Location: Shropshire

Surname/tag: Corbet
Here are the profiles in a line back to Charlemagne that Jack Day is currently working on. Can you help?
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Confident: Descent from Sampson Waring
Virtually all possible trails back to Charlemagne are ancestors of Sampson Waring, born in Shrewsbury in 1616, immigrant to Virginia and Maryland.
- 1. Jack is the son of Jackson Wesley Day [confident]
- 2. Wesley is the son of Rachel Vivia Cochel (Walker) Day [confident]
- 3. Vivia is the daughter of Rachel Browning (Purdum) Walker [confident]
- 4. Rachel is the daughter of Jemima (King) Purdum [confident]
- 5. Jemima is the daughter of John Duckett King [confident]
- 6. John is the son of Rebecca Duckett [confident]
- 7. Rebecca is the daughter of Sarah Haddock (Waring) Duckett [confident]
- 8. Sarah is the daughter of Basil Waring Jr [confident]
- 9. Basil is the son of Basil Waring [confident]
- 10. Basil is the son of Sampson Waring [confident]
Current Research A: Through Madog ap Gwenwynwyn and Margaret Corbet
- Sampson is the son of Basil Waring [confident]
- Basil is the son of Margery Hosier [confident]
- Margery is the daughter of John Hosier [confident]
- John is the son of Thomas Hosier [confident]
- Thomas is the son of Edward (ap Llywelyn) Hosyer [confident]
- Edward is the son of Llywelyn ap Deicws [confident]
- Llywelyn is the son of Deicws ap Hywel [confident]
- Deicws is the son of Hywel ap Ieuan [confident]
- Hywel is the son of Ieuam ap Ednyfed [confident]
- Ieuam is the son of Ednyfed Gam ab Iorwerth [confident]
- Ednyfed Gam is the son of Iorwerth Foel ap Iorwerth [confident]
- Iorwerth Foel is the son of Iorwerth Vychan ap Iorwerth [confident]
- Iorwerth Vychan is the son of Iorwerth Gam ap Owain [confident]
- Iorwerth Gam is the son of Efa ferch Madog [confident]
Unknown Confidence
- Efa is the daughter of Madog ap Gwenwynwyn [unknown confidence]
- Madog is the son of Margaret (Corbet) Owen [unknown confidence]
- Margaret is the daughter of Robert Corbet [unknown confidence]
- Robert is the son of Margaret (Brampton) Corbet [unknown confidence]
- Margaret is the daughter of Matilda (St Valery) de Brampton [unknown confidence]
- Maud is the daughter of John (St Valery) de St Valery [unknown confidence]
- John is the son of Elisabeth (Montlhéry) de St Valery [unknown confidence]
- Isabel is the daughter of Guy I de Montlhéry [unknown confidence]
- Guy I is the son of Thibault de Montmorency [unknown confidence]
- Thibault is the son of Bouchard (Montmorency) de Montmorency [unknown confidence]
- Bouchard II is the son of Hildegarde (Blois) de Blois [unknown confidence]
- Hildegarde is the daughter of Luitgarde (Vermandois) de Normandie [unknown confidence]
- Luitgarde is the daughter of Heribert (Vermandois) de Vermandois [unknown confidence]
- Herbert II is the son of Héribert (Vermandois) de Vermandois [uncertain]
- Herbert I is the son of Pepin (Vermandois) de Vermandois [unknown confidence]
- Pepin I is the son of Bernard (Carolingian) di Italia [unknown confidence]
- Bernard is the son of Carloman (Carolingian) Italia [unknown confidence]
- Pepin I is the son of Charlemagne Carolingian [unknown confidence]
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