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Irish Roots PPP

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This page has been accessed 634 times.

This page is not currently being used by the Ireland Project. If you are interested in the projects managed profiles please go to Ireland Project Managed Profiles Team.

This is part of the Ireland Managed Profiles Team which is part of the Ireland Project.



For an introduction to the concept of Project-Managed Profiles, please read the help page.

For Project-Protection, please read the help page.

Historically the Irish Roots template was applied to a large number of profiles that were not managed by the project. A clean-up exercise was undertaken in April/May 2019 to limit the template to Project-Managed Profiles (as at May 25 there remain a small number of closed profiles not yet moved by their owners). The 'Ireland Native' and 'Irish Clans' stickers are available to apply to non-Project-Managed profiles.


The overarching goal of this team is to honour the memory of men and women who have made a significant contribution to Irish culture and heritage through any sphere of activity, be that military, political, religious, sporting or cultural.

What We Do

The Ireland Project manages profiles of notable Irish people who are important to Irish history and culture. The Wikitree Notabability test is a useful reference for notability.

We honour these people by:

  • adopting their profile if they are Wikitree orphans
  • becoming co-managers if the profile already has a manager
  • improving their profile with a detailed and researched biography, sources and links
  • maintaining the integrity of the profile.

The Ireland Project protects a profile if:

  • aspects of their history are contentious, unproven or speculative
  • the biography or comments indicate that there has been dispute about the identity of the person, key details of the person’s life, or their descendants or ancestors, or there have been previous G2G posts requesting that the profile be locked
  • the profile is prone to duplication
  • the Last Name at Birth (LNAB) is unstable
  • the profile is at least 200 years old or notable.

The Ireland Project protects a profile by:

  • either adopting an orphaned profile or becoming a co-manager
  • applying PPP status which locks the LNAB and the parents of the profile person
  • researching the profile history using reliable sources and improving the biography if required
  • encouraging and leading discussion about the profile person and their family on G2G
  • maintaining the integrity of the finished profile by keeping it on our watchlist.

Links to British History

The often violent and emotive nature of historic relationship between Ireland and England, and the religious aspects of this, means key figures from Irish history are often not treated with objectivity. The Project will aim to deal with contentious figures from a neutral perspective.

Another aspect of this relationship is there are often cases where important figures in history may be born in Ireland but not considered Irish. The lauded explorer Ernest Shackleton is one such example. The Project will interact with other relevant teams (e.g. Notables, England Project) to determine the best way to manage such examples.

Project-Protected Profiles

The current list of suggested / actual Project-Protected Profiles is set out below:

High Kings of Ireland

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Tuathal (Teachtmar) Techtmar 56-106 Irish Roots
Teresa Langford
Steve Parsons
PM and PPP Yes
Felim Rachtmar 80-119 Irish Roots
Teresa Langford
Steve Parsons
PM and PPP Yes
Cathair Mór mac Feideilmid ?-122 Irish Roots
Darrell Parker
Thorr Odinson
PM and PPP Yes
Conn Cétchathach Ceadcatha ?-157 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PPP Yes
Conaire Cóem (Mogha) Conaire Mac Mogha Laine ?-192 Irish Roots
Katherine Wall
Tom Brooks
PM and PPP Yes
Art Óenfher mac Cuinn 152-195 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PPP Yes
Cormac Ulfada MacArt 195-266 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PPP Yes
Cairbre (Liffeachaire) Lifechair 230-284 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PPP Yes
Fiacha "High King of Ireland" Srabhteine ?-306 Irish Roots
Teresa Langford
Steve Parsons
PM and PPP Yes
Colla da Crioch Forchrith 290- Irish Roots
Taylor McCormick
PM and PPP Yes
Muireadach Tireach Fiacha aka MacFiachaidh ?-326 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Eochaid Mugmedon mac Muireadach formerly Mugmedón 325-365 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Criomhthan (Crimthann) Liath formerly Lethan 400- Irish Roots
Taylor McCormick
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Niall Noigiallach "Niall of the Nine Hostages" Eochaid 360-452 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Nath Í (Dath) mac Fiachrach 400-445 Irish Roots
Jack Day
PM and PP Yes
Lóegaire mac Néill ?-462 Irish Roots
Richard Devlin
PM and PP Yes
Olioll Molt (Aillill Molt) mac Nath Í ?-478 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Lugaid mac Lóegairi 450-507 Irish Roots
Richard Devlin
PM and PP Yes
Muirchertach "mac Earcae" Mac Muiredaig formerly Cenel n Eogain ?-534 Irish Roots
Teresa Langford
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Diarmat (Cerbaill) mac Cerbaill ?-565 Irish Roots
Richard Devlin
PM and PP Yes
Domnall Ilchegach "Deceitful, High King of Ireland" of Ireland formerly Mac Muirchertaig ?-566 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Eochaid Find "King of Ailech, High King of Ireland" mac Domnaill ?-571 Irish Roots
Richard Devlin
PM and PP Yes
Colmán Rímid mac Báetáin ?-604 Irish Roots
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Áed Uaridnach Áed mac Domnaill formerly Cenel n Eogain 566-607 Irish Roots
Teresa Langford
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Fergaile (Maele) Fergal mac Máele Dúin 665-722 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Domhnall Mac Murchada ?-763 Irish Roots
Darlene Athey-Hill
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Niall Condail Macfergal 718-778 Irish Roots
David Rentschler
Jean Maunder
PM and PP Yes
Donnchad Midi mac Domnaill 733-797 Irish Roots
Darlene Athey-Hill
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Áed Oirdnide "High King of Eirann" mac Néill formerly Niall 750-819 Irish Roots
Michelle Brooks
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Conchobar mac Donnchada ?-833 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Niall Caille (Aedh) Mac Aedh 791-846 Irish Roots
Michelle Brooks
David Rentschler
PM and PP Yes
Áedh Findliath mac Niall 820-879 Irish Roots
Richard Devlin
PM and PP Yes
Niall Mac Aedo 830-919 Irish Roots
Summer Orman
PM and PP Yes
Donnchadh Donn mac Flainn ?-944 Irish Roots
Richard Devlin
PM and PP Yes
Domhnall mac Muirchertach ua Néill 955-980 Irish Roots
Richard Devlin
PM and PP Yes
Máel Sechnaill Mor mac Domnaill formerly mac Domnall 948-1022 Irish Roots
Rhoda Pam McCarty
PM and PP Yes
Brian Bóruma (Cennetig) MacCennetig 940-1014 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Donnchad (O'Brien) O'Briain 981-1064 Multiple, including Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Dermot mac Máel na mBó (Leinster) mac Donnchad 1025-1072 Irish Roots
Michelle Brooks
PM and PP Yes
Turlough (O'Brien) Toirdelbach Ua Briain 1009-1086 Irish Roots
Michelle Brooks
Stephen Gerwing
PM and PP Yes
Domnall macArdgar Ua Lochlainn aka Donall MacLoghlin 1048-1121 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Muichertach macToirdelbach Mor O'Brien ?-1119 Katherine Patterson
Irish Roots
Michelle Brooks
PM and PP Yes
Turlough ‎Mór O'Conor 1088-1156 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn ?-1166 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Aodh an Macaoimh Tóinleasg O'Neill ?-1177 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Rory O'Conor aka Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair ?-1198 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Brian Catha an Duin (O'Neill) Ua Néill ?-1260 Irish Roots PM and PP Yes
Edward (Brus) de Brus 1276-1318 Irish Roots
Marc Cohen
Robert Garcia
PM and PP Yes

Please also refer to the Sub-Project Page.

