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IRVING One Name Study

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Surnames/tags: Irving Irvine
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About the Project

The Irving Name Study project serves as a collaborative platform to collect information on the Irving name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join the study to help make it a valuable reference point for other genealogists who are researching or have an interest in the Irving name.

As a One Name Study, this project is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Individual studies can be used to branch out the research into specific methods and areas of interest, such as geographically (England Irving), by time period (18th Century Irvings), or by topic (Irving DNA, Irving Occupations, Irving Statistics). These studies may also include a number of family branches which have no immediate link with each other. Some researchers may even be motivated to go beyond the profile identification and research stage to compile fully sourced, single-family histories of some of the families they discover through this name study project.

Also see the related surnames and surname variants.

For the Dumfriesshire, Scotland origins see #Major Divisions of the Border Irvines (Irvings).

How to Join

To join the Irving Name Study, first start out by browsing our current research pages to see if there is a specific study ongoing that fits your interests. If so, feel free to add your name to the Membership list below, post an introduction comment on the specific team page, and then dive right in!

If a research page does not yet exist for your particular area of interest, please contact the Name Study Coordinator: Bill Irving for assistance.

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It is possible to add the Clan motif but these have a copy write cover.

Research Pages

Here are some of the proposed research pages included in the study. I'll be working on them, and could use your help! Click on them to go through to the research page.


  • William (Bill) Irving (Irving-332) ONS Coordinator
  • Dee Baker (Thomson-4079) Researcher
  • Elizabeth Russon (Penman-567) Researcher

Related Surnames and Surname Variants

The Clan Irwin Website has over 200 different spellings of our name.

Clan Irwin Association,


'Tis a Poore Minde that can only think of one way to spelle a word.’

Across the history of the Clan, in literature, in genealogical records and in writings of all kinds, there have been many variations in the spelling of the name. Here is the largest aggregation known to exist. All have appeared in public record of some sort.

Airwin, Arewine, Arvinge, Arvon, Arwine, Curwen, Curwing, Curwings, de Herwyne, de Hirewine, de Hrevigne, de Iruwyn, de Erwin, de Irwin, de Irwyn, de Orvin, de Yrewyne, d'Orvin, Earewin, Earven, Earwen, Earwin, Earwing, Eirryn, Eirven, Eirvin, Eirving, Eirvyn, Eirwin, Eorvin, Eorwine, Erbeine, Erenvine, Erenwine, Erevein, Erevin, Erevine, Erewynis, Erin, Erin-Feine, Erinfeiner, Erin-Veine, Ereivine, Eriven, Erivin, Eriveen, Ernwine, Erum, Ervan, Erven, Ervening, Ervens, Ervewin, Ervien, Ervin, Ervine, Erving, Ervinge, Ervpnne, Ervion, Ervwin, Ervwyn, Erwane, Erwein, Erwin, Erwine, Erwing, Erwinn, Erwinne, Erwinski, Erwinss, Erwvin, Erwyn, Erwyne, Eryvine, Eryvyne, Eryvino, Eryvinus, Erywen, Euervinus, Eurini, Eurwings, Herwynd, Hierewine, Hirevigne, Hirewine, Hurven, Iarwin, Ieriven, Iervine, Irevin, Irevigne, Irewin, Irewing, Irewyn, Irewyne, Irin, Irn, Irrewin, Irrewing, Irrewings, Irruein, Irruen, Irruin, Irrvings, Irruwin, Irruwing, Irruwingus, Irrwin, Irrwing, Irruwyng, Irrwynnis, Irueyn, Iruiun, Iruin, Iruine, Iruing, Iruvine, Iruwyn, Iruwyne, Irltyn, Iruyne, Irrein, Irvane, Irvfein, Rveing, Irven, Irvene, Irveyn, Irvin, Irvine, Irvinee, Irviner, Irving, Irvings, Irvinge, Irrin, Irviney, Irvinn, Irvins, Irvon, Irvinue, Irvun, Irvyerins, Irvying, Irvyn, Irwan, Irwain, Irwayne, Irwaynes, Irwen, Irwein, Irweing, Irwenis, Irwein, Irwin, Irwine, Irwing, Irwinge, Irwinger, Irwingh, Irwingus, Irwinn, Irwins, Irwirn, Irwon, Irwyn, Irwyne, Irvvwng, Irwynn, Irwynnis, Irynagio, Oerin, Oeryn, Orvine, Orwin, Orruein, Ourine, Ouron, Ourren, Owyrn, Uirvine, Uirwin, Urewens, Urewing, Urowrin, Urrwine, Uruin, Urven, Urvens, Urvin, Urvine, Urwain, Urwaine, Urwan, Urwen, Urwenn, Urwens, Urwin, Urwine, Urwing, Urwins, Urviung, Urwyng, Vervine, Vrowing, Verwayn, Vruing, Vruving, Vrvin, Vrwaine, Vrwan, Vrvynn, Vrwayn, Vrwayne, Vrwen, Vrwin, Vrwm, Vrwing, Vryne, Yirwing, Yivewing, Yrewing, Yrein, Yrwen, Yrwens, Yrvin, Yrwin, Yrwing, Yrwyne

