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Jacob Pennington will 1762

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Date: 1762 [unknown]
Location: Charlestown, Berkeley County, SCmap
Surnames/tags: Pennington Berkeley County, SC
This page has been accessed 220 times.

This is a transcription of Jacob Pennington's 1762 will in South Carolina.

Jacob (son of Abraham Pennington) died Sept 16, 1774, Charleston, SC
His will of 1762 mentions wife Mary, daughters, Mary Noble, Abigail Cassey, Sarah Bright, Elizabeth and Delilah Pennington, and Charity (no last name listed. He only had girls when the will was written).

In the name of God Amen. I Jacob Pennington of Berkley County and province of South Carolina being in bodily health and of perfect Mind and Memory, thanks be to Almighty God therefore: Calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed unto all men once to die; do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me, I order and dispose of in manner and form following, after payment of my funeral charges, and all other my just debts, imprimis
- I gave and bequeath unto my loving wife Mary, one negroe Girl named Bella, one bay gelding now called Horse, one Woman’s saddle and bridle, with all and singular her wearing apparel, one feather bed and furniture thereunto belonging and the plantation whereon I now dwell during her widowhood, also a negroe fellow named Simon, two work horses, plow and tackling during the said term, also four cows and calves at her choice out of my stock.
- Secondly I order as much money to be paid out of my estate unto my daughter Mary Noble as will defray the charge of procuring two hundred acres of vacant land.
- Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Abigail Cassey one cow and calf.
- Fourthly I order forty pounds current money to be paid out of my estate unto my daughter Sarah Bright.
- Fifthly I order that the plantation whereon I formerly dwelt containing four hundred and fifty acres situate at the mouth of Indian Creek be equally divided between my two daughters Elizabeth and Delilah Pennington.
- Sixthly, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth one sorrel mare which I bought of John Gilder with her increase since said purchase, with two cows and calves.
- Seventhly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Delilah a bay mare with a star branded on the near should D and on the thigh F with her increase also two cows and calves.
- Eighthly I order that if it should please God that my wife be safely delivered of the child wherewith she now goeth and that it should live either until her second marriage or death, then the plantation whereon I now live be sold and one half of the money thence arising to paid unto the said child if of age or to otherwise be put out to interest for its use until of age. N.B. Said plantation is in two surveys one of 200 and the other of 50 acres.
- Ninthly I order and appoint that all and singular other my estate be equally divided between my loving wife, her children and my daughter, Charity, and if any of them decease minors, the survivors be co-heirs.
- Tenthly and lastly, I order and appoint my loving wife and my son-in-law James Bright executors of this my Last Will and Testament, utterly revoking all former wills by me made. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this seventh day of December in the Year of our Lord 1762.
Signed sealed and published by Jacob Pennington to be his Last Will and Testament in presence of us: Abraham Pennington, Reuben Flannagan and Issachar Willcocks.
(Signed) Jacob Pennington
Recorded in Will Book 1774-1779, page 169 & secured from Clerk of Superior Court at Statesville, SC.

other court records show:
22 Jul 1784, after Jacob died, Levi Casey (brother of his two sons-in-law, Moses Casey & Randolph Casey) was appointed guardian of his 3 young children: Ruth, Jacob & Naomi.

25 Dec 1784:  Charles King and Levi Casey received from Abraham Grey and his wife (Mary, widow of Jacob Pennington) 200 pounds sterling for full and fair portion of the estate of Jacob Pennington, deceased, belonging to Ruth, Jacob, and Naomi.

Nov 1789:  John Thomas verified under oath that Ruth, Jacob, and Naomi, Charles King and Levi Casey, were all satisfied with the settlement.  As Joint Guardians and Trustees, of the legatees, Abram Grey, Mary his wife, and James Bright as executors were fully satisfied.

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