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Jacob Braden Info

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Hamilton County, Illinoismap
Surname/tag: Braden
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Content copied over from Jacob Braden. This content is no longer accessible.

Rootsweb It is not easy to state with certainty who was the first settler within the present limits of Hamilton County, but the following are among the names of the early settlers: David Upton, who located about six miles southwest of the present town of McLeansboro, in 1816, on what is known as Knight's Prairie. Charles Heard came in a few weeks later from Rutherford County, Tenn., near Stone River, and purchased the improvements of David Upton, consisting mainly of a small log cabin. Mr. Heard brought <pg. 244> with him his wife and five children ? James M., John H., Charles H., Elizabeth and Polly. Other early settlers were John Bishop, John Hardister, William Hungate (the latter having a family of four of five children), Jacob Coffman, Gilbert Griswold, Samuel Hogg, John Townsend, Jacob Braden, Abram Irvin; John Schoolcraft and his four sons, James, John, Hezekiah and Almon, and three daughters, Nancy, Margaret and Susan; William Christopher, and Jesse Hardister; John Daily and his family of six sons and four daughters, viz.: Anderson, William, Vincent, John, Levi and Harvey, and Nancy, Jensie, Mary and Elizabeth (Nancy married Benjamin Hood, Jensie married Daniel Tolley, Mary married Job Standerfer, and Elizabeth married John Bond); Frederick Mayberry and his sons, Frederick, Jacob, George and Solomon; Samuel Biggerstaff and his sons, Hiram, Wesley and Alfred; William Hopson and Jesse Hopson, brothers; Richard Smith and his sons, Samuel and John B. Smith; William B. McLean, brother of John McLean, of Shawneetown; Freeman McKinney, brother-in-law of William B. McLean; Thomas Smith and Randolph Smith, each with a large family; Townsend Tarlton, one of the members of the first county commissioners' court; Robert Witt; Richard Lock and his sons, John, Jonas, William and Samuel; Mastin Bond, father of John Bond; Andrew Vance and family; Adam Crouch; John Buck, son of Frederick Buck, of Gallatin County, and his sons, John and William; John Ray, John, James, Caleb and Matthew Ellis; Jesse C. Lockwood, brother of Judge Lockwood, of the Illinois Supreme Court; Chester Carpenter, a Baptist preacher, and his son, Milton Carpenter, also a Baptist preacher, and afterward State treasurer; Dr. Lorenzo Rathbone, and John Anderson, whose daughter married Dr. Rathbone; Gabriel and Edmund Warner, A.T. Sullenger, John Willis, Merrill Willis, Hardy C. Willis, Elijah Burriss; John Moore, father of Mrs. Charles Heard, and his sons, James, Alfred and Green; Levi Wooldridge, in the southeastern part of the county, and John <pg. 247> Wooldridge, near the present site of Hoodville; Job Standerfer, William Denny and James Lane, Sr., the latter coming into the county in 1818, from Sumner County, Tenn., with his family, consisting of his wife and sons, William, Leaven, Thomas, James, Jr., (afterward county judge), and L.B. Lane and daughters, Sadie, Lavina, Elizabeth and Mary. Lewis Lane, another son of James Lane, Sr., came at the same time as the head of a family, bringing his wife, Mary, and two children, Joel P., and Eliza (who is now living as the widow of Lewis Prince, her second husband, the first having been a Mr. Biggerstaff.) Mr. Grimes and his sons William and "Don," came in 1818, probably from Kentucky. John Biggerstaff, a brother of Samuel, was also an old settler, and a Mr. Billings and his sons, Henry and William, came in 1817. Robert Wilson, with his wife and daughter Eliza, came from Kentucky. William Allen and his sons, John and Jacob, and Thomas Garrison were also early pioneers. Some of those who settled in the northeast part of the county in early days were Mr. Rador, Adam Thompson and sons, William Porter, Hiram and Eli York (brothers from Kentucky), Thomas White and sons, Hugh and Thomas; James Hopson, John Palmer, Michael Smithpeter; Langston Drew and his sons, John and William, and daughters, Elizabeth, Frances and Nancy; Samuel Martin and wife and two sons, and two daughters, Lewis Thomas with his wife and two daughters, from White County, Tenn., Hiram Thomas, wife, and sons, and Mrs. Lewis F. Peter and Samuel, and two or three daughters, John Davis, Jesse Moore, from Tennessee, with his wife and four sons and four daughters; a Mr. Sexton and his son Harvey, Edward and William Compton, and Lewis Thompson (who married a Sexton, and became very wealthy). In the southern part of the county were James Twigg, who came in 1822, from Rutherford County, Tenn., after whom Twigg Township was named, and who is still living at the age of eighty-three.; Henry Hardister came as a young man; John Burnett and family, <pg. 248> Isaac Johnson with a large family; Robert Johnson and his sons, John L. and G.W.; Samuel Wilson and Charles and three daughters; Jacob Braden, in 1819, with five or six sons; Jesse C. Lockwood, Charles Phelps, Gilbert Griswold; Richard Waller, with wife, three sons and three daughters; John Douglass, from Tennessee, with wife and sons, James, Hezekiah and Hugh, and three or four daughters; "Hal" Webb, David Keazler; John and John S. Davis, from South Carolina; Mr. Young, with his wife; Hugh Gregg; Samuel Flannigan, with a large family; Uriah Odell and two brothers, and William, Charles and Christopher Hungate. Some of those in the vicinity of Knight's Prairie were Robert Page, from South Carolina, with three sons and some daughters, Capt. Hosea Vise and Nathaniel Harrison; Nimrod Shirley, with a large family; John Hall, grandfather of the present lawyer, John C. Hall, of McLeansboro; Richard Maulding, William James; William Lane, wife, two sons and three daughters; Lewis Lane, grandfather of Gov. Henry Warmoth, of Louisiana, who was born in McLeansboro about the year 1840; Martin Kountz, John Griffey, John Shaddock; Robert Clark, wife, three sons and three daughters; Thomas, Hiram and John Barker, from Kentucky; Samuel Beach, who afterward moved to Wayne County; William Hall, father of the present sheriff of the county; Elijah, John, William and Robert Kimsey, each with a large family; Jeremiah McNimmer, William P. Procter, David Procter, Reuben Procter, Isaac McBrown, and Hazel, Calvin, John, Henderson and Robert McBrown, Joseph Shelton, Nathan Garrison; Mr. Stull, wife and son James, who is still living; William Stearman, Martin Stearman, Mr. Lowery and son John Lowry, Elliott W. and Young S. Lowery, all from Tennessee; Hazel Cross and family, Pleasant Cross and family, Mr. Whitewell and family, Isaac Going and family; Thomas Burton and family, consisting of wife, four sons and five daughters; Reuben <pg. 249> Oglesby; William Johnson, wife and two sons, Jesse and Eli; Ephraim and Thomas Cates, both with families; Philip Bearden and family; a portion of the above in the northwest part of the county. Samuel McCoy and O.L. Cannon, from Ohio, settled in the vicinity of the present Dahlgren, and also Henry Runyon and George Irvin, in 1822, in the same part of the county. A.M. Auxier settled in the northern part of the county, or in Wayne County. Auxier's Creek and Auxier's Prairie were named after him. His son, Benjamin Auxier is well remembered from a difficulty he had with a man named Grant, occasioned by jealousy of the latter with reference to some woman whose name is not to appear in this history. In connection with the affair Grant swore he would kill Auxier, and Auxier, wishing neither to be killed nor to kill Grant, caught him in the woods, bound him to a log with a strong withe across his neck, and put out both of his eyes.