Prefixes have appeared with the name: MacIrwin, Meirwin Suffixes Have Appeared With the Name: Ervinton, Ervington, Irvainston, Irvington, Irvinghton, Irvinscow, Irwington, Irwintire, Irwuitin

John Beaufin Irving, Chieftain, Irvings of Bonshaw, wrote in 1907 “ ... yet it was all the same name and referring to members of the one Clan... ” Seventh Rewrite - August 10, 1988 - by Harry Irwin

Supplied by: William IRWIN

Additional sources are: and

World Data Analysis

FamilySearch 449, 134379,325422,625956,056
Ancestry 4,559,284 4,109,120 4,383,449 3,986,570
It is important to note that the numbers provided are estimations only and do not reflect unique records for unique individuals; a single person may be reflected in multiple records. In the case of Ancestry, these numbers also include the number of images and family trees the name appears in. In Family Search it does not differentiate between the source so names appear more than once.
  • Data last Updated 15 July 2023 by Bill Irving (IRVING-332).

Surname Mapping

Surname mapping is a useful technique for a surname DNA project. Many surnames have regional distribution patterns. Mapping the distribution of a surname at different points in time will often reveal the origin of the family name and will thus provide a narrower focus for further research and for recruitment efforts. Surname maps are generally created using information from censuses, electoral registers and telephone directories.

Consumer Data Research Centre.

The Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) works with businesses and other consumer-facing organisations to make consumer data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable to this end. The CDRC brings together world-class researchers from University College London, the University of Liverpool, the University of Oxford and the University of Leeds to offer a range of expert services to a wide range of research users. Includes a Time Map showing largest population of Irivngs with time.

Population estimates for census years

Census Year Irving Count England and Wales total census population  % of Irvings in population
Data last Updated 15 June 2022 by Bill Irving (IRVING-332).

Your Family History

Surname Distribution by county and census year.


Irving surname is the 12,163 most common surname in the world. Currently approximately 46,189 people bear this surname.


Hi, I have been collecting Irving/Irvine records into a personal database since 1983. As of August 2016 the database covers: England (18,436 records), New Zealand (1.048 Records) Scotland (47,302 records). I would like some assistance with the wider Irving community to improve Irving/Irvine records within WIkitree. Use , press visit site and fill in your search criteria, including your email address, to find Irving and then Irvine populations within the world. You will see various regions of the world displayed with colours indicating the concentrations of the family name. Selecting Canada then shows North America in greater detail, Selecting Nova Scotia (New Scotland) shows even greater detail. This program gives an overall view of where the family has emigrated to. Irvine produces slightly different results with more countries appearing as sources of Irvine records. From this overview it is easy to see that Irving/Irvine Project groups are required Australia, Canada, and the USA. I would also surmise that South Africa and India should be included, also any country previously involved in the Commonwealth. Please contact me if you are interested in the Irving_one_name_Study group Bill Irving

For those of you of Scottish descent see the work on the Scottish Clans project. They are always in need of help to clean and improve the Irvine/Irving of Scotland, from whom many of us are derived. See Clan Irvine as the lead category and also Clan Irving of Bonshaw if you are descended from the Border Reiver families.

