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James Bryan Lee Sr. Sandbox

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James Bryan Lee was born on 20 Oct 1768 in Prince Edward County,Virginia, his father was Thomas Lee and his mother was Mary Bryan. He married (1) Mary Lewis about 1790. She was born about 1770 in of Hawkins Co., TN. She died before 1793. He then married (2) Nancy Ann Mays about 1800.[1] She was born in 1770 in Henry County,Virginia. She died on 08 Nov 1841 in Knox County, Kentucky. They had five children in 11 years. He died on 25 Dec 1837, in Pleasant View, Kentucky, at the age of 69.
Military: War of 1812[2] [3]
Buried in Whitley, Kentucky[4] This is a mixture of two different people


Proof of the birth of James Lee was found through the application of Celia Faith Bollich DAR National Number 470050, Ancestor Number A068595, who was accepted into The Daughters of The American Revolution with Revolution with the affidavits she submitted to her ancestry to James Lee. She being the descendent of James Lee and Nancy Mayes. Celia Faith Bollich's certification was done using James Lees' pension papers SR6250 that proved his service in the American Revolutionary War. Stating his birth date and place as 1770 Prince William County Virginia and Death 25 Dec 1836 Pulaski Co. Kentucky. National number 470050 approved and accepted October 1, 1984. Service Description: 1) Captain Strother Jones; Cols Grayson and Nathaniel Gist 2) General Charles Scott; CL


Father: [Lee-7459|Thomas Lee] b: 03 Dec 1729 Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight, Virginia
Mother: [Bryan-1224|Mary Bryan] b: 14 Nov 1745 in Lewiston, Bertie, North Carolina


[Mayes-1524|Nancy Mays] b: abt 1770 in Henry Co., Virginia


  1. Mary "Polly" (Lee) Sands b. 1795, Virginia
  2. Rebecca (Lee) Cox b. abt 1796 in Virginia
  3. Sarah "Sally" (Lee) Bain b. 1801
  4. Nancy Ann (Lee) Cox b. abt 1801 in Virginia
  5. Hannah (Lee) Rose b. 11 Feb 1802 in Knox Co., KY
  6. Caroline Lee b. 1804 in Fayette, Virginia
  7. James Lee Jr. b. 16 Jul 1806 in Fayette, Virginia
  8. Ferraby (Lee) Johnson b. abt 1814 in Knox Co., KY
  9. Catherine (Lee) Fuson b. abt 1814
  10. Benjamin Lee b. aft 1814


