
Italian Roots Regions Team

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Surnames/tags: Italy Italian Roots Project
This page has been accessed 2,063 times.
Team Leader: Chris Ferraiolo
Venice-Grand Canal
Teams Team Leader Regions Covered
Italy Central Regions Team Lazio, Marche, Tuscany and Umbria
Italy Islands Team Sardinia and Sicily
Italy North Eastern Regions Team Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol and Veneto
Italy North Western Regions Team Aosta Valley, Liguria, Lombardy and Piedmont
Italy Southern Regions Team Chris Ferraiolo Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania and Molise

Regions of Italy

FlagRegionRegione (it)CapitalCapitale(it)No. of ProvincesNo. of Communes
Abruzzo FlagAbruzzoAbruzzoL'AquilaL'Aquila4305
Aosta Valley FlagAosta ValleyValle d'AostaAostaAosta
Apulia FlagApuliaPugliaBariBari6258
Basilicata FlagBasilicataBasilicataPotenzaPotenza2131
Calabria FlagCalabriaCalabriaCatanzaroCatanzaro5409
Campania FlagCampaniaCampaniaNaplesNapoli5551
Emilia-Romagna FlagEmilia-RomagnaEmilia-RomagnaBolognaBologna9348
Friuli-Venezia Giulia FlagFriuli-Venezia GiuliaFriuli-Venezia GiuliaTriesteTrieste4218
Lazio FlagLazioLazioRomeRoma5378
Liguria FlagLiguriaLiguriaGenoaGenova4235
Lombardy FlagLombardyLombardiaMilanMilano121544
Marche FlagMarcheMarcheAnconaAncona5239
Molise FlagMoliseMoliseCampobassoCampobasso2136
Piedmont FlagPiedmontPiemonteTurinTorino81206
Sardinia Flag SardiniaSardegnaCagliariCagliari8377
Sicily FlagSicilySiciliaPalermoPalermo9390
Trentino-South_Tyrol FlagTrentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolTrentino-Alto Adige / SüdtirolTrentoTrento2333
Tuscany FlagTuscanyToscanaFlorenceFirenze10287
Umbria FlagUmbriaUmbriaPerugiaPerugia292
Veneto FlagVenetoVenetoVeniceVenezia7581

Images: 1
Flag of Italy
Flag of Italy


Comments: 3

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Hello everybody! These couple of past months I've been working on indexing birth, marriage and death records for Antenati throughFamilysearch, slooooowly some archives from the SW are coming on line... Brescia is now complete, Bergamo, Mantova and Cremona are in process. For instance, my surname entries have grown from 20-something at the start of the year to 40 this month (but I still lack the missing link to my Milano family).

Most of the archives lack the registers for the decades under the Austro-Hungarian Empire dominion. I've been trying to search in several Austrian databases, with no luck. Do you know if there're any online sources for this period?

posted by Cristina Corbellani
I've been working on some of the unconnected, unsourced profiles on the Islands Team. I got as far as the first name and just kept working at it! So Now I'm back to the 1600's and need to find out if there are any projects?? I'm trying to find what style I'm supposed to be editing in but I can't actually find an an example. Can someone direct me please?


Connie Carter

Hi Connie

These links may be useful to you

Please review https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Sources  and https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Reliable_Sources_for_Pre-1700_Profiles   

Things to bear in mind ensure a location however brief is entered on all profiles and data matches dates of profile. Avoid abbreviations, add sources with citations & links for sources to support the data. From wiki ID go to Research to find sources, which should be open and accessible to all.

Based on the work you are doing you may e interested in joining Chris by joining Team Italy - see here https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1097927/have-you-registered-for-the-2020-source-a-thon-yet? Click answer and in your comment ask to join Team Italy

Hope this helps

Janet - Pre-1700

You took the pre-1700 test for Pre 1500 profiles the is more work to be done and presented to the Pre-1500 group

Categories: Italy Project