Major Divisions of the Border Irvines (Irvings)

From: Kent L. Irvin To: James V. Elliott Cc: David B. Strong Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:41 PM Subject: Notes on Major Divisions of the Border Irvines

Discussion: The purpose of these notes is to demonstrate that six distinct and enduring branches of the Border Irvines existed as early as 1490. The heads of these families in 1490 were likely born between 1435 and 1465, with a common ancestor born around 1400. It should be noted that the Irvine lands of Luce and Pennersaugh appear to have adjoined the Bonshaw estate, and that the Irvines of Hoddam and Stakehugh held both held lands of the Lindesays of Wauchope. (1) Bonshaw: During the course of the sixteenth century there were six generations of the Irvines of Bonshaw. William Irvine of Bonshaw was mentioned in connection with events of 1484 and appears to have died in 1506. Edward Irvine of Bonshaw, son of the deceased William Irvine of Bonshaw, was mentioned in 1506. Christopher Irvine, son of Edward Irvine, had sasine of Bonshaw in 1522 and was said to have died in 1555. His son Edward Irvine of Bonshaw died in 1605 and was succeeded by his grandson William Irvine of Bonshaw, son of Christopher Irvine who died about 1583.

(2) Hoddam: The number of generations of Irvines of Hoddam is difficult to determine because the head of the family was usually named John and nicknamed "the Duke". John Irvine called "the Duke" was mentioned in 1490. In 1504 "Johannis Irwin vocat Duk" acted as surety for William Irwin in Kirtilrig ,and William Irwin in Hoddam was surety for his son William Irwin. In 1517 there was a complaint against "John Irwin, the Duke, and his clan", and a complaint was made against the Irvines of Hoddam in 1528. On 14 June1540 John Irwing, elder, called "the Duke", made a letter of reversion and regress in favor of John Lindesay of Barcloy of the forty-two shillings’ worth of land of old extent of Hoddam. About 1547 Richard Irvine called "Duke’s Richie" was bound to serve the king of England with 126 men under him, with his cousin Herbert Urwin as his pledge. On 20 May 1549 Richard Irvine called Duke’s Richie was granted the ten merk land of Hoddam which included the lands of Knockhill and Whitehill. On 25 October 1569 John Irweing, younger, son to the Duke, bound himself to enter the Duke, John Irweing, elder, as hostage for such number of the Irwingis of Hoddum as should be declared. As a result of this obligation "Johnne Irwing callit the young Duk of Hoddum" was warded in Castle Semple, to be relieved by "Jok Irwing his fader brother" and "ane of Habby [Irvine] of Turnshawis bairnis"(Register of the Privy Council). In 1583 "John Urwen called the Dukes John" was the only member of the Hoddam branch of the family named by Thomas Musgrave among the leading Irvings; he appears as "John the Young Duke" in Moneypeny’s list of the leading Irvings circa 1587. Richard Irwing of Knockhill was a witness on 1 April 1605 and was named in the Register of the Privy Council as "Richard Irwing, Duke of Hoddam" in the same year.