  1. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Married in 1800 to Nancy Mays, Birth Place Virginia, Marriage Place Virginia, Birth Year 1770
  2. 25 Regt. (Smith's) Virginia Militia, Roll Box: 124, Microfilm Publication: M602
  3. U.S., War of 1812 Service Records, 1812-1815
  4. Find A Grave: Memorial #182114680
  • "United States Census, 1790," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XH2M-84J : accessed 13 November 2018), James Lee Sr, Johnston, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 481, NARA microfilm publication M637, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 7; FHL microfilm 568,147.
  • Name: James Lee Township: Big Poplar Creek County: Knox State: KY Year: 1820 Roll: M33_23 Page: 300 Image Number: 169 Image: James Lee over 45 female over 45 male 16, female 10, female 16, female 26 1820 United States Federal Census for James Lee
  • Name: Lee, James, Sr. Township: Unknown Townships County: Knox State: Kentucky Year: 1830 Roll: M19_38 Page: 249 Image: 489
  • "History of Knox County Kentucky" by Elmer Decker......States that James Lee was a Revolutionary War Veteran from Virginia
  • Knox County Survey Book A, Transcript of Survey Book submitted by Janet Foster. Page 386, leaf 140, Knox County Sect. Jan. 6th, 1817’ Surveyed for James Lee, Assee. of Joshua Tye, 40 acres of land by virtue of part of a Kentucky Land Office Warrant No. 1269 and bearing date, Nov., the 4th, 1816. Situate Lying in Knox County on Poplar Creek: (see next page) (Page 387, leaf 140 continued) Benijah Harp} H.C.M., Pearce D. Hamlin, Jas. Lee, Marker, Jo. Gillis, D. S. For George W. Craig, S.K.C.
  • Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776 Certificates. Rank - Induction: PRIVTE Roll Box:123 Roll Description: Continental Troops James Lee received land grants totaling 640 acres in Knox County
  • U.S. Pensioners, 1818-1872 - Ledgers of Payments, 1818-1872, to U.S. Pensioners Under Acts of 1818 Through 1858 From Records of the Office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, 1818-1872; (National Archives Microfilm Publication T718, 23 rolls); Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, Record Group 217; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
  • Before the gap Census data ABBR Before the gap Census data TEXT Name: Benjn Cox Township: Not Stated County: Abbeville State: South Carolina Year: 1790 Roll: M637_11 Page: 59 Image: 0273 Name: Jno Cox Township: Not Stated County: Abbeville State: South Carolina Year: 1790 Roll: M637_11 Page: 59 Image: 0273 Name: Source Citation "Pedigree Resource File," database, Family Search (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGK8-9WG : accessed 4 January 2012), entry for James Bryan /Lee/.
  • * 1820 United States Federal Census - 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Big Popler Creek, Knox, Kentucky; Page: 300; NARA Roll: M33_23; Image: 173
  • * 1830 U S Federal Census for Knox County, KY. James Lee, Sr. Males one age 5-10; one age 10-15; and one age 60-70. Females one age 20-30; one 60-70. Marriage 1 Nancy MAYSE b: abt 1770 in England Children: James LEE b: 1806 in VA, Sarah "Sally" LEE b: abt 1800 in VA, Nancy Ann LEE b: 1801 in VA, Hannah LEE b: 11 Feb 1802 in VA, Rebecca LEE b: abt 1795 in VA, Caroline LEE b: 1804 in VA, George LEE b: 1810 in KY, Benjamin LEE b: abt 1815 in KY, Ferraby LEE b: 1814 in KY, Mary "Polly" LEE b: abt 1800 in VA, Catherine "Kitty" LEE b: abt 1816 in KY
  • * Kentucky, Land Grants, 1782-1924 - Jillson, Willard Rouse. The Kentucky Land Grants. Vol. I-II. Louisville, KY, USA: Filson Club Publications, 1925. Grantee: James Lee Sr. Number of Acres: 100. Survey Date: 25 Oct 1832. County: Knox and Whitley. Watercourse: Big Poplar Cr. Book Number: C-2
      • In Process of Working ***

Mary Pennington

  • Whitley County Kentucky Court Records. ABBR Whitley County Kentucky Court Records. Mary Pennington was born in Tennessee; her parents were both born in Tennessee. Mary was 21 years old on 30 Mar 1870 ABBR Whitley County Kentucky Court Records.

Descendants Report



  • Botetourt County, Virginia, Genealogy Tax List for 1780 and 1790 Phillip, James, James, Andrew, Lee

North Carolina

  • 1790 CENSUS ABBR 1790 CENSUS TEXT Name: Jno Mays Township: Not Stated County: Burke State: NC Year: 1790 Roll: M637_7 Page: 108 Image: 0061 Name: James Lee Township: Not Stated County: Burke State: NC Year: 1790 Roll: M637_7 Page: 109 Image: 0064 Name: James B Lee Township: Not State


  • James Lee, Sr. Grant of land for revolutionary services 17 2 Petition 21 Rev. Pensions Lee, Jas & Wm. Acres: 160 Book: 5 Survey Date: County: watercourse: Page: 304 Township: N W Qr Sec 21 Range:T-2 R-1 W Reference: The Kentucky Land Grants Volume 1 Part 1 Chapter VII Grants West Of Tennessee River (1822-1858) The Counties Of Kentucky page 841 Grocities
    • Family Search™ Pedigree Resource File Pedigree Resource File - Compact Disc #33 1392962-0723101194749 Parents: Father: Thomas Lee Capt Disc #33 Pin #296172 Mother: Mary Bryan Disc #33 Pin #296173 Birth: 20 Oct 1768 Place: VIRGINIA

