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Irish Roots Transition Team

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Go to New_Irish_Roots_Structure

This page will be used to record ALL planning decisions for the New Irish Roots Project's development. The purpose of this Planning Team for Irish Roots is to help the project membership transition to the new 'Team' approach being adopted by WikiTree Projects.

The following Team structures have been proposed:

Meeting One Agenda

  1. Introductions
  2. Overview of new approach by Richard
  3. Discussion
    1. Proposed Teams and requirements for membership (Finalize Team Names and Leaders, if possible)
    2. Documentation pages for the new Project (Each Team will be responsible for their own documentation pages)
    3. Category Structure and Naming format review (This process is underway)
      1. Who needs to be part of this review process
      2. Where discussions on this will be held
    4. Communications platform for all members - GoogleGroups to be used for all group-wide discussions.
    5. Communications platform for Team Members and Leaders - Discord (a great option for planning discussions, quick questions, etc)
    6. Membership Team (Priority #2, as members who are transitioning to the new format will need to be assigned to new teams)
      1. Maria to provide overview?
  4. Questions and Comments from Transition Team Members
  5. Adjournment

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