Taoisigh (Deceased)

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
WT Cosgrave 1880-1965 Jason Cottrell
Irish Roots
President of the Executive Council 1922-1932 Yes
Eamon de Valera 1882-1975 Irish Roots
Leigh Murrin
President of the Executive Council 1932-1937
Taoiseach 1937-1948, 1951-1954, 1957-1959
John A Costello 1891-1976 Irish Roots
Jason Cottrell
Taoiseach 1948-1951, 1954-1957 Yes
Sean Lemass 1899-1971 Irish Roots Taoiseach 1959-1966 Yes
Jack Lynch 1917-1999 Irish Roots
Jason Cottrell
Taoiseach 1966-1973, 1977-1979 Yes
Liam Cosgrave 1920-2017 Jason Cottrell
Irish Roots
Biography required Yes
Charles Haughey 1925-2006 Irish Roots Taoiseach 1979-1981, 1982, 1987-1992
Biography required
Garret Fitzgerald 1926-2011 Taoiseach 1982-1987
Profile needs creating
Albert Reynolds 1932-2014 Taoiseach 1992-1994
Profile needs creating

Executed Easter Rising Leaders

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Roger David Casement 1864 - 1916 Sandy Culver PPP Yes
Eamonn Ceannt 1881 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Thomas Clarke 1891-1976 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Con Colbert 1888 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
James Connolly 1868 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
John Edward Daly 1891 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Sean (John James) Heuston 1891 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Thomas Kent 1865 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
John Macbride 1868 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Séan Macdiarmada
aka John MacDermott
1883 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Thomas MacDonagh 1878 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Michael Mallin 1874 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Michael O'Hanrahan 1877 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Padraig Pearse 1879-1916 Maryann Hurt Yes
William Pearse 1881 - 1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Joseph Plunkett 1887-1916 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes

Easter Rising/Civil War Leaders

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Michael Collins 1890 - 1922 David Loring
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Countess Markievicz 1868 - 1927 Kaye Garrick Already PPP No
Richard Mulcahy 1886 - 1971 Irish Roots Bio required Yes
Kevin O'Higgins 1888 - 1916 Gerard Madden Bio rewrite and sources No
Arthur Griffith 1871 - 1922 Richard Devlin
Irish Roots
Bio rewrite Yes
Liam Lynch 1893 - 1923 David Loring
Irish Roots
Needs PP Yes
Frank Aiken 1898 - 1983 David Loring
Irish Roots
Needs PPP Yes
George Oliver Michael Plunkett 1894-1944 David Loring
Irish Roots
Not PPP Yes
Eoin MacNeill 1867-1945 Jason Cottrell
Irish Roots

Irish Revolutionaries and Reformers

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Wolfe Tone 1763-1798 Wynd Castle PPP Yes
Daniel O'Connell 1775-1847 Veronica Williams
Irish Roots
Already PPP Yes
Robert Emmet 1778-1803 Valerie Kerr PPP Yes

Irish Suffragettes

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Maud Gonne 1866-1953 Irish Roots PPP Yes
Eva Gore-Booth 1870-1926 Irish Roots PPP Yes
Anna Maria Haslam 1829-1922 Irish Roots PPP Yes
Mary Teresa Hayden 1862-1942 Irish Roots PPP Yes
Kathleen Florence Lynn 1874-1955 Irish Roots PPP Yes
Helena Malony 1883-1967 Irish Roots PPP Yes
Jennie Wyse Power 1858-1941 Irish Roots PPP Yes
Frances Power Cobbe 1822-1904 Irish Roots PPP Yes

Please see this page on Irish Suffragettes for more information. These profiles were adopted June 29 2019 as they had all been orphaned.