Census after Death Doesn't Belong Delete

  • Name: Lee, James Township: Unknown Townships County: Knox State: Kentucky Year: 1840 Page: 310
  • Name: Lee, James Year: 1850 County: Knox Township: Unknown Townships State: Kentucky Page: 355 1) Source Information: Film Number: 170659 2C180 Page Number: 1079 Reference number: 23608 FHL US/CAN Film 170650

To be Deleted

??? * Judith Steptoe History of Wilkinson County [Georgia]. Authors Meyer Davidson, M. D., Victor Davidson. Edition reprint. Publisher Genealogical Publishing Com, 2009, retrieved 2014-07-26, amb There is not a Steptoe connection to this Lee Line, needs to be deleted.

Irish Records

    • Family records state that he was born in North Ireland, resideded in Knox and/or Whitley County, KY.
    • Knox Co KY Marriage Record for James Lee, Jr. Show his Father's Place of birth as Ireland.
    • Notes from Carol Golden have Londonderry as town of birth in Ireland.
    • Latter Day Saints IGI Record British Isles has born in Ireland ABT 1765.
    • Powers/Lee Family Entries: 1798 Updated: 2010-03-06 17:45:14 UTC (Sat) Contact: Joyce Riley, ID: I30498171. Name: James LEE, Given Name: James, Surname: Lee, Sex: M. Birth: abt 1770 in Londonderry, Ireland, Death: 25 Dec 1837 in Knox Co, KY

By: Suzanne Hye

  • Family Group No. 4-D by Mrs. Ercell Cooper, Phoenix, AZ and Joyce Caddell, Burgin, KY 1979. Citation Needed Found changes stating he was born in Ireland???
Family records state that he was born in North Ireland, resideded in Knox and/or Whitley County, KY.
  • Family records and research by Pricia Fern Burk Paulkovich. Citation Needed Found changes stating he was born in Ireland???
    • "Irish Identity - Lee - English but most Irish bearing this name are native. Usually the Anglicization of Maclaoidhigh or Mac an Leogha. Connected to the Galway O’Flaherty’s and other identified locations include north Connacht and the Limerick-Cork sector." Source: Irish Identity

502 Bad Gateway http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/Delta/7003/pgtax1787b.html

Found the following on WayBackMachine

Prince George Co,Va Tax Records 1787 Prince George Co,Va Personal Property Tax Roll 1787 © copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler

NOTE: Do Not include in an archive, Do NOT include in any Material for sell….ie books, CD's, floppys,or Newsletters.


HALL, John HALL, Instance HARRISON, William Sr HARRISON, Benjamin HARRISON, Nathaniel HARRISON, Ann HARRISON, James HOBBS, Barned HARRISON, Thomas HARRISON, John HARRISON, Edmund HARRISON, Nathaniel (estate) HALABURTON, William HATHAWN, Isham HEATH, Austin HALL, William HOBBS, William HADDON, Francis HEATH, Henry HEATH, Jessie HEATH, Thomas HOLLINGSWORTH, Thomas HOBBS, Thomas HOBBS, Benjamin HOBBS, Jessie HARRIS, Thomas Sr HOBBS, David HOBBS, John HARRISON, Robert Jr HARRISON, Robert Sr HILL, Michel HILL, Jessey HARRISON, James William HARRISON, John HARRISON, Samuel HARRISON, Thomas Sr HUNICUTT, Samuel HARRIS, Thomas HACKNEY, Boswell HUNICUTT, John HUNICUTT, Ephriam HUNICUTT, Edward HOLLOWAY, Sarah HALL, Thomas HOBBS, Eathreld HALL, Henry HEATH, Joseph HOBBS, Thomas HEATH, Abraham HARRISON, Benjamin HUNICUTT, Thomas HUNICUTT, Robert HOLONDSWORTH, John HARRISON, Richard (estate) HOBBS, Frederick HOBBS, Elizabeth HARRISON, William HUNICUTT, Robert HEATH, Abraham HEATH Ambrose HEATH, Durham HEATH, Sarah HARWELL, Leonard HARWELL, Marke HARWELL, Randal HARWELL, Thomas HUNICUTT, William HUNICUTT, Wike HANSON, Daniel HEATH, Daniel HOBBS, Thomas HOBBS, James HAMBLIN, John HOLLOWAY, Herbert HARRISON, Rebeckah HOBBS, Benjamin HILL, Turner HOLLAND, James HAMMOND, York HOLLAND, James HACKNEY, Joshua


