B1
Mayhew Post Office 1881D6
Mazeppa Post Office 1900F5
McBroom, James 1794C1
McBroom, John C2
McClatchey, John C3
McConnell, Alexander 1783E1
McConnell, Alexander F2
McConnell, Archibald F1
McConnell, John E1
McConnell, William E1
McCorkle, Alexander A3
McCorkle, James A3
McCurdy, Alexander B1
McDonald, Alexander A2
McDonald, George 1763D4
McDowery Mill Creek D5
McFarland, James C4
McHargue, James D2
McHargue, William C1
McHargue Mountain C1
McHenry, Archibald B2
McHenry, Henry E4
McHenry, John B2
McHenry’s Bridge E4
McIntoch, George B3
McIntosh, Hector 1790B4
McKay, John A3
McKay, John E3
McKay, William 1796E5
McKendree (Mayhew) Church 1790D5
McKenzie, Kennedy F1
McKinney, Andrew D4
McKnight, Jacob B3
McKnight, William 1760F6
McKnight, William B3
McLelland, John 1783A2
McLelland, William D3
McLelland, William Jr. C3
McWhoter, John 1788D2
Miller Post Office 1883D7
Mill Hill, Abraham C2
Milligan, James 1788C2
Millsaps, Joesph B1
Millsaps, William B1
Mitchell, Andrew F1
Mitchell, William 1793C1
Montgomery, John 1783C2
Moravin Methodist Church A4
Morganton Road A2, B2, B3, C3
Morrison, Andrew 1762B3
Morrison, James 1753B3
Morrison, James 1783B4
Morrison, John D3
Morrison, Thomas B4
Morrison, William 1753C3
Mossman, Robert 1789D6
Mountain Road B3
Mountain Road B3
Mount Bethel (Preather’s Methodist Episcopal Church) 1800 beforeF2
Mount Mourne Postoffice 1805
Mount Pisgah Post Office 1817B2
Mount Pleasant B3
Mt. Moriah Church F1
Murdah, James E3
Murdock, James E3
Murdock, Robert B3
Murdock, William E4
Neill, James D5
Neill Mill F6
Nelson, Cashio 1783F6
Nesbit, Moses C4
Nesbit’s Store D3
Net Post Office 1894E1
New Bethany Baptist Church 1827 beforeB4
New Bethany Baptist Church 1827 beforeC3
New Hope Post Office 1832C1
New Union Church F3
Nicholas McLelland Mill D3
Nichols, Jacob 1792D2
Ninian Steele, Jr. E4
Northerly Route of Lord Cornwallis D7
North Fork of Yadkin River E2
Norwood D5
Oak Forest Post Office 1837F3
Oil Mill Branch D1, E1
Old Camp Creek D4
Old House Creek D5
Olin Creek or Middle Fork of Rocky Creek D2
Oliphant, John 1755D6
Ostwalt E5
Patterson, Henry B2
Patterson, James E5
Perth Post Office 1889D5
Pisgah Methodist Episcopal Church 1801C2
Poplar Grove Post Office 1829B3
Porter, Thomas 1794F3
Porter’s Branch F3
Abernathy Post Office1881B3
Abernathy Post Office1881B4
Potts, Henry 1783D3
Potts, James 1760C3
Potts, Moses D3
Prather, Thomas E2
Pressley Post Office 1888B3
Purviance, James C3
Purviance, John 1784B4
Purviance, John 1784C3
Rash, Daniel 1783D1
Redman, Thomas 1793B1
Redman C1
Reed, Alexander 1753E3
Reed, Andrew 1761E3
Reed, John E2
Reed, Samuel 1761F2
Reed, Samuel E4
Reed, Samuel F3
Roberts, John C1
Roberts, John D1
Robinson, Richard 1761C3
Rock Cut (Deep Cut) C4
Rockford Road F2
Rocky Creek B1.E2. F7
Rocky Face Mountain A1
Rocky River E1
Rock Springs Baptist Church 1884A2
Rodman, Francis 1783C3
Roseborough, James F3
Round Top Mountain A2
Salem ARP Church A2
Salisbury Road E4
Sandy Springs Baptist Church F1
Scantling, William 1786E1
Scotts Post Office 1894C3
Scroggs, John C2
Settle Post Office 1873F1
Sharon Lutheran Church B4
Sharpe, William 1783D2
Sharpe, James 1783D2
Sharpe, John C2
Sharpe, Joseph C2
Sharpe, Silas D?. C3
Sharpe Mill C3
Sharpe’s Mill C2
Shepherds Cross Roads E5
Sherrill’s Path F1
Shiloh Presbyterian Church B4
Shiloh Presbyterian ? Methodist Church C4
Shinnville E5
Shoemaker Mill C1
Simonton, Adam E2
Simonton, William E3
Simonton Road C2
Sloan, Archibald 1794C2
Sloan, John 1794C2
Sloan, John C4
Sloan’s Mill E1
Smith, John (Dutch) B1
Snoddy, Thomas 1791A3
Snow Creek Post Office, Snow Creek Ironworks 1802-1832D2
Snow Creek Methodist Church D2
Society Baptist Church F2
South Branch E3
South Fork of Grassy Creek or Yadkin River A2
South Yadkin River B2, D2, F2
Speaks Creek C1
Spring Grove Post Office 1827F6
St. James Episcopal Church E5
St. Martin’s Church D4
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church D5
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church D4
Staphel Post Office 1892D4
Statesville Road D3
Iredell C.H. 1794-1801
Statesville Post Office 1801
Steele, Joseph 1773B3
Steele, Ninian E4
Steele, Robert 1762F4
Stephenson, James A1
Stevenson, John 1763D4
Stevenson, William 1761D4
Stewart, John C3
Stirwalt Mill D3
Stony Point, NC B3
Sweet Home Post Office 1856C2
Talmadge Post Office 1900D1
Tate, Robert F4
Taylor Springs Baptist Church C1
Templeton, David F7
Templeton, James D6
Third Creek B3, C3, E4, F4
Thomas, Jacob 1782B4
Thompson, John (Presbyterian Missionary) D7
Thompson, John C3
Thompson, John D4
Thompson, Peter D3
Thornton, Samuel D3
Todd, Nathaniel 1783E1
Tomlin Mill E1
Torrance, Hugh D6
Torrance, Hugh D7
Troutman, Jacob 1791D5
Troutman, Robert D5
Turkey Foot Branch D2, E2
Turnersburg E2
Union Grove Post Office 1856
Vance Post Office 1882E3
Vashti Post Office A1
Vernon Baptist Church D1
Wallis, James A1
Ward Mill E2
Warren’s Bridge D1
Wasson, D3
Wasson, Joseph C2
Wasson, Samuel D3
Watt, Andrew D3
Watt, James 1761C3
Watt, William 1753D3
Waugh Post Office 1887B4
Welch-Nicholson Barnard Mill E1
Weosmer Post Office D2
Wesley Chapel Church E5
White, Moses 1752D6
White’s Mill D4
Wilkesboro Road C1,C2
Wilkesboro - Salisbury Road E1, E2
William Morrison Mill C3
Williamsburg Postoffice 1818 E1
Williams Mill C1
William Watt Mill C3
Wilson, Francis 1761F4
Wilson, James 1783D6
Wilson, John F4
Wilson, Robert D5
Wilson, Thomas E4
Withrow's Creek E5
Wrstlock, James E1
Yadkin River E2
Young, Thomas (Daltonia) 1783F1
Young, William D5
Young's Creek D5
Zion Baptist Church 1825E1
Zoar Church E5