(3) Luce: In Luce Burial Ground there is a memorial "in the form of an inscription on the wall of the only enclosure in the burial ground" which reads: "To the memory of Jaffray Irving who purchased the 3 Markland of Luss from Lord Carlyle Anno -- and John Irving his son and Jaffry Irving his grand-son who obtained a charter of the said lands from Michael, Lord Carlyle Anno. 1542 and also John Irving his son and Jaffray Irving his son who died 18th March 1649 aged 60 years also William Irving his son who died 9th February 1719 aged 96 years also John Irving his son who died 21st April 1734 aged 65 years. Transit gloria mundi" (Memorials of Hoddam Parish, July, 1965, #370). This inscription appears to have been at least partially based on old charters in possession of the Irving family in the middle of the eighteenth century. Since Jeffrey Irving was apparently an adult when he received a charter from Michael, Lord Carlyle, in 1542, his father would likely have been an adult in 1521 and his grandfather and namesake would likely have been an adult by 1500. This is a conservative estimate, so the first Jeffrey Irving may have been born well before 1480. In 1502 Thomas Bell of Kirkonbell was surety for the appearance of Joffra Irwin in court. On 22 April 1506 Jeffry Irwin witnessed the giving of sasine to John Irwin son of David Irwin of Stakehugh of the lands of Skaill with Matthew Irwin, Edward Irwin, John Irwin of Harestanmure, David Irwin of Skaills, William Irwin, and Nichol Irwin. This suggests that Jeffrey Irving was closely related to the other Irving witnesses, who may have included the heads of the Gretna and Pennersaughs Irvine families.

(4) Pennersaughs: Matthew Irving was "dwelling in Pennersax" in 1493, and in 1512 sasine of the lands of Pennersax was given to Simon Carruthers of Mouswald "at the house of Matthew Erwing in Pennersax". In 1515 a complaint was made against "Jenkyn Irwen, Mathew Irwin [his] brother, sons to Mathew Irwin". Either the elder or younger Mathew Irvine could have been the father of Christofer Vrwen of Pounersaughes who submitted to the English with 40 men along with Cuthbert Vrwen of Robgill with 34 in 1547. Another list for the same period names "Christie Irwen, caled Mathos Cristie" with 74 men. This apparent combination of the Irvings of Pennersax and Robgill is one piece of circumstantial evidence that Cuthbert Irving of Robgill was a close relative of Matthew’s Christie. Only the Irvines of Pennersaughs and Robgill appear to have used the name Cuthbert. On 4 December 1552 a respite was granted to "Christe Irwyne [in] Pennarsakkis, John Irwyne, his sone, John Irwyne, brother to the said Christe, Matho Irwyne, bruder sone to the said Christe, Robert Irwyne in Park, Robert Irwyne alias Hobbe Irwyne, his sone, Jonet Hemmell, moder to the said Chrysty" (Register of the Privy Seal IV #1787). On 3 November 1567 Marion Carruthers in Bankis of Mouswald freely resigned her rights in a twenty shilling land called Andersoun’s croft on her marriage to Cuthbert Irvyng son of Cristell Irvyng son to Cristell Irvyng Mathews son (R. C. Reid Collection volume 129, Ewart Library, Dumfries, #73). "Cudbert Irving in Pennersax, callit of the Bankis" and his sons were mentioned in 1611 (Register of the Privy Council). Marion Carruthers of the Banks of Mouswald was possibly a daughter of David Carruthers in Banks, a witness in Dumfries in 1545 (Protocol Book of Mark Carruthers #106). Christopher Irving of Beinks (Banks) executed a deed in Dumfriesshire in 1688.

(5) Stakehugh and Skail: As in the case of Bonshaw, David Irvine of Stakehugh and his descendants appear to have accounted for at least six generations in the sixteenth century. David Erwin was mentioned in connection with Eskdale in 1490. In 1504 David Irwin was fined for failure to appear in court for his lands of Irwin and Hegeland. David Irving of Stakehugh appears to have divided his lands between two sons. John Irving received the five pound land of Skaill and possibly the five pound land of Woodhouselees, and another son appears to have received the five pound land of Irvine with its manor place of Stakehugh and the four pound land of Hegeland or Hagg.

