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Ireland Diaspora in South Australia Team

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 33 times.

australia.gif ireland.gif

The Ireland Diaspora in South Australia Team is part of both the Australia and Ireland Projects.

Team Leader: Leandra Ford

Team Members: Rosalie Neve



The team seeks to document the profiles of Irish migrants and their descendants in South Australia.

Many births and deaths among this demographic were not registered and so cluster research is necessary to connect families. The use of categories is paramount to aid this research.


  1. Create new profiles (and identify existing ones) for Irish immigrants in South Australia and their descendants, and categorise them. The use of stickers is optional.
  2. Merge all duplicate profiles into lowest correct Last Name at Birth (LNAB).
  3. Improve the biography of each profile so that it has a written narrative, using the Wikitree Style Guide. Members may work with the Profile Improvement Project for assistance in this respect.
  4. Connect each profile to the main Wikitree family tree (we can ask the Connectors Project for help).

How to Join

  1. Membership of at least one of the Australia and/or Ireland Projects is required.
    * Australia - new members of the Australia Project should answer this G2G post and request to join the South Australia and Ireland Diaspora in South Australia teams.
    * Ireland - new members of the Ireland Project should answer this G2G post and request to join the Ireland Diaspora and Ireland Diaspora in South Australia teams.
    * Existing members of either Project can contact Leandra Ford.
  2. If you have not undertaken the Profile Improvement Project Voyage, it is strongly recommended that you do so. Answer this G2G post to undertake the Voyage. There is a waiting list for the Voyage; this will not prohibit participation in the Ireland Diaspora in South Australia team.
  3. Add South_Australia and Irish_Roots to your list of followed tags.
    See Tags and Tag Names for more information.

How to Participate

Any contribution you can make, large or small, is appreciated. Most people start by working on any relevant profile(s) that are connected to their ancestral family.

Here are some other ways that Team members can contribute to our goals:

  1. If you wish to participate in a cluster research team, add your name to the relevant free space page (FSP) for your surname of interest. If the page does not yet exist, contact Leandra Ford.
  2. Ensure that relevant categories have been added to each profile. As a minimum there should be a category for each known residential location and the voyage of arrival. Irish domestic servants who spent time in a servant depot should also have the depot category. These categories may help to locate other family members and associates. Other categories may be used where applicable. New categories may be requested on the Categories Waiting to be Added or Renamed page.
  3. Add maintenance categories to profiles to let others know where they can help
    e.g. [[Category:Ireland, Needs Birth Record]] (and others from [[Category:Ireland, Maintenance Categories]])
    [[Category:South Australia, Needs Birth Source Researched]] (and others from [[Category:South Australia, Maintenance Categories]]).
    Where there are insufficient records for birth, marriage or death to identify family members, include research notes to indicate where you have searched, remove the other South Australian maintenance categories and add [[Category:South Australia, Needs Cluster Research]] instead.
  4. Action maintenance categories by finding relevant sources and improving profile biographies. See Sources and Citations - South Australia for a list of the most commonly used resources.
  5. When citing South Australian birth, marriage and death records, the registration district is important to locate the original record. Also include any other names included in the index entry, so that others don't need to look them up again, e.g.

    * South Australia Births 1842-1928 (FindMyPast, : accessed 7 October 2021) transcript for Cormack, John (Birthdate: 2 January 1871, Father: William Cormack, Mother: Johanna Mayher, Birthplace: Bagots Well) Reference: District: Kapunda, Book/Page: 94/270.

    * South Australia Marriages 1842-1937 (FindMyPast, ; accessed 7 October 2021) transcript for Cormack, John (Age: 26, Status: Single, Father: Andrew Cormack) and Stone, Mirinda (Age: 20, Status: Single, Father: Alfred Stone) on 12 October 1889 at St Paul Church Port Adelaide, Reference: District: Port Adelaide, Book/Page: 161/192.

    * South Australia Deaths 1842-1972 (FindMyPast, : accessed 7 October 2021) transcript for Ryan, Mary (Death Date: 6 June 1877, Marital Status: Child (under 16 years of age), Age: 11d, Relative: Samuel Ryan (Father), Residence: Dublin, Death Place: Dublin) Reference: District: Gilbert, Book/Page: 81/222.
  6. Where records have not been found, document research notes on profiles to indicate where you have searched for records. If you suspect relationships, include links to the other profiles. Cite your sources so that others can find them easily.
  7. Add stickers if desired.


Profiles of people born in Ireland should include:

  • Migration category,
    e.g. [[Category: Migrants from County Cork to South Australia]]
    See this category list.
  • Voyage category,
    e.g. [[Category: Australia, Arrived 22 Jan 1856]]
    See this category list.
    Where the voyage is unknown, add [[Category: Australia, Immigrant Needs Voyage Category Added]].

This is an "orphaned" profile — there's no Profile Manager to watch over it. Please adopt this profile.

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)


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