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Ireland Quaker Team

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Surnames/tags: Irish_Roots Quakers Irish_Quakers
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Welcome to the Ireland Quaker Team

This is part of the Ireland Project Topics Team, which is part of the Ireland Project and collaborates closely with the Quakers Project

Leader: Alan Watson - Members:
Member What you're working on or link your work page
Alan Watson I estimate that I have at least 8,000 Irish Quakers or their descendants in my family tree
Paul Hancock I have a lot of Irish Quakers in my own family tree
Jason Lee Edwards I descend from the Quaker Brownlow family of County Armagh
Gina Meyers My ancestor, John Myers of Co. Cork, was the son of Sarah Abott who had been disowned for marrying out from Friends. John's wife, Mary Cantrell was also the daughter of a Quaker family
Nick Eades Nick is descended from the Goodbodys and through them many of the other big Irish Quaker families.

Objectives and guidelines

You can read more about our objectives and guidelines in Ireland Quaker team guidelines and objectives

Categories and stickers

We use Category:Irish_Quakers, the sticker {{Quakers Sticker}} a category for the monthly meeting that the Quaker belonged to and, if appropriate, the {{Ireland Native}} sticker. You can find the monthly meeting categories here Category:Quaker_Meetings,_Ireland. Clicking through on a particular meeting category will show all the profiles with that category attached.

You can see all the profiles using the Category:Irish_Quakers by clicking on the link. (Rather than paging through many times to find the relevant surname, you can edit the URL to add the relevant surname after &from, eg https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Category:Irish_Quakers&from=Watson .)

Sources and resources

You will find the overall Quaker project's resource page here

the Ireland Project's links to resources here,

our own Irish Quaker Team sources and resources page here.

Also see The Irish Quakers: A People's History.

Please contact us

If you have a question or a comment on an Irish Quaker profile or on an Irish Quaker whose genealogy you are researching, then please contact me or a member of the team. We are always glad to receive your comments and will do our best to help.



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My Quaker research focuses the McCool/McCoole family in County Londonderry and County Antrim in the 1600s and 1700s. At the time, these were part of Ireland; now they are part of Northern Ireland and the UK. Which Quaker team focuses on these areas: English or Irish? Thanks!
posted by Kevin Ireland
Hi Kevin, Because most of the records/sources are pre 1922, we have included Northern Ireland in the Ireland Project. If you would like to join us , just let me know and I'll get you an Ireland Badge and get you signed up Ireland Quaker Team.

I see you're not a member of the Quakers Project. You can get information about them at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Religious_Society_of_Friends

posted by Richard Devlin
edited by Richard Devlin
Hi Kevin,

As Richard says, we cover Ireland north and south in the Irish Quakers team. There are indeed a few (but not many) Irish Quaker records for McCoole/McCool/McCooll/McCoolles. John McCoole of county Derry first appears in the book of 'sufferings' in 1691 as having had goods taken from him. By 1697 he was joined in the book by Archeball McCoole of the same county. There are a few mentions of them in Quaker minutes, and in 1717 Archibald McCoole declared his intention of marring Neile O'Mony. In 1718 Sarah McCoole declared her intention of marrying Daniel Backhouse. In 1720 a widdow McCoole appears in the sufferings book. In 1759 Archibald McCoole appears again in the sufferings book, this time along with Daniel Backhouse. In 1760 Jennet McCool was disowned for having a child when not married. In 1760, there is a letter to Friends in Pennsylvania recommending Jane Wilson senior, widow, who intends to travel there after having received a legacy from her half brother John McCool. There are also file notes mentioning James and Gabriel McCool emigrating to Delaware from Derry in 1725.

Hope that this helps,


posted by Alan Watson

Categories: Quakers Project