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Ireland Catholic Archdiocese of Armagh

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Ireland Catholic Archdiocese of Armagh (includes parts of counties Armagh, Louth, Londonderry and Tyrone)

an Archdiocese of the Ireland Catholic Church Dioceses
Diocese of Ardagh (united with the titular bishopric Clonmacnois) – Republic of Ireland only
Diocese of Clogher - seat in Republic of Ireland, part in Northern Ireland (includes parts of counties Tyrone, Fermanagh and Monaghan )
Diocese of Derry - seat Northern Ireland, part in Republic of Ireland (includes parts of counties Londonderry, Antrim, Donegal, and Tyrone)
Diocese of Down and Connor - Northern Ireland only
Diocese of Dromore - Northern Ireland only
Diocese of Kilmore - seat Republic of Ireland, part in Northern Ireland (includes parts of County Fermanagh)
Diocese of Meath - Republic of Ireland only
Diocese of Raphoe - Republic of Ireland only

Catholic Archbishop of Armagh

Date FromDate ToName
10801129Cellach ua Flannacáin
13811404John Colton
15531558George Dowdall
15871593Edmund Magauran
16691681Saint Oliver Plunkett
16831707Hugh MacMahon
17581787Anthony Blake
17871818Richard O'Reilly
18191832Patrick Curtis
18321835Thomas Kelly
18351849William Crolly
18491852Paul Cullen
18521866Joseph Dixon
18661869Michael Kieran
18701887Daniel McGettigan
18871924Michael Logue
19241927Patrick Joseph O'Donnell
19281945Joseph MacRory


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