IMREY, John IVEY, George IVEY, Joshua


JONES, Peter JONES, William JONES, Cadwalader JOHN, Joshua JONES, William JORDAN, Josiah JACKSON, Joseph JACKSON, Turner




LEE, Thomas LEE, John LANTROOP, Ledbetter LANTROP, Rebekah LANTROOP, Jessie LOVSEY, William LOVSEY, Randolph LOVSEY, Jessie LOVSEY, Burwell LESONGERG, John LEWIS, Ambrose LEITH, Stephen LEDBETTER, Wood LOVSEY, Drury LEE, Samuel LEE, Peter LEE, John LEITH, James LEE, Nathaniel LEE, Edward LOVSEY, William LOVSEY, Thomas LANTROOP, Mary LEE, Simons LEE, Amey LEE, Jesse LEE, Herbert LANTROOP, William LOVSEY, Burwell LOVSEY, Thomas LEWIS, John LEWIS, Agness LACEY, Conoley George LANTROOP, John LEANARD, Vandevan LOVSEY, Amos LOVSEY, Isham LEITH, Charles LEDBETTER, Joseph LEE, John Taylor LEE, James LEWIS, Wilson


MICHERSON, William MATOX, Thomas MORRISON, David MAJORFIELD, John MECHAM, Mary MEACHAM, Thomas McCUNN, John MITCHEL, Reps MURE, Francis MORRISON, Theod'k MORRISON, Alexander MEEDE, David MARKES, William MINGEY, John MORRISON, John MORGAIN, Thomas MORGAIN, Charles MORE, John MORE, Banister MORRIS, Lewis McCann, Mary McCANN, Thomas MOODY, Blanks MARKES, Nathaniel MOYLER, John MURPHEY, William MATOX, Joseph MATOX, Arch'd MOODY, Frances MARKES, Edward McKINDERY, Duncan MARTIN, James MOYLER, John McDuel, William McDonald, Agnes MAJOR, William McLAREW (?) Daniel MACKIE, Robert McARTHER, William McCLAIN, Thos. McDuel, William


NIBLET, Edward NEWELL, Thomas NEWELL, Edward NEWELL, Edward Jr NEWELL, William NICKSON, Barnaby NIBLET, Edward Jr NEUGENT, John NEUGENT, Wyet NEWELL, James NEWELL, Benjamin


ORGAIN, David O.




RICE, Richard REESE, El (?) REESE, William REESE, Frances RUSSELL, Phill ROBERTSON, William ROSSER, Burwell REDDING, Joel REDDING, John RAINS, Nathaniel REIVE, James ROSER, Kinchen ROSES, Peter REIVES, Barthia REIVES, Thomas ROSSER, Sarah ROSSER, Martha ROSSER, David REIVES, Joel RAINS, Ephriam RAINS, John RAINS, Thomas RAINS, Pheby RUDD, James REIVES, Timothy Wm. REIVES, Timothy Capt RUFFIN, Edmund Sr RUFFIN, Edmund Jr RUFFIN, George REDDING, Elizabeth REESE, Richard RICHERSON, Richard RICHERSON, John RICHERSON, Richard Jr ROSER, John RIVIS, John RIDING, Charles RIEVES, Blanks REDDING, Anderson RION, William RAINS, Cad RAGSDALE, William RAGSDALE, Frederick RAGSDALE, Benjamin REESE, William REESE, William Jr RIEVES, Briggs RIEVES, amey RUFFIN, Frances

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