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Jacob Bonewitz 1770 Will

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Bibliographic Notes

Jacob Bonewitz 1770 will (transcribed) in R. C. Kemmerling, "Bonewitz Will File (transcribed)," email to GeneJ, 13 May 1998, including attachment, "BON_WILL.DOC" that cites document "on file Berks Co, Pa Court House."

Jacob Bonewitz 1771 administrative documents (transcribed) in R. C. Kemmerling, "Bonewitz Admin File," email to GeneJ, 13 May 1998. including attachment, "BON_ADM.DOC" that cites document "on file Berks Co, Pa Court House."

Jacob Bonewitz 1771 inventory (transcribed) in R. C. Kemmerling, "Bonewitz Inven File (transcribed)," email to GeneJ, 13 May 1998. including attachment, "BON-INV.DOC" that cites document "on file Berks Co, Pa Court House."


The Will of Jacob Bonewitz[1]

Over the Blue Mountain in Berks County 1770 The Day of the Date the 19 September 1770 Jacob Bonewitz desires and it is his last Will that his wedded Wife Anna Maria shall have yaerly fifteen Bushels of Wheat and five Bushels of Rye, also one Bushel of Salt yearly and one Cow to be kept in foddes for her use to have the Choice in the Stable for her propoerty as long as she lives and if she will raise a young Heifer she has the Liberty till it is two years old she shall also have two Sheep on the Place she shall also have an hundred Pounds of Meat or a Hog that weighs so much she shall also have one Quarter of Flax on the Place in the best where it shall please her, of the Fruit one shall have two Rows of Apple Trees where it shall please her, of Ground Turnips and Cabbage as much as she shall want, also she will have the double chest with the Lock and Bands, the [?? Buggy] is also hers she shall use it as long as she lives, and if she will ride anywhere aboard one must give her a Horse or a Mare when she wants it, one must take her Grain to the Mill and bring it back again With these she has the Widow Seat in the House and on the Land so long as she lives except she does marry again then all that shall cease The Place is begueathed to the Daughter Christina with the Residue of the Moveables, the Son in Law shall not have Power to sell the Place or to Leize the Land as long as the Mother lives, also she shall have one pewter plate and one Basin that is hers, and of the other Household Goods, she shall use that no one dare prevent her, the Bedstead in which the old Man lay with the Bed shall belong to the Mother and shall stand and remain where they stand except if they build another House she shall again have the Choice, and shall yet give the Mother thirty Shillings in Money yearly, Also the Note which Peter Schmit, to with, Five Pounds, has to pay Jacob Bonewitz, be paid to his Wife. This is done as the Request of Jacob Bonewitz, and that He was in good Understanding when he desired the same of me. I testify with my own Hand and Subscription

Adam Mohr Peter Schmid
This is my Last Will by me Jacob Bonewitz This shall remain temporally and these eternally

Administration Documents

Jacob Bonewitz Administration Papers[2]

Know all Men by these Presents that We Anna Maria Bonewitz, Here widow, and Ludwig Kimberlin, Yeoman, Son in Law of Jacob Bonewitz late of the County of Berks, and who lived in a place over the Mountain where no Township is; Peter Schmid of the same place in the said County Yeoman and Districh Marshall of the Township of Heidelberg in the same County Yeoman --- are held and firmly bound unto Benjamin Chew Esq. Register General for the Probate of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration in and for the Province of Pennsylvania in Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds lawful Money of the said Province to be paid to the said Benjamin Chew Register General his certain Attorney Executor Administrators or Assigns To which payment well and truly to be made We do bind oweselves our Heirs Executors Administrators and every of them jointly- and Leverally for and in the Whole firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals Dated the Ninth Day of February in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Seventy One.

Whereas the above Named Jacob Bonewitz did on the nineteenth Day of September in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Seventy, Rightly and duly make his Last Will and Testament in Writing under his Hand and Seal and did publish the same before Witneses whose Names are thereto Subscribed, but did not nominate and Executor or Executrix thereof and the said Testor is since deceased (as is alledged) Which said Last Will and Testament was this Day duly proved in the Register General's Office at Reading in the County of Berks aforesaid And Whereas Administration (with the Will annexed) is granted to the said Anna Maria Bonewitz.