No longer accessible ] Individual Record Name: Jacob Braden Sex: Male Birth: 13 Jun 1798 Virginia Death: 16 Dec 1875 Posey Co, IN Burial: 20 Dec 1875 Posey Co, IN Spouses: 1.X Johnson, Nancy - born: 1801 Notes: The Braden family came from England to Brodentown, Florida. Then migrated from there to Illinois through Christian Co., KY[ john_des.FTW] Copyright © 1996-2005 Fficiency Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Children: 1.Braden, Alfred - Birth/Chris: 1 Dec 1820 @ 2.Braden, Albert - Birth/Chris: 1822 @ 3.Braden, John Mills - Birth/Chris: 1823 @ 4.Braden, Henry - Birth/Chris: 1828 @ 5.Braden, James - Birth/Chris: 13 Jan 1829 @ 6.Braden, Susannah - Birth/Chris: 10 Apr 1831 @ 7.Braden, William - Birth/Chris: 1833 @ 8.Braden, Andrew J - Birth/Chris: 1834 @ 9.Braden, Jacob - Birth/Chris: 1835 @ 10.Braden, Flavious Josephus - Birth/Chris: 1836 @ 11.Braden, Elizabeth J - Birth/Chris: 17 Nov 1837 @ 12.Braden, Nancy E - Birth/Chris: 1845 @

No longer accessible

Boards > Surnames > Braden URL: Subject: Re: Thomas v. Alexander (Eric Von Braden) Author: Michele Date: 05 Feb 2005 7:51 AM GMT Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did Alexander Braden ever live in Illinois? I descend from Jacob and Nancy Johnson Braden and have a copy of Jacob's obit. It was in the "McLeansboro Times", January 1, 1876. In part it says he was born the 3rd day of June 1798 in Virginia, moved when small with his parents to TN, where they lived until Jacob was around 10 years old, when they moved to KY. In 1819 the father of Jacob Braden came to Illinois and settled in the wilds of Hamilton County. It is very long - but it also says he and his wife raised 11 children all of whom lived to be grown men and women. In the "History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin, and Williamson County, Illinois" published in 1887 it says (in Hamilton County Section )Jacob Braden came in 1819 with five or six sons. I think this reference has to be Jacob's father who came to Illinois with five or six sons, not Jacob himself as he didn't marry Nancy until 1820 in White County, IL, and would have been too young to have 5 or 6 sons. Either his own fathers name was Jacob, which I think they confused Jacob's name with his father, or it has to be an older Braden - Jacob's father - who came with 5 or 6 sons. I think this kind of points to Thomas Sr. The obit was written at the time of Jacob's death and I believe it to be a more accurate, the history was written 11 years after his death so is more likely to have a mistake. When thing which is consistant is some Braden came to Illinois with 5 or 6 sons and I believe it has to be Jacob's father.



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