On 22 April 1506 John Irwin son of David Irwin of Stakhewck had sasine of the five pound land of Skaill, and the witnesses included Matthew Irwin, Edward Irwin, John Irwin of Harstanmuir, Jeffrey Irwin, David Irwin of Skaillis, William Irwin, and Nicol Irwin (Mossknow Abstracts). This John Irving of Skaill was dead by 12 November 1526 when a precept of clare constat was issued instructing Symon Irving in Langholm, William Bell in Galwayside, Alexander Irving and Edward Wauch, bailies for Lord Heries, to infeft John Irving, son of the late John Irving of Scalis, in the five pound land of Scalis in the parish of Ranepatrik in Annandale and the five pound land of Vodhousleis in the barony of Kirkanders and parish of Canonbie(Mossknow Abstracts). On 6 October 1561 John Maxwell of Tereglis granted a charter to John Irving grandson and heir of the late John Irwing of Scalis of the five pound land of Scalis and the five pound land of Wodhousleis.(Mossknow Abstracts) John Lord Herries issued a precept of clare constat for infefting Richard Irving alias "Dik" Irving as heir of the late John Irving his father in the lands of Skaillis on 6 December 1606 (Mossknow Abstracts)

In 1528 complaint was made against the "Irwenes of Staikhugh, to the nombr of vj". On 27 July 1532 James V granted Robert Lord Maxwell a charter of lands in Eskdale including "8 acras Hoggislandis noncupat (clamat per Ric Irwin de Staikhuch)" (Register of the Great Seal). Since John Irving of Skaill died in or before 1526, this Richard Irving of Stakehugh may have been either a son or grandson of David Irving of Stakehugh.

In May 1592 there was a complaint by Lord Maxwell and "John Irvinge in Starkhewghe upon Mr. Thomas Carletone for taking said John out of his house in Scotland" (Calendar of Border Papers). Also in 1592 there were complaints by English borderers against "the Yrwens, called the Kanges upon the Stankhewgh" and specifically against Willie Kange, Geordie Kange, Richie Kange (Calendar of Border Papers).

The respite of 24 December 1594 to the laird of Johnstone and his followers for the slaughter of Lord Maxwell in December 1593 named Richie Irwing in Stuikuich, Ekkie Irwing his brother, Williame Irwing callit Cang. In 1607 Eckie’s Richie Irwing in Stankheuch and Willie Irwing, called the Cang, there were denounced as rebels (Register of the Privy Council).


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Comments: 3

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I have letters from the first Baron of Clyde Colin Campbell, sent to my ancestor. I am trying to figure out his name. I know he married a Fanny Walker, and was my great great great grandfather who lived in Scotland in the mid 1800s. If you want to see them I’d be happy to share
posted by [Living Brown]
Hello Bill. I've been too busy recently to chase ancestors but I intend to contact you again via e-mail when I have sorted out a few threads. I did spend some time last summer following up Irish Irwins to see if my Cumbrian folk made a diversion in that direction.

Some possible disappointments in Ireland. Some of the Irwin may be Phibbs or Routledge. James Irvine working on that. I believe that James has 'scotched' one of the Clan myths. There appears to be no genetic connection between the Irvine of Drum and the Irving of Bonshaw (of which I am a certified member). Regards, Richard Irwin

posted by [Living Irwin]
Bonshaw is well documented as pre dating Drum.

Legend has it that a son of Bonshaw Irvings was taken into service with Robert the Bruce and years later was given the land where Drum Castle now stands. This is debated by many - some say there is no relationship, that virtually all those with variants of this surname have a common ancestor or that Drum came first. Bonshaw dates back perhaps a thousand years or so and there was an Irving Castle somewhat north of Bonshaw's location today which fell into ruin when the Clan began to lose some of the vast amount of land they once held. It is said that the Clan came to Dumffrieshire from Ayrshire (where exists a town called Irvine once called Irving) and prior to that from the east coast of Ireland - prior to that from the Iberian Peninsula.

posted by Carla DeVries