Now the Condition of the Obligation is such That if the said Anna Maria Bonewitz, Administrating (with the Will annexed) of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits which were of the Named Jacob Bonewitz, deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all the said Deceased within the said Province which have or shall come to the Hands Pofsefsion or Knowledge of the said Anna Maria Bonewitz or into the Hands Pofsefsion or Knowledge of any other Persons or persons for, the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Register Generals's Office at Reading in the County of Berks aforesaid at or before the Ninth Day of March next And the same Goods Chattels Rights and Credits which were of the said Deceased at the Time of his Death or which at any Time here to for have come or hereafter shall come to the Hands Pofsefsion or Knowledge of the said Anna Maria Bonewitz. or of any other Person or persons for her do well and truly administer according to Law, And further do make or cause to be made a true and just Account Calculation or Reconing of the said Administration at or before the Tenth Day of February in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy two. And all the Rest and Residue of the said Goods Chattels Rights and Credits which shall be found remaining on the said Administratria's Account the same being first examined and allowed of the Orphans Court of the County of Berks shall Deliver and pay to such Person or Persons as the said Court by it's Degree or Sentence shall limit and appoint And if it shall hereafter appear that any other Last Will and Testament of a latter Date then the Will and Testament herein before received was made by the said Deceased and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same in to the said Office making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Anna Bonewitz being thereinto Required do render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration (with the will annexed) Approbation of such Testament being first had and made in the said Office, Then this Obligation to be Void and of none Effect or else to be and remain in full force and Virtue.--

Sealed & Delivered In the Presence of Us
Anna Maria (her M mark) Bonewitz
[? unreadable] Mofer
Joshua Williams


Jacob Bonewitz Inventory.[3]

A True Inventory of all and singular the Goods and Chattels and Lands of Jacob Bonewitz Prized at this House the fourth Day of March Anno Domini 1771 by Christian Plank and Ellis Hughes of followith [__unreadable word__]

To his Riding Horse Purse and Appararel6L 7S 0D
To Horses and Chattle15L
To Hogs and Sheep3L12S
To Windmill Cutting Knife and gears1L 12S 6D
To Hay & Straw plough and harrow 2L 2S 6D
To a chest old Iron and Bags6S
To Meal Iron pot a pan and puter and Cuper woar     1L 10S
To Axes Hoes Weges and Chians12S 6D
To a Ridb Guer Steliard and bottles11S 6D
To a Bibel and looking gkafs hone and reasors1L
To a Bed and Chest and other Household Goods2L 16S
To Grain Including Wheat Rye and Oats5L 13S
To the Plantation one Hundred fifty five pounds155L
196L 3S 8D

[L (pounds)]
[S (shillings)]
[D (denare)]

[from back]

March the 5 1771
Whereas Anmary Bonewitz Wife of Jacob Bonewitz And Lodwich Camrenbin Executors and the a Praisers Personally a peered before me and and on folown afirma then Declared that all the Goods and Chattels of the said Jacob Bonawits Ware Delivered to the Pointed Praisers Ellis Hughes and Christopher Plank (signed) George Webb

March the 5 1771
Personally a peered before me Ellis Hughes and Christopher Plank and folomly afirmed that to the best of their knowledge they praised the Estate to the best of their Knowledge before me (again signed) George Webb

Berks County
I do hereby Certify that the forging Written contains an exact Copy of an Original Inventory this day exhibited in to the Register General's Office at Reading in and for the County of Berks In Testimony Where of I have here unto set my Hand and the Seal of the said Office the sixth Day of March Anno Domini 1771.--

(Originals in Berks Co,Pa Court House; note spelling above as appears in inventory)

Research Notes


  1. Jacob Bonewitz 1770 will (transcribed) in R. C. Kemmerling, "Bonewitz Will File," email to GeneJ, 13 May 1998, including attachment, "BON_WILL.DOC" that cites document "on file Berks Co, Pa Court House."
  2. Jacob Bonewitz 1771 administrative documents (transcribed) in R. C. Kemmerling, "Bonewitz Admin File," email to GeneJ, 13 May 1998. including attachment, "BON_ADM.DOC" that cites document "on file Berks Co, Pa Court House."
  3. Jacob Bonewitz 1771 inventory (transcribed) in R. C. Kemmerling, "Bonewitz Inven File (transcribed)," email to GeneJ, 13 May 1998. including attachment, "BON-INV.DOC" that cites document "on file Berks Co, Pa Court House."

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