The Troubles

Name Date(s) Manager(s) Status/Notes Action
Gerry Adams 1948- Living, profile may exist Sinn Fein politician Create profile if not extant
Bishop Edward Daly D.D. 1933-2016 None Key figure on Bloody Sunday Bio addition, PM, PP and IR
John Hume 1937- Living, profile may exist Leader SDLP, key figure in Good Friday Agreement Create profile
Mairead Maguire 1944- Profile does not exist Nobel Peace Prize Winner 1976 Create profile
Martin McGuinness 1950-2017 Profile does not exist Sinn Fein politician Create profile
Marjorie 'Mo' Mowlam 1949-2005 Profile does not exist NI Secretary Create Profile
Ian Paisley 1926-2014 None Loyalist politician PM, PP and IR
Bobby Sands 1954-1981 Nan Lambert IRA member and hunger striker Needs PM, PP and IR
Betty Williams 1943- Living, profile may exist Nobel Peace Prize Winner 1976 Create profile if not extant

Irish Saints and Religious Figures

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Saint Oliver Plunkett 1625-1681 Sunny Clark
Irish Roots

Kings of Leix Sub-Project

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Rory O'More 1600-1655 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Rory Caech O'More 1510-1546 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Rory Oge O'More 1537-1578 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Concoiccriche O'More 290-? Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Connell m'Melaghlin O'More 1490-1537 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
David m'Lisagh O'More 1310- Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Donnell m'Owny O'More 1426-1467 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Fachtna m'David O'More 1340-1377 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Gilpatrick m'Fachtna O'More 1370-1405 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Lisagh m'Neill O'More 1280-1346 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Lisagh O'More 1220-? Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Neill m'Lisagh O'More 1250-? Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes
Owny m'Gillapatrick O'More 1400-1455 Irish Roots and John Cherry PPP Yes

Please see the project Space for more information.


Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Arthur Guinness 1725-1803 Irish Roots, Phil Richardson and Andrew Sich PPP - founder of Guinness Yes

These profiles do not fit into any of the groups above but are central to Irish culture and/or history for another reason.

Other Research Projects

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
Patrick Johnson 1717-1782 Irish Roots and Connie Graves PPP Yes

Proposed Project - Norman Knights in Ireland

Name Date(s) Manager(s) PPP Status/Notes IR Template
John de Courcy 1170-1219 Irish Roots and Robert Weaver PPP Yes

A project to rationalise the profiles of the Norman knights involved in the Norman invasion of Ireland and its aftermath has been suggested. Please contact a member of the team if you are interested in this.

Project-Managed Profiles

A list of Project-Managed profiles (i.e. excluding PPPs) or those profiles identified for other action is shown below:

Project-Managed Profiles

Name Date(s) Manager(s) Status/Notes Action
Phil Lynott 1949-1986 Irish Roots Musician - needs bio and sources PMP
Finghin "Fineen of Ringrone" MacCarthy ?-1261 Irish Roots King of Desmond PMP
WB Yeats 1865-1939 Irish Roots Author PMP
Father John Murphy 1753-1798 Irish Roots Executed leader of 1798 rebellion PMP
  • A project on the 1798 rebellion could be undertaken to improve the profiles related to that event.

Ireland Profiles Requiring Attention

Name Date(s) Manager(s) Status/Notes Action
Richard Harris 1930-2002 Actor - needs profile Create profile
Dave Allen O'Mahony 1936-2005 Nathan Kennedy Comedian - needs bio, sources Highlight to Irish Notables
Terry Wogan 1938-2016 Roni Lepore Radio/TV Highlight to Irish Notables
Rory Gallagher 1948-1995 Musician - needs profile Create profile
Samuel Beckett 1906-1989 Sheila X Author - needs bio and sources Highlight to Irish Notables
Seamus Heaney 1939-2013 Author - needs profile Create profile
George Best 1946-2005 Valerie Kerr Footballer - bio needs rewrite Should be Irish Notable
Joey Dunlop 1952-2000 Motorcyclist - needs profile Create profile
Alex Higgins 1949-2010 Snooker - needs profile Create profile

Profiles From Error Reports

Name Date(s) Manager(s) Status/Notes Action
Row 4
Hansford Garvin Hamilton 1700-1772 Multiple, including Irish Roots In dispute Resolve dispute
Honora Mary (O'Flynn) Logsdon 1681-1741 Multiple IR and PP Discuss status
Row 5
Patrick (Cotter) O'Brien 1760-1806 Irish Roots PM and PP, not Irish Roots Discuss status
Thomas Francis Meagher III 1823-1867 Irish Roots PM and PP, not Irish Roots Discuss status
Row 9
Justin "Viscount Mountcashel, Lord Mountcashel" McCarty aka McCarthy 1643-1694 Multiple PM and IR Discuss status

There are also a number of profiles on row 12 of the status report, i.e. they have the Irish Roots template but are not PMed or PPed. Profile managers have been requested to replace the template.