Some images are currently missing

Overall Map
A1 A2 A3 A4
B1 B2 B3 B4
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
D1 D2 D3 D4 D6 D7
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7


Comments: 11

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The map section reference for John McHenry needs to be changed from B2 to E2. He is the John immediately next to Archibald on that section. I tried to fix it, but I don't think I have editing privileges on this page. Can you update that for me?
posted by Scott McClain
On the map it shows Archibald and John McHenry next to each other in section B2 neither are on E2. Henry McHenry is shown in section E4.
There's no image for the B2 quadrant on this page, so I don't know whether John and Archibald also had land in B2, but they definitely both did have adjoining tracts that appear on the E2 quadrant - that image is here -- John & Archibald McHenry appear in the lower left, just above the Yadkin. However, the text index on this free space page shows Archibald in E2, which is correct, but it shows John McHenry as in B2 -- that is what needs to be changed to E2. If you have a copy of the B2 image (or any of the other missing quadrants), I would love to see those too, especially if John and Archibald also appear in B2.
Just because there's no individual image for B2 doesn't mean you can't see the names on the big map. I imported the map into Illustrator so I could see the names very clearly.

E2 - The name listed on the map above Yadkin is John Archibald. No McHenry in this quadrant.

E4 - Henry McHenry next to McHenry's Bridge.

B2 - John McHenry and Archibald McHenry

posted by Michelle (Gerard) Hartley
edited by Michelle (Gerard) Hartley
I uploaded B2, E4 & E2 in the images section.
Thank you, that explains it. Thanks for uploading the additional images.
posted by Scott McClain
No problem. I had to download a pdf I found elsewhere and import it into Illustrator. The line boundaries might be a bit off from the large map but it's close enough. The pdf didn't have the quadrants marked so I did my best. I'll work on the others that don't have a quadrant image.
Great work by Mildred and Gretchen. Mildred helped me tremendously in my family research. I miss her greatly. She and Irene Black were the backbone of the Genealogical Society of Iredell County.
posted by Greg Little
Is there a way to request a digitized image of the map that is missing? I have a client with ancestors on Old House Creek, D5. Is the map accessible to the public in Iredell?
posted by Joy Curtiss
Honestly, I'm not sure if you can request the missing image. Sorry!
There was more than one Joseph Wasson living in this area. The chart is linked to Joseph Wasson (abt.1718-abt.1794) who lived on Fourth Creek and probably should instead be linked to Joseph Wasson Sr. (1744-1822) who lived on Snow Creek.
posted by Randall Merriott