
Italy Southern Regions Team

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Southern Team

If you are interested in helping out in the Southern Team and are not already a member of the Italy Project, please read the Italy Project Page to learn more about the project, what we do, and how you can join us!


Team Leader: Chris Ferraiolo

Team Members:


The goal of the North Southern Team is to focus on profiles of people born in the Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, and Molise regions of Italy. In order to present the best possible profiles for the North Southern Region, we are currently working on:


Central | Islands | North Eastern | North Western | Southern

Main CategoryAbruzzoApuliaBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaMolise
ArgentinaAbruzzo, to ARGCalabria, to ARG
New Zealand
United StatesAbruzzo, to USAApulia, to USABasilicata, to USACalabria, to USACampania, to USAMolise, to USA

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Comments: 11

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I've been working on adding/updating some of Zachary Quinto's family tree, since he was just featured on the TV show Who Do You Think You Are?. His father's family is from Italy, with his grandfather Michele Quinto (abt.1890-1977) coming from Lenola, Caserta, Campania, Italy. More of the family in Italy was featured in the second half of Quinto's episode, but I can't go back further myself because I don't have any experience with Italian records. Thought I'd post this here in case any one's interested in picking up where I left off.
posted by Christy Melick
Unfortunately, records from Lenola between 1866 and 1898 are not currently available online, so without those, we can't make a link from Michele to his parents. The only way to get them is to request them from the town of Lenola.
posted by Frank Santoro
But! What you can do is use the tree on the show as a source and build up using that. Just use a Who do you think you are sourcing like someone did for Valerie Bertinellli's tree:

The source would look something like this: "Valerie Bertinelli."Who Do You Think You Are (US) (Season 5 Episode 4). TLC. 13 Aug 2014.

In this case it would be "Zachary Quinto, "Who Do You Think You Are (US) " etc

Here's the father's birth record, which does have a marriage annotation to the mother

If you have trouble with Antenati, let us know!

posted by Chris Ferraiolo
edited by Chris Ferraiolo
Thanks Frank and Chris! I updated Michele's bio to include his parents, using a citation for the show, as you suggested Chris. If anyone pursues it further, here's what I used:

"Zachary Quinto." Who Do You Think You Are (US) (Season 11 Episode 6). NBC. 14 Aug 2022. Family tree shown at time stamp 25:50.

The rest of the tree from the show is as follows:

  • Michele's parents were Carlo Quinto (1864-1908) and Lucia Cafolla (1871-1945)
  • Lucia's parents were Zaccaria Cafolla (1843-1915) and Filomena di Trocchio (1844-1915)
  • Zaccaria's parents were Pietro Cafolla (b. 1801-1875) and Clemenzia Rosato (b. 1805).

It seems like they all lived in the Lenola/Fondi area of Italy, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

I'm not going to be able to make sense of those records on Antenati, but maybe one of you will. For what it's worth, I found a 50th marriage anniversary article for Michele (cited in his profile) that says he was married on 19 May 1919 at St. Peter's Church in Fondi, Italy. I don't know if any Fondi records would be available.

Michele's wife, Maria Palma Marrocco, was also born in Italy, probably in Fondi. Her 1974 obituary says she was born on 23 Mar 1891, that her parents were the late Arcangelo and Luiggia Marrocco, and that she had a surviving brother, Antonio Marrocco, living in Fondi.

posted by Christy Melick
That looks good, Christy!

I'll have to watch the episode myself to check out where they all lived. You can definitely add those profiles based on the episode if you wanted to and use that as a source. Good luck!

posted by Chris Ferraiolo
Ok, I've added them all in with just the show as the source. They're all ready if anyone wants to try to find some primary sources for them!
posted by Christy Melick
Awesome! Nice work! I think we have a "Who Do you Think You Are" category. But, I'll have to look. Thank you!
posted by Chris Ferraiolo
No problem! We do have a WDYTYA category - I just discovered it earlier today. It should already be on all those profiles.
posted by Christy Melick
Okay! Glad that is sorted. I will see about adding town categories as soon as I can.
posted by Chris Ferraiolo
My Grandparents came from Terlizzi, Bari, Italy in 1909 and 1912 to the USA and lived in Norwich, CT. Querino Toscano and Maria Giuseppe Cipriani.
posted by Laurene (Jones) Shewan
I see. If you'd like to join this team, feel free to sign up for the Italy project here:
posted by Chris Ferraiolo

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