PPPs to Discuss

The following profiles are PPP (i.e. managed by Irish Roots, have the Irish Roots template and are Project-Protected - Status Report Row 1) and do not fit into the categories outlined above.

Name Date(s) Manager(s) Description
Diarmait Airmetaig 620-689 Irish Roots and David Rentschler King of Uisnech
James (Audley) de Audley 1220-1272 Multiple Justiciar for Ireland
Francis Athy 1614-1666 Multiple Sheriff of Galway
Walter Athy 1580-1656 Multiple Unclear
Catherine (Brennan) Roberts 1784-1858 Multiple Irish convict
Muriel Enid MacDonagh formerly Gifford 1885-1917 David Loring
Irish Roots
Wife of Thomas Macdonagh
Augaire mac Ailella formerly Leinster aka Rí Laighean 870-915 Irish Roots and Katherine Wall King of Laigin
John Lowry 1630-1689 Various Gentleman
Cellach mac Cearbhall 840-908 Irish Roots and Wendy Hampton King of Osriage
Donnchad MacCellaig ?-976 Various King of Osriage
Murchad mac Diarmato 660-715 Various King of Uisnech
Donnchad Midi mac Domnaill 733-797 Various High King of Ireland
Conchobar mac Donnchada ?-833 Irish Roots High King of Ireland (with opposition)
Giollapatraic MacDonnchada 948-996 Irish Roots King of Osriage
Fergus Mór mac Eirc formerly Maceric aka macEarca 450-501 Various King of Dál Riata, King of Dalriada, Fergus the Great, 131st King of Ireland
Conall mac Fáelán 600-? Various King of Leinster
Domhnall Mac Murchada ?-763 Various High King of Ireland, King of Uisnech, King of Mide (Meath), King of Tara
Teige MacMahon Before 1615- Irish Roots and British Aristos and Veronica Williams Chief of Clare
Edward (O Flynn) O' Flynn 1663-1750 Various Unclear
Aodh "Remhar" O'Neill ?-1364 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Aodh an Macaoimh Tóinleasg O'Neill ?-1177 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Brian Catha an Duin (O'Neill) Ua Néill ?-1260 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Domhnall O'Neill ?-1325 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Eoghan Mor O'Neill ?-1456 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Malachy O'Neill 1130-1185 Irish Roots and Karen Andersen O'Neill dynasty
Murcertac O'Neill ?-1202 Irish Roots and Adam McQuery O'Neill dynasty
Niall Mor O'Neilll ?-1397 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Niall "Ruadh" O'Neill ?-1226 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Niall O'Neill formerly ONeill 1130-1176 Irish Roots and Adam McQuery O'Neill dynasty
Niall Og O'Neill 1370-1403 Irish Roots O'Neill dynasty
Teige MacGilla Patraic formerly Ossory 990-1027 Irish Roots Kingdom of Ossary
Aodh Athlomhan Uí Néill 1000-1033 Irish Roots Heir of Aileach

Project-Managed or Project-Protected Suggestions

To suggest a profile for Project Management or Project Protection, please contact:

  • {{Stevens-17832|Jen Hutton]].

Irish Notables

Profiles classified as 'Irish Notables' can be found here:
Ireland Notables Category

Status Report

Irish Roots Errors

NB Please ignore row 8; this contains errors not related to the Ireland Project. One of the goals of the team should be to keep empty all rows from 3 to 15 (excluding 8).

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Jen Hutton, Richard Devlin, and Ireland Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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